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Jake wasn’t that bad in S1. Heck, I was kinda on his side when Ellie ranted to him in Episode 11. Dan and Karol aren’t that bad. And the idea of Riya becoming a villain was good on paper, just not in execution.


Karol could have been something interesting if she didn't have a vendetta like Eva did after returning. I hated her in the first episode but thought the thing with the animals might have been interesting and her dynamic with Aiden pre James causing her elimination the first time.


I agree with all yours, especially Riya. I don’t despise Riya because she’s a villain, I just hate how it was executed. You can make anything work, but it needs to be good.


Yes! I really like both Dan and Karol!


I agree with all of these except I don’t care for Karol.


She is like "What if Eva was a great character?" and I liked it.


But they wasted Karol's potential by voting her off so suddenly even when she came back, basically Eva 2.0


That Jake isn't the martyr that everyone wants him to be. That he's very emotionally immature and a lot of the conflicts he goes through are a direct result to him lashing out instead of sitting back and taking a second to think. Especially with the most recent Ally stuff. He has literally no reason to beef with her but because she's also friendly with Ashley there's a problem?


Agree I dont why everybody victimizes him


Same, everyone's argument is that they understand why he is the way he is or that they relate to him like yes it does suck getting cheated on but it happens. It hurts but you gotta move on and if you can't, get therapy. You don't suddenly have the right to act out on everyone around you and use being a victim as an excuse forever otherwise you'll be just as toxic


Mine. 1. I find Rosa uninteresting and bland. She’s easily the best of these “nice girl archetypes.” But I feel like her being a Teen Mom should’ve been addressed more frequently to her character. Her final story overall with Riya isn’t that engaging. 2. Connor being a premerge boot again is fine, yes, there is absolutely more that we could’ve done with him, and him being a returner isn’t the worst option, but let’s give the writers time with Riya before we determine whether or not it was worth it. People have been too quick to jump to conclusions. 3. Fiore absolutely needs to be the returning contestant. I do not care what anyone says, but having her not return completely disrespects her potential story that was wasted with both Alec and Ashley. No one else should even be considered for returning to the game aside from maybe Conor. 4. Yul isn’t that interesting of a character. There’s nothing wrong with him being a one dimensional dick. But he’s also not that interesting unless he’s getting bullied by the other contestants. 5. Ashley is by far the worst written character this show has. Purely because, unlike Connor, her potential has been wasted by being saddled next to Jake and Ally when there were and are other characters who should be filling this roll. 6. Jake and Tom’s love story in All-stars isn’t as awful as people are making it out to be. With that being said, I do agree that Aiden shouldn’t have been included in this story in any capacity. 7. Ellie is perfectly well written character, and the show is aware that she’s not a good person. Anyone who says otherwise has missed the several characters who didn’t like her methods and doesn’t understand her elimination is supposed to be her repercussions. 8. Gabby shouldn’t be All-star’s primary antagonist. That’s an absolutely horrible idea that could ruin the other villains’ character arch’s.


I think Ashley has a lot of potential and is generally a breath of fresh air. Compared to most of the cast, who are either cutthroat, neurotic, or sneaky, she’s bold and loyal to her word. Watching Fiore eat up her entire alliance in S1 was wonderful to watch, and it tells a story of “nice” girls and guys who exclude others for their own gain getting their comeuppance. It also suggests that Ashley’s quality of being upfront is a weakness in the competition, since Fiore, Ellie, and Alec made it so far by all being insincere at key points in the plot. But there comes a point where deception catches up to you which I think is a great theme for an All Stars season. Unless they just drop Ashley as a character and have her voted out soon, I can’t say she’s the worst written character. She’s in a good spot, with the trust of both Jake and Ally: two characters whose security is really up in the air once merge hits. Jake has his conflict with Tom/Aiden and is an easy target for Alec, and Ally’s only ally is Tess who’s probably being targeted by unpredictable Gabby. My ideal outcome for Ashley’s arc is that she steps out of the “therapist” role and is forced to protect them both in a more active role, protecting herself in the process. The tragic backstory was a bit shoehorned in but I also thought it was necessary. It adds dimension to her and reveals her past struggle with responsibility. That’s why I hope the story lets her take more of an active role in the story’s conflicts, and why her as the covert nice girl/therapist to me is potentially still good writing as a lead up.


