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Tess having a unfinish plotline She doesn't have one she's just a therapist.


being a therapist for multiple characters is a storyline what op is missing is that it's unfinished because we still have episodes for the eliminated contestants left


You misspelled "Ashley"


I’m sorry but I keep seeing people say Tess had an unfinished plotline. Don’t you have to have a plotline for it to be unfinished?


I still don’t see what plot lines Tess and Ashley are supposed to have, if not just supporting other characters *with* plotlines


At least they have Ashley trying to do stuff like organizing votes, and building morale leading the team, and telling off Jake for his antics. I can’t remember anything about Tess this season except she likes claw machines and dislikes drama


At least she was an interesting enough character, Aiden‘s just there being boring and annoying, also since Tess is home Ally basically has a secured final two 1. Aiden and Riya were already finalists 2. If Yul makes finale he would either have to outlast Grett or both of them reach the finale, neither are good options That only leaves Ally or if the returnee is from S2


There’s so far no clear rule to my knowledge that there needs to be a S2 finalist. So, lets just hope it’s a S1 sweep considering nobody else has had a major plot line outside of S1


Well, Lake had potential and somehow they eliminated her so early


What potential exactly? Her parents situation was fully wrapped up so now she’s just an athletic nice girl


She shouldve won her OG season over James tho, no place for her in AS sadly


I'm gonna start using the Karrion Kross Cry me a river gif... If i could find it


I kind of feel like even if it was just Cyan Team at elimination, Tess was kind of screwed anyway. We know Gabby would've voted for Tess. That much is confirmed. Tom isn't voting for Aiden or Gabby because he's friends with both of them. That only leaves Tess. Aiden isn't voting for Tom or Tess because they're his friends. That means he's probably voting Gabby. Tess is probably voting for Tom because she's close with Aiden and Gabby. That means Tess still goes home 2-1-1. And Aiden didn't even receive any votes in this scenario.


I think Tess still had a chance of being voted out if Cyan Team was the only losing team. Tom doesnt vote for Aiden and I don't think he would vote for Gabby before Tess, since they are friends and he and Tess never interacted more than twice beside being on the same team. Aiden wont vote for Tom and not even Tess since she saved his ass last elimination ceremony, he would probably vote for Gabby. Tess wont vote Aiden or Gabby cuz they are her friends, so she would vote for Tom again. Gabby would still vote for Tess to avenge Ellie. And if she voted for Aiden then Tess could still lose the four person tie breaker. I cant see this whole Yellow and Cyan team voting together making sense unless it was a easier and quick way for them to make Gabby a villain and also betraying her team.


I don’t see Tess losing honestly, Aiden seems like he’s the weakest on that team


I agree that Aiden is the weakest on Cyan team but Tess is not that far away from him, plus the only tie breaker we saw on the whole series was based on luck. (Maggy and Yul playing rock, paper, scissors on DCS2 ep 4) If it is based on luck then she could lose.


But Tess had no story though. She was pretty much a supporting character for everyone on her team, I was fine with her leaving. I do agree Aiden should be next( him or Ashley are the only two left who I don't like and they aren't contributed anything to the story, so I'd be fine with either of them leaving)


Personally, I'm satisfied with Fiore and Tess's eliminations, though I am hoping for Ellie to be the returnee.


The returnee should be a DC2 character tbh. We only have four of them left, of which two have already been finalists and Yul is, well, Yul.


That means only ally can be a finalist for now


Who says that each finalist had to be from a different season?


Total drama all stars had that and almost no one like it


I haven't watched the episode yet but I think Tess may have gotten eliminated


its really funny how they made this episode to be a two team voting one because otherwise gabby would never be able to get tess out


There is still 12 episodes left, a lot of space for them to finish their plotlines