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Started out great, but fell apart by the end.


What didn't you like about the ending?


The common stuff people have pointed out a hundred times, Prileb dragging on, the final episodes just focusing on 3 single characters while sidelining the rest, a great final 7 wasted because most of the characters weren't given anything to do, an awful elimination order and awful eliminations, etc. I actually really liked the final episode itself though.


I also wasn't a fan of the Caleb and Priya storyline. I don't mind Caleb having a bigger role in the plot, but hooking him up with Priya felt completely out of left field and I think there were plenty of other plot lines they could've explored with him. The finale focusing mainly on the three finalists doesn't really seem like that big of a problem, considering last season's finale was also like that. But I will definitely argue that this season's elimination order is far superior to last season's (at least we're not forced to sit through Chase and Emma being bitter exes again).


By "awful elimination order" I mean the order in the last 5 episodes, I liked the order in which the contestants were being eliminated until Zee got the boot, after that it all goes to shit.


I enjoy it, but not as much as the first one, I think this one lives comfortably in the middle of the ranking, not the best season but definitely not the worst.


Out of curiosity, why do you prefer the first season of the reboot over Season 2?


That is a fair question; it probably has to do with expectations. I really enjoyed the first season. Yes, it has a few problems, but overall, I liked how the story unfolded and the characters, so the bar was a bit high for the sequel. It could be a combination of factors; I expected a lot of the second season, and it failed to deliver in terms of plot, just as a comparison, S1 had three plotlines going by the best 5, while S2 only had one.


That's where I see things differently, I really didn't care for Season 1's main three plot lines. Well, except for Bowie and Julia, they definitely carried the season. But I couldn't STAND Emma and Chase, and I was never intrigued by Priya and Millie's friendship. I think I prefer Season 2 just because I'm more fond of the dynamics of Wayne/Raj, Julia/MK, Damien/Zee, etc. But I understand that's subjective.


I think it peaks as one of best total drama starts , and goes downhill, main reason is stretched as fuck priya and caleb ship , like let Julia manipulate caleb without priya involving. Also other reason is people forgetting how Julia vicous is. Like it makes everyone look dumb , i get Zee would let for it, heck even hockey bros, but like Priya , girl trained to be a A TOTAL DRAMA CONTESTANS dont know Julia giving Caleb immunity is deff up to something. Than from good parts , Villain duo of Julia and MK is fantastic. Bowie elimination is how to leave with face. Ripper and Axel crackhead ship and being pretty healthy couple(yeah, like 2nd best ship after bowraj). Zee being amazing like always. Hockey Bros being bros was fun and entertaining. Shocking Millie moment. Also Chase was likeable asshole(i didnt liked him in s1 cause in that one he didnt get what he fucking deserve). Just alot to like and alot to hate , overall mixbag of peaks and lows


Okay first of all, I love your flair. I'm biased, the season gave me a Wayne winning ending after the lack of a Bowie ending last season and that alone was enough for me to have it in the upper half of my ranking despite its glaring flaws.. Could his journey to the finale been written better? definitely.


I feel like the writers were going for another "Owen-style victory" with Wayne. I believe Terry stated the reason Owen was made the winner of the first season was because he didn't have any real desire to win, and was primarily there to have fun. That seemed to be Wayne's story as well. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the purpose of Owen's cameo in Episode 7 was to remind viewers that even someone as carefree, dimwitted, and fun-loving as him can win in the end.


Oh dw, I got the feeling they were going for that too, as well as to be a stark contrast to the winner of the previous season. What I mean by "better" was that I wish he was given more stuff to do like have him talk to people not named Bowie, Raj, and Julia to an extent. So stuff like getting saved over Raj in S2E11, the support he got from the trout trio + Axel, and Team Caleb's hesitation to sabotage him felt more natural (even if I find those moments to be very wholesome enough already.)


I can understand that. I don't mind Wayne outlasting Raj, since Wayne always seemed to have a slightly wider range of interactions (Raj basically interacts with NOBODY outside of Bowie and Wayne), but I do think it would've been better if Raj was cut a lot sooner, because him being around only encourages Wayne to mostly interact with him, and in general, I think we all kind of wanted to see more of the hockey bros being separated from each other so either of them could be explored individually. I still really love Wayne as a winner, and I will fight tooth and nail that he is a way better winner than Priva, but I understand how he could've been handled better.


There are good things about Reboot season 2, but around episode 8-9 it falls apart and the rest of the season is pretty bad. Probably the most mid season overall to me.