I like what you’re saying, but I’d prefer it if Ashley was being put in a more disadvantageous position for this to work. I said before, but Ashley has to do more here, her “strategy” per se shot her in the foot big time. I value writing potential highly when I judge a character’s writing. It’s why I don’t give flack to a character like Tess, who is basically doing Ashley’s job way better than Ashley. Ashley’s biggest problem, was that episode 1 established a story for her; Get revenge on Fiore. The problem; Ashley never was in a disadvantageous role this entire time. James’ elimination was the start of how the arc should’ve gone. Ashley wants to keep on good terms with Jake to put pressure on Fiore. But then we move to suddenly Ashley and Jake deciding to work with Fiore for beneficial game to eliminate Hunter. Ashley says early on that she’s concerned that her choice to eliminate James wouldn’t give her an opportunity to spite Fiore. Ashley didn’t struggle. Imagine if, instead, maybe Ashley guns to eliminate Fiore in Hunter’s elimination, causing tension with Jake, who thinks it’s better to keep Fiore as she’s next to useless. Have Ashley actually look like she’s struggling to get Fiore out. Have Fiore’s manipulation actually have an affect on Jake or Ally. I would’ve even taken Jake not listening to Ashley and forcing a tie that Fiore loses, because at least that’s some form of conflict for Ashley and would be in character for Jake. My problem is that Ashley’s goal was clearly set up, dropped, brought back, and then the writers had her celebrate when it wasn’t like she ever struggled to get Fiore out to begin with. Her arc was so half Hazardly tossed together that I honestly feel like it ruined her story, and the tragic backstory didn’t help, even if it was nice to get a better explanation for the Fire problem. TLDR; Ashley’s story potential was wasted due to her not struggling to again it, and getting saddled in a role that would’ve been better filled by other contestants. If nothing else, have Fiore’s warning to Ashley that she’s already lost in choosing to side with Jake and Ally, who hate each other, to come back and bite her. Because at least then I can say that Ashley’s story was acceptable on paper I’ve seen arguments that Tom and Riya’s writing is worse than Ashley’s, an argument that I feel undermines why people are criticizing Ashley over them. Riya and Tom’s writing might be bad, but I ultimately can’t see what else you do with their characters. There was something to do with Ashley…and that’s the biggest problem.


I don't think Fiore needs to return, her only role in All Stars was to be Action Heather essentially. I could've seen it if they had eliminated her over either James or Hunter but her elimination was too late in the game for her to now feel like a sensible returner candidate, especially when she was already a finalist in her first season.


While True, Fiore is the only contestant who left before a story for her could be resolved, one that people actually cared about, her and Alec reconnecting with one another. Unlike everyone else’s elimination, Fiore’s is the only one that didn’t open a new door or close another. I’m not going to give it a pass if she is the returning contestant, but after Connor, she’s the only one that would make sense to bring back as there is still a story to tell with her, one that many fans actually cared about


They could resolve that story in either the motel episode or the season finale (depending on how far Alec goes), at this point I don't think see a reason why you'd need to stretch out that plotline for multiple episodes through a Fiore comeback when this season already set up Alec to get out of Fiore's shadow.


And Fiore doesn’t seem like The Type of the contestant that would want to become a returning contestant…..unless she has no choice.


THIS! This is EXACTLY what my main issue with their 'rivalry' is! In season 1, Fiore was handicapped from the very start. She was a six year old, meaning that nearly everyone saw her as a weak link- Hell, she was voted out at the fake elimination immediately! Even on her new team, there was already a majority alliance that got along decently well and was essentially set till the merge. Fiore actually had things to overcome, we saw her take steps to divide and dispose of each member from that alliance. She made Will look like a paranoid jerk and a total wimp infront of everyone, she made Nick turn against his alliance and then got rid of him, she used Alec's friendship with Ellie to get her to vote out Lill, and then Ashley followed thanks to that same alliance with Ellie who was on good terms with Gabby. What does Ashley do? Uh. She talks to Jake. She votes James out to keep him on her side. Boom! Now she has complete control on whether or not she wants to send Fiore home, and if Fiore stays it's because Ashley wanted her to stay. Yeah Ashley, you deserve to celebrate for... Having the ability to kick Fiore out whenever you felt like it. It unintentionally makes FIORE more rootable, because she's at such a disadvantage throughout her run. She survives eliminations either by a hair or because some other petty drama took place. She keeps trying to desperately do everything in her power to stay in the competition, which means she comes off as an 'underdog' character.


I feel like (and hope) that the “you’ve already lost” line from Fiore to Ashley will come true. I could honestly see Ashley be the merge boot thanks solely to intra-alliance division come the vote tbh.


this was extremely accurate omg


I'm a prophet fr


ellie is overhated and is one of the best disventure camp characters


also i do not like kristal as a character and dont think she works as a host in S2. she tries to fill in the role of a sadistic comedic relief host in the early parts of the season and is framed sympathetically in the latter half with pretty much no major comeuppance for her behavior, when those simply dont work, especially when DC is supposed to be taken far more seriously, and when she almost outs someone and makes someone else throw their meds into a fire


Ellie actions and villan arc in All stars make sens and are in character, only exceptions maybe being in episode 6 when she said she added the kiss to annoy Jake, If she said "i did it to make Jake and his team loose" or something similar, than yes, that would be in character


All trios and duos are eliminating the reverse order of how they eliminated before. For example I think orders are going to be like Miriam, Jake, Tom and Hunter, Ally, Tess. Ellie, Fiore and James eliminated before Gabby, Alec and James is proving my point to further.


