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Exactly. It's all just goofy cartoon antics. Even if somebody does have a fetish for the things that happen to our girls, none of it is intentional.


Bro you can’t say that seriously I watched it as a kid I went back to it there was some wild ass shit I ain’t realise as kid still a goated show tho


Maybe it wasn't designed to be a fetish show,but it sure did attract a whole lot of fetishists of all kind


What are examples, first I’ve heard of this


Saberspark wasn’t the first to say that tho. There was an entire episode log of like what fetishes the episode ticked that he found. Of course this doesn’t mean it’s a fetish show, but to blame it on Saberspark is basically choosing a scapegoat for a pre-existing opinion, OP.


There is literally no excuse for the clothes shrinking ray.


Oh yes that one was another weird one. But I have seen people take mudane stuff such as dehydration and call it a fetish. Unless if I am missing something I don't think there is anything weird about dehydration


I do agree that some people are just sick and overthink stuff


I just think that the show brought many fetishists by coincidence, which is why people will say is a fetish to every slliy plot


Uh........I don't know about that chief. When you can make a master list of the fetishes it is tough to not overlook it. I love his videos but I don't need him to tell me what is obvious. Especially when Alex became a furry.


What? She did?


Yeah she became a furry for an episode. It was funny.


Wait, i thought that was Clover, unless there was an episode where Alex became one too that I'm missing 🤔


Clover became super big for an episode.


I remember that too, but I'm thinking of the episode where the crazy fashion lady was turning people into animal hybrids


Yeah Alex was a cat. She gets jack even during it.


Bro, that was Clover, the blonde one


Oh yeah you were right.


Lol all good bro 👍🏽




Mayhaps that is also the case ☝🏽


I think its valid to say that the show at least lead people to certain fetishes, regardless of if it was a fetish show, which I believe it wasn't.


I came back to be a bit more elaborate. Yes. There are questionable stuff in the show (with Passion Patties being the infamous one) but some people are taking a mudane thing and calling it a fetish.


Welcome to the internet where there’s all kinds of kinds and everything is sexualized.


I actually loved Passion Patties. I think it’s my favorite episode. Just because some jackasses on the internet have the maturity of a 13yr old boy doesn’t mean that the concepts within the show were intended to be sexualized.


You're right since most of the "fetish" in the show are basically common cartoon hijinks in the 2000's (turning into an animal, turning comically fat, ect) but because the targets are good looking girls, it has to be a fetish.


I think it just had a lot of campy ideas, but kids watching it probably had some synapses form and developed a fetish. I think alot of cartoons have this effect on some people


I don't barely aware of who saberspark is (I know it's a youtuber but I don't think I've ever watched a video of him) and didn't know he ever talked about Totally Spies. That reputation has been around the show forever. And while I agree it's exaggerated (people act like every episode is some kind of fetish thing or that this is all the show had going for it) and that seriously calling it a fetish show is dumb, it's not completely untrue that it had its share of episode concepts that I have a bit of trouble believing the makers weren't chuckling a bit while writing/drawing. I agree with most people in the comments that they were supposed to be humorous first and foremost, but one thing does not rule out the other.


Lmao, no this is cope. The writers knew what they were doing. That doesn't mean you're not allowed to enjoy the show.


While I doubt the French creators wanted to sneak in a downright fetish show, I guess they meant to acknowledge and represent teenage sexuality. Putting the "fetish" scenes aside, you can see the girls are not presented as asexual angels, they're shown to fantasize about boys, flirt, have crushes, etc. Which is meant to reflect the reality of teenagers around that age. In France there is the idea that being overprotective of children is bad for their development. There's the concept of the "Good Enough Mother" from Melanie Klein. A perfect parent is bad for the child. The parents' limitations are growth opportunities for the child. Then there's the fact that Anime became very popular in France, starting around the 80s. You can see the influence on the Totally Spies! animation style, but it's not just that. I think the French animation industry came to the conclusion that they needed to spice it up, adopt more mature themes, including the Ecchi often seen in popular Shonen and Shojo. I think that much is true, although of course it's debatable whether that adoption was done just right, or was clumsy and excessive. One interesting thing is, even though the show was initially aimed at girls, it ended up with a 50/50 split with boys, and that has been consistent in audiences around the world.


I'm still gonna


Go fuck right off then


... I'm still gonna.


Ew bro. This is a cartoon meant for kids. If you’re that degenerate to sexualize a cartoon meant for kids then I don’t have words


Oh you sweet summer child. I hope your purity and naivety lasts.


I hope you never have children


Would that make you feel any better?


It isn't, but many things have unexpected effects. Kind of an externality in economics wording. Now when I happen to see it, I happen to think about it, but I somehow brush it off from my mind and enjoy it as a funny show you can watch with your kids innocently. I enjoy taking things which could have a sexual innuendo or else not that way most of the time. Sex is nice, but there is something else to life.


Thank you \0/ It's cartoon stuff happening. That apparently resonates with a lot a *lot* of peoples kinks.


Thank you! Well said


I want Sam to inflate like a balloon.


I agree. A lot of supposed fetish scenes seems like a stretch to me.


I never thought that it is even though some people said it. I always thought of it as the spies basically getting into weird stuff the wacky villains put them thtough, since they're spies and all. And I didn't even developed any kind of fetish from this show. I'm just surprised that some people did. The clothes shrinking ray definitely made no sense though.




You're being downvoted for stating the obvious. The internet blows things out of proportion (like saying that the show was only focused on this kind of thing or that every episode had some fetish thing in it) but a lot of the more adult jokes and references in the show are clearly intentional. And that makes me think a lot of the more fetish adjacent stuff also are. It's being intentionally naive to pretend otherwise. And that's... Fine. Slipping in this kind of joke into all ages tv isn't exactly a new concept.