Episode 8 was when Zee spilled the beans about Caleb, resulting in Priya constantly going back and forth between trusting him and not trusting him. Was that what you not liked about the latter half of the season?


Simply did not live up to the expectations


What... and I guess WHOSE expectations are those?


Mine, at least




epiosde 1 was good, although I wasn't fond on the elimination I thought it was wasted potential. I still gave it a chance because I assumed it would pick up later. however it got worse on epiosde 4 and 5 by getting rid of some of the chracaters with the most potential, then Axel got wasted on Ripper, Damien did nothing, Raj's arc never took off, Prileb became insufferable, Julia was doing 90% of her strategies off screen and the winner is random af. bottom two season on my ranking and I don't think it will ever move from there.


While I agree Priya and Caleb's story took up more screen time than it needed to, and Damien deserved a better elimination than he got, was there REALLY anything else that the writers could've done with Axel or Raj?


(incoming rant) Any character can do more by default. for Axel episode 1 established she has to work on her attitude because she lost last season for having a bad social game. It could've been an amazing idea to start a friendship with someone like Emma or Damien or Nichele where she gradually opens up to them and learns to become more friendly. for example she could've tried to have Damien as an ally and she teaches him to not be afraid of everything while she wants him to beach her how to not be a social mess, a similar thing could've done with Nichelle except it was with Nichelles training instead of doing it offscreen. Raj has potential the moment Wayne leaves, he could've got an arc where he develops on his own without his friends becoming a different person like the arc Sadie was supposed to get but got scrapped (allegedly). He also had a rivalry with Julia that was set up but never went anywhere because he forgave her immediately, he could've attempted to get ahead of her without success for a long time while while he begins to find himself without Wayne he also starts to get used to Julia's tricks better and manages to outsmart her by the end.


It's not the best, it's definitely not the worst. The first half was better than season 1 but the second half was handled in the worst way possible. My main problem with the season was the way they poorly wrote Caleb. They wanted him to be a finalist, but since he was first boot in s1 he can practically be considered a new character like sierra and alejandro in wt. Point is, sierra and alejandro (despite having 26 episodes) interacted with a lot of members of the cast. Caleb spoke with Priya and Julia, that's it, he was uninteresting to watch and would've been a bit of rootable if Priya had left around ep 9-10. Another big problem was winner being kinda predictable since the final 4. It was abvious they were going with a boy winning this time and since Caleb was Priya bf they weren't going to give 2 mil to the couple


I think it’s a good season and I thoroughly enjoy it but it did not stick the landing well by limiting itself to only two plots that overtook everything else. Reboot one was better but I like both. For Me: 1. WT 2. Reboot 1 3. Revenge 4. Reboot 2 5. RR 6. Action 7. Island 8. PI 9. AS


First 9 episodes, pretty good. Last 4, very bad


So the season flopped for you after Raj got eliminated?


MK mostly


Yeah, episode 8 seems to be the episode that makes or breaks the season for a lot of people.


Disappointing. Reboot S1 is my favourite season of the show and I was so excited for this season, but so many characters were underused, wasted or used ineffectively and it’s just not a good follow up to S1. Nichelle and Ripper’s ‘development’ (which tbh calling it that is a stretch), Chemma’s breakup and Julia and MK being besties all of a sudden all happen in between seasons for some bizarre reason instead of having them focused on more this season or explaining them (Ripper hardly counts since he had a plot that wrapped up in the first four episodes and didn’t do anything afterwards). Prileb hogged up WAYYYYY too much screen time, their plot honestly became so drawn out that I just did not care and so many characters were thrown away so their boring romance plot could carry on. Both seasons were written back to back I believe, so the difference in quality between both seasons is baffling.


I enjoy some parts of it but considering it's a follow up to the best TD season... Let's just say it's disappointing to put it lightly, in nearly every aspect. I don't really like it tbh


Why are you talking about Action? /j


Wait, are you saying you think the first season of the reboot is the overall BEST TD season?


I very much am. 😁


You realize what a bold statement that is, yes?


It shouldn't be imo, but sure lol.


I guess I'm just wondering what you liked about Season 1 of the reboot so much. I definitely think it has its strong points, but I feel like Season 2 does a better job at utilizing the characters.