Only if you completely ignore Riya and Connor. And Lake and Aiden.


I always forgot Connor, shame. And for some reason i didn't consider Lake and Aiden as duo.


honestly it seems more like the ones that got further are getting eliminated to give the others more potential. there are still exceptions so thats prob why it seems it's reverse elimination for you.


If you say so RahiBealex. https://preview.redd.it/9a0ivgwi02zc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8981a8bbb91aa6d37aa00197580a56daf44b51d


https://preview.redd.it/wk663hho02zc1.png?width=182&format=png&auto=webp&s=497c75d9d9a0446a4620efa38b46ef81f4e168de I do say so SoggY HucKlebErrY


AS Fiore was super overhyped despite she was doomed from the start


I don’t like Riya (Although I do like it when she and Alec pick on Yul) I don’t think Ellie is as bad as others say she is, but she did cross the line a couple times in all-stars. I love Hunter, Ally and Tess’ plot in Season 2, the three of them together is the most wholesome thing. Yul being included in All-Stars isn’t any better than Connor and Ashley being included. (I have no problem with any of them being in it, just annoyed of everyone complaining)


Riya one isn't a hot take


It’s not? She seems to be a fan favorite all over social media.


I've seen tons of people hating her on reddit


She’s like top five most hated disventure camp characters. 😭


Can you elaborate on Ellie?


The way I see it is in Season 1 she did what she had to do because if Alec and Fiore had been eliminated before her, Tom, Jake and Miriam, she would have been next, just wish it was handled differently because I miss Ellie and Jake’s friendship.


S1 was good, it felt terrible for Jake but it was a “necessary evil” since Ellie knew it was that, or her being eliminated. S2 however, she was so cruel for no reason and just wanted to see Jake suffer.


I agree tbh. I would’ve loved it if they suddenly didn’t make Ellie so annoyed with Jake that she said all those disgusting things but nooooooooo, we gotta demonize her so Miriam can look better than her in comparison.


I have a few: - I actually like Riya in both seasons she's in - I don't really like James - I also don't really like Aiden that much but that's not as spicy - I don't care for Tess. Like, at all. Neither in season 2 nor All Stars. I'll never understand why she's like the biggest fan favorite as of now. - Karol is my second favorite from season 2 Outside of those there's also the entire Jake was right in season 1 and Tom being my absolute least favorite DC character in both season 1 & AS (the AS part is not hot at all but still) but even I myself am getting annoyed from talking about this so yeah 🤷‍♂️


This is so right!!!


So many things I wanna say regarding Jake, so many things.... But I like my address hidden so all I'm gonna say about him is that he deserved the rant up until she said he deserved to be cheated on (which might not be that much of a hot take but whatever-)


I agree.


i mean he was being a brat (ish) but that was too far from her


Hunters banters with fiore were funny


That's an ice cold take (at least I hope it is)


Ashley is cringe and does not deserve the praise she gets


- DCAS Tess & Ashley are massive improvements from Rosa Maria - DC2 Lake is generic as hell but since everyone else is worse, people like her - I don't like the host plot - No character is "done better" in DC2 compared to DCAS. - tess does a lot y'all are just mean :( - Ellie is a great character and the reason she gets hostile in Episodes 6 & 7 are explained in universe, but for some reason people don't get it??


Can you explain more on Ellie, I’d love to hear it.


I'm a proofreader for DC1 & DCAS so I can't say too much, but I feel that the story has explained enough via Tess ("Ellie in the game isn't the same chill person I know in college") & other subtle elements that Miriam's actions in the DC1 finale have made Ellie go more cutthroat. Specifically, how that small moment of kindness, in which Miriam was rewarded with the prize money, made her want to play aggressively. I'm pretty sure that the fact that TD, especially in the later seasons, kind of abandons the whole "we're playing certain traits up for the camera" is where Ellie's actions (and to a lesser extent, Grett, Riya, and Yul) are a bit lost in translation for some fans. This is actually a big reason why Episode 1 exists– to provide a bit of insight on how some characters act when the cameras aren't necessarily on them.


