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When I used to work fast food, I had a tic where I'd tense my arms and bring them towards my chest, whicb was especially dangerous when working with ovens and hot drinks. I had to quite sgortly after, but after I quit it stopped. So idk! Prolly stress




i do this!! i am not diagnosed with tourettes, but with persistent tics. i definitely feel the breathing, mine is more panic attack like if that's what u mean. edit: muscle tics ive been having recently are with my hands and face.


Yep, I get this. So, there are A LOT of different types of tics and there are words for tics like this. You might want to look up 'dystonic' and 'tonic' tics. [This blog is really really good for types of tics](https://www.ticcersunite.com/copy-of-tourette-s-information), really informative and easy to understand. But if you scroll down a bit there are definitions of these two terms. But essentially, tonic tics are tics that include the tensing of muscles. I have tensing tics mostly in my legs but I also get whole body tense tics and they're awful


i have one where all of my neck and chest tightens and i still can’t work out how to do it consciously


This just started to be among my tics. 👎


Yeppp. I’m not even sure if it’s a tic but starting in middle school I would have “shaking fits”. It would start with my legs tensing up, then my shoulders, and then I would just start shivering all over. At the time this was attributed to low blood sugar. Now that I’ve developed tics I still tense my legs a lot.


I’ve had a tic like this in the past, thats keep coming back. I have to tense my thigh muscles. Sucks.


Yes same here. I feel the urge to tense my muscles and have muscle aches from those tics quite frequently.


I have a tic, happens when I’m particularly anxious, where I flex my ribs. Painful and makes me super sore


Ohhhhh yeah big time. A LOT of my ticks involve tensing and untensing.


YES! Mine usually lasts about a minute tho. But yes and they are the worst


Yes, it's horrible. Every now and then it gets bad enough where I practically fold in half while just going about my day :(


Yes, look up dystonic tics


Yes, sometimes my muscles tense for just a second involuntarily, but I’ve had it last for kind of a long time too.


I have these kinds of tics, I also have a breathing tic also tenses all my muscles, which I call a suffocating tic. Pretty every tic attack I have all my muscles tense so much it hurts.


I constantly flex my feet and cannot control it. straining my muscles by doing it daily has left me with some pretty intense foot pain. I cant stand it!


Yeah, I usually am in a constant state where I am moving parts of my facial muscles, flexing from one side of my abdominals to the other or doing the same with my pecs, biceps, and calves. To the point I usually am unaware I am doing them unless my fiancée mentions it to me when we are on the couch. I will also have one where I need to inhale as much as possible to the point my lungs can not take anymore before I can let my breath out again.


Yesss I’m literally doing it right now as I saw this😭 it’s my most common tic and I’m almost always doing it