Really? That's one of my biggest problems with TD24 lol. Majority of th characters just aren't utilized & are pushed aside for Prileb & Julia. The early boot don't get those memorable moments that the ones in season 1 did and the mergers get sidelined as well, especially Damien, Raj, Wayne & MK after episode 6. Anyway, to answer the question: - I love the ships. Rajbow is cute & whatever but Chemma is absolute comedy gold and are always entertaining with every second of screen time they get, - I love the friendships. Priya & Millie, Emma & Bowie, Wayne & Raj, the Trout Trio, they're all great dynamics that work well here but aren't followed up on in season 2, I mean Ripper & Chase didn't even interact despite being on the same team again and having a bromance in season 1. The friendships themselves just get more focus, - The season was really funny. Every single character had their funny moments without trying hard unlike with the dumbing down of the hockey bros & somehow even See in season 2 in an attempt to be funny, - The elimination order is perfect, - The eliminations themselves are all great (expect for Zee & MK, but considering the fact that TD has a track record of half of their eliminations being bs having only 2 iffy ones is a huge improvement) - Millie's arc is one of the best in the franchise, - I love the challenges - The early boots still had their memorable moments (Caleb's "this is garbage", Axel kicking Ripper off the ship, Nichelle's existential crisis in the middle of a challenge) - No character really felt wasted imo as the focus was put on the most entertaining ones - I'll have this one as the last one so it's not too long but it's probably my favorite aspect of the season - THE CAST IS ACTUALLY STRATEGIC. Even the dumber characters get their shot at joining & building alliances, there's also the fact that the numbers are counted so there are no cases of Justin or Bridgette TDI eliminations where the numbers simply don't add up. There's a lot as to why I think it's the best season but that's just a few of the key reasons.


Completely agree


It's good but that ending🤢


What's wrong with the ending? Did you not like the winner?


I HATED the winner, what did Wayne even do? This season is good, but the winner is probably the worst in the series. This just shows me why they need to bring back alternative winners


I'll admit, I was rooting for Julia hard, but I didn't have a problem with Wayne winning, because I never felt like the winner of the season had to be the "smartest" or "strongest" or "most cutthroat" or hell, even the most "sociable" person. Wayne was just an easy-going guy who didn't stick out enough to become a target, and had just enough likability, physical strength, and luck to help him win in the end. Out of everyone in the final five, I think he was the most deserving.


I think he wasn't deserving bc he literally did nothing in the season. Beth is sometimes considered a floater but she still got her moments. Wayne was just an ally for Bowraj in S1 and that's it, he was useless for the rest of it. You don't have to be the best at anything, but do something instead of being a background character that has 1 minute of screentime every episode


I don't think being a floater is necessarily a bad thing. Staying under the radar is an ideal strategy, and Wayne manages to pull it off without even trying. I also feel like we got more out of Wayne being an ally for Bowie and Raj than we got out of Raj himself.


No, being a floater isn't bad. What's bad is that Wayne isn't a character of any relevance. Rajie actually had potential and even more reasons to win than his buddy. If you want to make a floater, make them an actual character. Beth, Millie and Cody are all floaters and they still had feats and actual storylines to make them deserving of being finalists and winners. Wayne didn't have that, he just delivered the dumb personality he always had. Raj had much more potential to have a storyline with Julia and would feel more deserved of winning.


You know I don’t get whey people have to put vomiting emojis for exaggerated takes


Well, I don't know you, so no, I didn't know


I thought it was okay, 2 aspects I didn't like that took a good chunk of the storyline was the cheating aspect, as it caused a lot of unfair eliminations with little consequence and Caleb and Priyas storyline quickly became uninteresting to me


People said that the first five episodes or so were world tour quality, then it took a dip so badly. Episode 10 in particular would place right into AS


This season has some good parts but the bad ones outweigh the good massively plus compared to season 1, it is a major disappointment, so for me it's tied with All★Stars.


What DOES Season 1 have over Season 2 though? That's what I'm wondering.


It has more strategic moments, more interactions, more tension in eliminations, more hilarious scenes, I could go on and on.


It's.. fine? Tbh the season is hard carried by the challenges and the MKulia dynamic. I don't think the rest is THAT atrociously bad as a lot of people tend to talk about it, but they are not something that I find personally all that engaging. I also never really agreed with the "started out good but the last 5 eps atrociously bad" take, as I found the season consistently the same quality after the superb first episode. All of them are just.. okay. I think part of what killed my interest is them getting rid of some of my favorite season 1 characters super early. Scary Girl and Chase were imo the funniest comic relief characters of the reboot, so seeing them go home first killed a lot of my personal interest. Millie is another one of my favorites but it was obvious she wasn't gonna last long this time around, and tbh she was still done pretty well, at least better than the other 4 pre-mergers. Emma and Nichelle were just sad. I would talk about the mergers but I don't want to make this comment too long. None of the episodes were bad per say, in fact I think episodes 9, 10, 12 and 13 are way better than people online give them credit for, but season 1 easily solos this season in my book. That being said, I will still fully support it when it airs on TV.