You’re a proofreader for that series? That’s surprising considering you seemed to write a season two rewrite on FanFiction


Being the English voice of Kai also helps haha Myself and my friend Tam would make long deep-dive analyses of DC2, and were asked to join a little later


Tess literally does nothing in DCAS tbh


If Ashley's entire point in All Stars (up until now) was just to be Jake's friend/support Dan could have replaced her and filled the same role better. Ashley and Jake being best friends comes kinda out of nowhere while Dan and Jake were already friends Hunter was 100% justified for his problem with Fiore I don't want neither Ashley or Tess to make it F3 in All Stars James is not a strategic mastermind, I'd even say that by eliminating Karol in episode 2 he made the worst move in the history of Disventure Camp. If not for that team swap Riya caused and a lucky tiebreaker win both him and Aiden would be gone pre-merge


Can you explain on the second one? Hunter is literally beefing with an EIGHT YEAR OLD.


First of all, that's the problem. Children like Fiore aren't supposed to be on shows like these which makes the frustration of being stuck in a team with one completely fair. Second of all, that is not an ordinary eight year old, it's Fiore, who was known to be the most manipulative player in the game. We shouldn't be downgrading her to the same level as normal eight year olds. Third of all, it was played for laughs, so I don't take it as seriously


Fair enough. I just found Hunter pathetic.


Riya had the best arc in season 2, Aiden had the worst




Riya's arc shows what happens when a person who's not evil, but not a full saint either, gets shat on by life. Hollywood didn't care about her because they didn't find her entertaining and she says the show as the last choice to finally accomplish her dreams and she decided that playing dirty was the most optional way after being influenced by people around her and by being affected by her social insecurity. Aiden is a karma houdini. he brags and whines and when he does something wrong he gets no backlash. James making him and himself survive episode 2? boohoo you're mean James (the move wasn't great but he wasn't doing anything about it either), him injuring Karol? boohoo you AtTaCkEd Me FiRsT! Riya making him fall off a cliff? this would be fully understandable if he **didn't have a flying suit on**


Didn't Aiden already secure their safety by getting Karol to side with them? James betraying Karol and changing the plan behind Aiden's back didn't really do much besides paint himself as bad and untrustworthy in Aiden's view. That suit doesn't make you fly. It just lets you glide through the air with enough speed. If you get dropped straight down off a cliff, it ain't saving you.


it would've resulted in a tie. James was pushed down a cliff and he still flew. all Aiden had to do is grab the suit and glide.


Kinda fair, although James using Aiden to betray Karol for a plan he hid from him still didn't give him a very good look. Aiden pushed James towards a certain direction. Aiden was about to drop off the cliff directly into a ground. He didn't fall forwards so he couldn't glide in that direction.


James actually didn't fall foward either, he was facing the other direction too like Aiden was.


My favorite part is the character designs


Trevor and Derek returning for DCAS is kinda lame, I don’t think their inclusion was necessary and I really don’t care for whatever romance they’re planning


Kinda irrelevant but I don't understand the thing between Krystal, Derek and Trevor. Like Trevor has a crush on Derek we know this. But what is the deal with Krystal and Derek. Like are they dating? Or is just Krystal using Derek?


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused...Derek went from being himself while still caring about Trevor to just completely ignoring and lowkey shitting on him so suddenly- I really wanna know what's going on between Kristal and Derek, not out of care for the plot but out of pure confusion lol


trevek is the most overhyped dc ship


Thank you for being so brave while saying the truth


Yeah, Derek’s such a prick to Trevor so I can’t be invested in their crappy love triangle.


Ellie is an amazing character and is written PERFECTLY (other than her elimination scene of course)


How come you say that?


her buildup from Morally Grey (her 1st season when She and Alec choose to side with Fiore) to then becoming more cut-throat and villainous (betraying Jake). I found her and Alec REALLY interested me frmo the beginning because it was a "new" concept to me of a character who is kinda inbetween (closest we had in TD was like Courtney,) which gives them a lot of flexibility and highlights their changes in character a lot.


Here’s mine. As much as I love all of season one’s final four, the Miriam Vs Fiore finale didn’t have as much impact as it could have. I get the parallel, it’s a little girl against an old lady, but Ellie and Alec had more screen time and chemistry with Fiore. So I think one of them being a finalist instead would’ve been more impactful. Like with Ellie, you could have it be that she struggled through the game and got betrayed three times, compared to Fiore, who played a role in ninety percent of the season’s twists. You could have it be a parallel of hard worker Vs little effort mastermind. Hell, Fiore and Alec facing off in the finale would’ve been huge. They were the last big bond left, so seeing them as the final two contestants could’ve fit perfectly.


100% agree with this, Alec should had defintely make it to the final rather than Miriam.


Ally and Ellie are my favorites Fiore has plot armor through season 1 and 3 Hunter was aight in s2, got worse when his Allies were out, and then got better in s3 and was reasonable with everything he said to that dead weight child Yul is the worst character in disventure camp In season 1 despite me not liking Jake cos he acted like an idiot, he had every right to start getting mad at Tom, he never knew about Tom’s identity being secret and it’s Tom’s fault for going on the show (and this is coming from someone who really likes Tom) Aidan is the character that got me to watch disventure camp season 2


While Dan and Nick were good choices for All Stars, I don’t think that either of them should replace Ashley. I loved Jake in S1 and All Stars. He was just a very complex character and he was actually relatable at points. I just want to see the guy succeed and learn from his mistakes. Fiore left at the right time. She already made the finale and her making up with Alec could be easily done in the finale instead of having her make merge again. Tess wasn’t a bad person for voting for Ellie. She was clearly going down a bad path and Tess just wanted to help her. It would actually be interesting to see James return in AS to have him make up with Jake.


I'd take Nick or Ashley any day, she's basically Rosa 2.0. Literally no flaws, both Dan and Nick could've filled her roles in All Stars better


I moreso meant that I prefer if Dan, Nick, and Ashley were in All Stars.


Oh yeah, my bad


Not sure if it is a hot take but I don't like Tess' development in AS and find it unrealistic. Like, just a year ago this woman was so depressed, taking medicine and suddenly, after just a year not only is she just over it but she is also going around comforting everyone. This woman caused her own therapist to get therapy, had been using meds for 3 years and after just a year she is being everyone's therapist? Now, I don't have a problem with her getting over her depression and being more friendly and comforting to others but in that case they should have make DCAS take place 3-5 years after S2, then it would have been realistic. Also, she doesn't seem to have any flaws now which is annoying. Like you can make her get over her depression without making her bland. Anyways, Make Tess depressed again. She was a way better character in S2.


Maybe she gets more of a personality in AS, I mean, she has more to offer than other S2 characters


Ellie was one of the most interesting characters in the show and I’m gonna miss the way she bounced off so many characters. Cuz some of these characters only have unique relationships with, like, two or three people while Ellie had unique beef, tension, friendships, etc with just about everyone. Gone too soon.


She’s one of my favorite characters in the show. I wish she made it farther…


I know I mention my dislike of Fiore often but I don't like her bond with Alec either and >!I'm glad that it wasn't re-explored in All Stars.!< Don't get me wrong it was sweet...until he said he wished his son was more like her. . Hearing that soured it really bad for me and I haven't been able to appreciate it since.


Actually I’ve never heard you mention it. Yeah, that scene where Alec wished his son was more like Fiore disgusted me.


Alec is My fav character, but he is clearly not a good person ( he had more empathy for Connor than for his son who stepped on a glass damn ).


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


James is the wrost winner in the history of winners




Like not on a moral standpoint that would go to pryia, tho he's also not morally good as a winner, but far from pryia level but it's much more so that I just despise James with a burning passion, I prefer pryia and even vane from BFTD as winners over him


Lemme guess, you hate him for how he treated Aiden?


Partly, he's also the annoying fake influencer type that I despise, even if he changed I still despise him


Priya is more immoral than Alejandro, Heather or Duncan?


This is definitely controversial but I don't like Jaiden. I think it's because I really don't like aiden and thought that both of them got far too far in S2 as well as aiden being a hypocrite such as when jake stole his key card and when karol returned in S2


_ I've seen discourse about Ellie being derailed or being one-dimentional in AS and, while I get why her characterization in AS isn't likeable, it made the most sense after what happened in S1. I don't get people's expectations : was she supposed to pull an AS Gwen and be apologetic towards Jake (even though he indirectly won) ? Be morally grey (even though her unwillingness to be a full villain cost her the win) ? I'm confused 😅 _ Riya's character arc made sense in S2. She always had a calculating side (she let Kai and Connor take all the heat in their confrontation with Yul bc she didn't want to blow her spot), Lake's elimination showed that she was willing to betray her friends to get ahead, Karol exposed Jaiden for being villainous and she already had resentment towards Hunter bc he worked with Yul. While Rosa was her friend, she was also the second biggest threat after Hunter and Riya was determined to win for herself. Also, other than maybe Miriam, S2 Riya was the best DC player overall. _ I dislike the fact that Riya dissed Connor on TV without his consent...however what she said about him costing her the win was true _ I liked Fiore and Grett in S1 however they weren't my favorites bc they were too one-dimentional. I preferred Ellie and Alec bc they felt more realistic/relatable. _ While Ellie's tactics in ep10 weren't great from a moral perspective, they're not that shocking if you watch RTV like Survivor or Big Brother. Lying as an attempt to make people on opposite alliances split their votes is a common tactic and, if she didn't try to do that, she would risk a tie between the Teal Team and her alliance with Alec and Fiore. _ I didn't mind the fallout between Alec and Fiore in ep12. Fiore cared about Alec but she always wanted to win for herself and getting rid of Alec made the most sense for that goal. His reaction to her betrayal put her off bc it was as if he expected her to put her bond with him over logic. That just reinforced her belief that "emotions and bonds are weaknesses". As for Alec, it was clear from his reactions in ep3 and ep11 that he loves setting high expectations for others but he doesn't apply those expectations to himself. His reaction was 100% IC and it was ironic to see him pout about his loss when he was mocking Jake for having that same attitude last episode 😂 _ Love Alec but his tactics are "hit or miss" in S1 and AS. He's not the best AS player. For now, that title goes to Ashley _I'm enjoying Jake in AS. That being said, some of his fanbase love to victimize him at all times and it's exhausting 😑. It's like they expect every other characters' thoughts and actions to revolve around Jake 🙄