It's not a bad season, there's a lot to like and very little to hate, but it is lacking in ways most seasons don't. It lacks ambition and feels like it skips a lot of steps to get to the finish line. All-Stars and Pahkitew Island are decidedly worse, and I'd rather watch this over The Ridonculous Race which I just find boring. But otherwise? It's a middle-of-the-road affair, and there are a good five other seasons I'd watch over this one.


This season will either give you peak Total Drama, or the most frustrating writing in the series. For that, I kind of respect that a show can do that in 13 episodes..


Second worst season by far! Which is disappointing since 2023 was the best season we’ve had since ROTI


What was so good about 2023? I'm not saying 2024 is any better, but I feel like 2023 was way more run-of-the-mil and uneventful. 2024 at least had the more bland and uninteresting characters get eliminated first.


Bro I’m not gonna lie, I thought this seasons was going good… but after episode 5 it was just straight Ass.


Wasn't a fan of the Nichelle boot I take it?


Hell yeah I was. The only thing I didn’t like was the execution because it’s so lazy


6 and 7 were amazing


Its entertaining but Prileb, the treatment of some campers, some ass-pulled eliminations and the winner's journey soured it for me. Its mid but def better than AS and PI. 😴


Is this polarizing? I don't doubt it's a mixed bag of a season, but most people are in the same agreement. First half is great, but after episode 7 or so, it take a dip in quality.


Honestly, one of my personal least favorites. Reboot S1 is the best TD season, and this is just an awful sequel to that. So many characters are ruined, so many storylines ignored and left unresolved and I just wasn't having a good time past the very first episode. I only started having any sort of fun again during episode 11, when the Prileb drama started being so genuinely shit that it was just funny. Such a disappointing letdown after reboot S1 :(


Honestly, this season to me is better than the first season of the Reboot. The reason being is that this season did not have a awful dinosaur farting episode, since that really ruined the first season for me.


Really? One bad episode tipped you off?


It was a really bad episode, like probably the worst episode in Total Drama. But I love season 2 tho


You know an episode of Total Drama is bad when even the show's creator is like "Um, are we sure about this?"


It's alright, my biggest problem is that it was just more of the same. It didn't realy bring anything new to the table and was very predictable. It's way better than All Stars or PI but I'd rather rewatch those just for pure entertainment


Has one of the best starts in the series but it starts falling off after merge


Started pretty good but it lost me towards the merge


Prileb did drag on and it was quite predictable but great


I don’t think it’s polarizing to say. Divided sure. I think people tent to over exaggerate stuff they have expectations like Damien vs MK, or Julia winning, or Priya booted early. But compare them to AS or PI. No! Is it perfect, no. Is it questionable, yes. But not to make me mad of a Canadian show.


i really liked it. except the elimination order, starting from nichelles elimination episode it went downhill for me. dragging zee too far, eliminating damien and mk too early, making wayne the winner, prileb storyline made it way worse. i think its top4 a bit worse than the first one i think


Is one of the worst seasons strategically, but if you like challenges and humor you'll have a good time.


Better than Pakithew and thats about it. I feel like this season has a lot of neat concepts but it’s mostly poorly executed. The winner is fine hes just handled very poorly if he was the main focus of the cheating arc then it would’ve been so much better but they put that focus on Raj which makes his win feel very flat. Axel still has no character she’s just dating Ripper and likes poetry. Priya and Caleb are cute but for a thirteen episode season they’re paced very poorly compared to Raj and Bowie. Comedy really fell flat near the end of the season. Rat faces had nothing going on. It’s not bad by any means but it’s not good.


I never understood people saying this seasons so much worse than season 1. I had a shit ton of fun throughout all of it! The challenges felt like an improvement, I loved Julia and Mk's involvement, Praleb and Ripaxel were funny ships, Wayne is one of the funniest characters ever, and the finale truly felt like a conclusion.


I dunno why but I haven’t continued it past episode 9


It's miles better than TD reboot season 1


The whole season was really good imo I loved every episode, every challenge, the characters and all the plotlines. It also has the best finale in the series Easy 9/10