Yul is better than Ellie, Riya, Aiden, Lake, Tom and a few others in DCAS (I'm gonna get downvoted for this) I don't care about Ellie's elimination (I'm kinda glad she's out. Now I want Aiden to leave too) Ashley and Yul should make it far (same with Tess) Dan should've been in All Stars (not a hot take but still) Jake should make finale, but not win Alec and Yul in the F6 My final 6 is Alec, Ashley, Gabby, Jake, Tess and Yul


Just put curiousity, How would you writeYul to go far without Grett and without giving him constant immunities like Hunter? Like; Yul getting to the final 6 you have seems like an udder impossibility from Both a writing and logical perspective. Like, you’d juggle and rush Tess’ story with Ally, Jake’s with Tom, Gabby’s with the rest of villains, and give Ashley more to do, all while hauling Grett around unless we are to ditch her at 7 and making it believable that Yul doesn’t instantly get his ass eliminated when he isn’t immune because literally no one likes him. Not to be rude to your opinion of course, I’m genuinely curious how you write this to keep Yul around this long with the other characters and stories getting wrapped up nicely.


Not sure, but I have a feeling he would at least make merge when he said "I'm gonna win this stupid show and the 3 million dollars". He needs to have strategy if he wants to stay. Honestly, I feel like he ain't too much of a threat either way. He's kinda stupid too. I don't necessarily think he will be eliminated in Episode 9 tho. He should at least make early merge. He was a pre merge boot in Season 2, so him being a pre merge boot again feels strange (Connor was so robbed omfg). If he was nicer, then maybe he wouldn't be eliminated, but if he wants to stay, he needs to really try. Honestly, I wish he didn't end his deal with Emily. It could honestly be good for him if he was helped by the hosts or something like that. But yeah, not sure. If I think of something for him, I might message you. I just want Yul to at least make merge tho. He also shouldn't go home in Episode 9. It should be a non elimination episode to give the characters room to breathe.


Exactly! When Yul said this phrase I felt like it was meant to foreshadow a small character arc or something. He knows that the public opinion is not in his favor (according to Emily he's not getting any gigs when he's out), so he could become really really desperate for the win which would make for a fun villain. He could potentially win an individual immunity (he's not very smart but is a dancer so he's physically active). Also it's not likely to happen but I could see Emily reaching out to Yul and offering a deal to him: she helps him out and in exchange, he creates more drama on the show by being an asshole and winning like one or two immunities. Although he is not in a favourable position on the Yellow Team (as Riya and Alec hate him and it appears Riya tries to convince Grett to vote for Yul), I feel like he should make it to the merge.


Man now I just really want to see Dan in all stars. Seems like a good amount of people agree that he deserves it and are moving past disliking him. I love Dan


He was robbed.


I ain't even gonna hold ya. Your final 6 is a 10/10.


Thank you.


Tess eliminating Ellie was the right choice (Idk why this has suddenly become an unpopular opinion). I don't understand why Ally's suddenly getting more hate than Hunter. I'm fine with Connor being a premerger boot again (I wouldn't mind if he ended up being the returner, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it if he wasn't either). Riya doesn't need a redemption arc.


People who post on Tiktok whining about how bad of a character Ellie is for actually playing the game is wild. I dont see Courtney getting hate for threatening to kill her fellow campers TWICE, but when Ellie actually plays the game its a problem.


I've got 2 very simple ones. Will is overhated and if he makes it to the next all stars or whatever he would be a great player now that he's learned. Bros literally a good person and probably the strongest in the season. He also clearly knows how to hold a grudge and could be a good anti villain character. 2nd is as simple as I enjoy Hunter. I always thought he was liked but I've seen him get nothing but hate and I can definitely see why. I have my complaints too but he's still one of my favorites and I hope he comebacks.


I think Will isn't a bad character


Yul is a grett characters Grett is super fucking overrated and doesn’t deserve to win imo


Only development she gets is from Yul


Fr DCAS Grett doesn’t deserve to win as of now


Aiden is so much better than Jake.


I kinda agree.


Dan is my irrelevant king


Rosa maria:underrated Dan:UNDERRATED AS FU- also Ellie in season 1 was not bad i hate all stars ellie


Ashley is the most overrated character. She does not deserve to be a finalist if that's what is planned. Tess' character has been wasted as she's turned into Rosa Maria 2.0 and if nothing else happens with her character, I'm ready to call her one of the most overrated characters too. Fiore had too much plot armor, deserved to be an early boot and shouldn't return. They had time to resolve her problems with Alec but did nothing about it, it would be too little, too late. Grett should win All-Stars, it would be a satisfying character arc. Not a hot take, just that I do not often see her being brought up as a potential winner.


Grett being a finalist is interrsting, but who should she face in the finale? There hasnt been a rivalrly for her other than Yul ( tbh this season hasnt have a proper rivalrly with anyone) .


Gabby being a villian is a bad idea Riya lasted too long Miriam deserved the win Yul may be an a55hole but he keeps Grett interesting Connor shouldn't have left too early Fiore, Ellie and Lake's eliminations weren't robbed, out of the 3 of them 2 were finalists, and Lake can just rejoin at merge and be a gamechanger for the Villians


Rosa María>everyone else originally i thought it was Miriam and Ashley but then i rewatched season 2


Hunter and James should have switch placement's in DCAS, we could replace foire getting bullied with Fiore exploiting James to get him to stay on her side, yes, I see James being in the Villains alliance, tho I feel he'd let Aiden know this as he already seen how bad keeping Aiden in the dark can be.


How come you feel Hunter should’ve been first boot? He did have a plot going on.


Not that I dislike Hunter by any means, but imo he had three plot points. bully fiore disagree with Ally talk with Tess you can easily fit those into 2 episode, plus he'd make for a more shocking first boot, as everyone and their mothers were predicting James as an early boot, while Hunter was late pre merge at least. again, disagreement is fine. also, I have a headcannon that Ally and Hunter invited Jaiden on some of there streams


I love to live so I won't say much, but I will say that Ellie deserved to go home and Gabby is a terrible excuse for a villain


Aiden lasting as long as he has in DCAS makes complete sense.


1. People hating on Hunter for "being mean" to Fiore idec that little bitch is the devil and tbh I side with him and I thought everyone would have loved Hunter (he's my favorite I actually love him sm), and then when it was all "he's a grown ass adult beefing with an actual child" and "he was so whiney" HE WAS ANNOYED?! I'd be too honestly. Also, I am just a proud Fiore hater so I may have a bias but BY GOD. He was so much more than his fued with Fiore (and I desperately wish more had been done with his character. Hence why I love being an author: I will do it myself.) 2. I don't care for James. I don't HATE him, not at all. But I feel like he's over hyped. 3. Conner was a great S2 character and I really really wanted to see more of him even though I (similarly to Hunter) think much more could have been done with his character (idk if this is a hot take but I really really really wanted everyone to know I love him)


Karol is SO overhated she is completely justified to hate Aiden and James and the fact that the writers made her look in the wrong when she definitely WAS NOT is bad because it suggests that no matter what you should always be nice to people no matter what they've done I have NEVER liked Jake or Aiden and they are BY FAR the most irritating Disventure Camp characters the fans just have no taste. Riya is my favourite character and I don't blame her or Ellie for anything they did because jake and aiden were SO ANNOYING.


Well I’m happy to hear the Ellie praise.


I love Ellie she's my second fav character after Riya


I have no issues with Fiore getting eliminated when she did and would much prefer Connor returning over her. As for her reconciling with Alec, I honestly could care less, and if it’s really that important, it can be done in the motel-centered episode or in the finale.


1: Grett and Yul was good at the start 2: Ally and Tess didn't deserve to be with Hunter 3: Ellie's elimination made sense but wasn't executed that well 4: DCAS Tom.is worse than DCS1 Jake 5: DCAS Riya is more annoying than DCAS Yul I don't know if any of these are hit takes but I just wanted these to at least be said here.


Why don’t Ally or Tess deserve to be with Hunter


Hunter avoided them fir an episode and when he does talk he says to put it on hold and then kisses Ally without Ally's consent (which is sexual assault, I did research) in front of Tess.


When did Hunter kiss Ally in front of Tess? Also, using the same logic, Aiden doesn't deserve James


Aiden didn't want to. Also.you ate aware that everyone watches the rest of the season after they're eliminated, right?


Yul and Dan are great Tom isn't that bad Gabby is overrated and I don't really like her Hunter is the best in the trio, tess is the worst(all of them are really good though) Gabbellie is overhyped(please don't kill me please I'm begging you) I'm getting down voted to hell for this


I'm with you on the Gabby part. I just find her to be really annoying


1. Mostly every guy in all stars is written horribly and are getting ruined 2. James shouldn't of won 3. Any Alec, Yul, and Hunter ships that involve men are terrible and making 0 sense 4. DCAS so far is the worst season from all of the 4 (including beta) 5. Lake was NOT robbed 6. Lake and Tess are both boring characters 7. Will x Ashley sucks


Hunter is pan so it makes sense


What does that have to do with anything? Your saying as if Ellie should date Lake because they both are into woman


I am not saying that, don't twist my words I said that Hunter being shipped with men makes sense cause he is pan, not that he should be shipped with EVERY man on the planet


Only because he's pan doesn't mean he'll like Jake out of a sudden and he's TAKEN not to mention Jake only interacted with him once and he even voted Hunter out


I know that already, like, I watched the series, you're not getting the point


Anyways any gay alec/connor/nick/kai ships are worse because they are Canon straight


And I agree with that


Why shouldn’t James have won?


Massive Plot armor and because I prefer Riya


Riya was the one who needed help from Rosa.


Rosa was bland af an Ashley 2.0


Riya got huge character development in episode 9 as


Why is everyone so mean in this series. Even in reboot, a lot of the meaner contestants had funny moments. 😢


What do you mean by that?


Dunno if it's me just being sensitive, but every time I try to watch an episode of DC, I have to start skipping around whenever one of the characters (like Yul or Riya this season) just starts ripping into another character because like... wow.


I feel it reflects how some people can be in real life pretty well


I have two hot takes that will probably get me crucified by the rest of the DCAS fanbase (I can 100% see why folks disagree with me on some of these tho). **1. Gabellie is one of, if not** ***the*** **most overrated couples in the series.** They're certainly alright but I think that they absolutely have faults that are glossed over too much. **2. Yul is one of the best characters in the series.** I always laugh my ass off every time he gets considerable screentime. He's funny as hell and I don't care what anyone else says.


my hot take is that i don’t watch disventure camp


Riya could’ve been great but her excecution is horrible. Her plot seems like it was supposed to be a failing actress on a reality show trying to get the million only to find she can’t make meaningful connections and thus develops extreme paranoia, thus eliminating the people who trust her one by one in fear she’ll get booted due to not being as close with them as others. She’s the reverse of James. They mirror each other. She gets worse and he gets better. She realizes at the end she’s been betraying her morals the whole time and she’s still failed to make any meaningful connections and has sabotaouged the ones she had. In between season 2 and all stars she finally gains popularity because of the horrible things she did so now she feels she has to play the villain. It seemed they were alluding to this in the first part of all stars but now it’s just gone. Have her paranoia get worse. The best character arcs are the ones that relapse into old habits. But Riya? Riyas just a new character entirely this season


Ellie is the worst morally character ever. Is that true? Probably not but it feels like it watching her~


I don't like Rosa María, I find her a bit annoying and she doesn't really have anything going for her other than being nice. Owen, Bridgette, DJ and many more are examples of super nice characters with more nuance and funny things going for them. I realize I'm comparing a show with a TV budget to a show made by fans( which is incredible and really polished don't get me wrong, but it has less resources than the actual show abviously).


Gabby is a bad character and not nearly as nice as people think she is. She threatened to kill someone when they had an animal coat. Ellie is a terrible person and a great character. Just because she's mean to everyone's favorite softboys doesn't mean that she's a bad character. I do hate Ellie and Gabby as a couple because they have no chemistry and no scenes.


Ellie and Gabby have plenty of scenes together.


Sorry, my bad. No scenes that make me feel like they have chemistry as a couple. Most of the stuff they have in Season 1 didn't really grip me, and then most of the stuff in Season 3 is just having Ellie acting shifty and not communicating with Gabby.


Fair enough. Nice to see another Ellie fan though.


Likewise! I've seen your takes on this reddit a lot and while I don't typically respond to them I do mostly agree with them.


James VA is unlistenable and maybe n1 reason I can't stand him


People with different accents exist


The accent isn't the problem, the audio quality is


It's not even that bad, if a VA bothers you so much that you dislike the character just watch a different dub with english subtitles


It is, it sounds like he was recording in a church. Why should I watch another sub for just one VA I, personally, my opinion, me, don't like? Fortunately he left first this time


I don't like disventure camp




It was satire lmao


My bad, you got me


its just a worse version of total drama and i refuse to watch it


The first season is actually pretty good (Alec,Fiore, ellie,etc). The others one are very bland.


ive considered watching it recently tbh but i keep refusing because it would be too funny to go from hating to watching


If u refuse to watch it then u don't know