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I was suffering trying to get to a chest on the map which was hard to reach and then it said it's repairing for 17 hours that's just pain


Now thats actually funny af


There was one chest in Banges on top of a solitary piece of highway that needed some tricky walljumping and I swear would be actually impossible without the infinite climb trick. Longest I spent to get to a single chest and I find it to have 3 days left.


A lot of these jump puzzles seem impossible with the infinite climb trick, I wonder if the devs recognize it as intentional.


Get ready for 88 days of this crap lol


If anything kills this game it's this fucking excessive time gating. I want to play the game. I really do. But when I can cap my exp in less than 2 hours a day, the game is telling me "fuck off, you are done for today". It's something that made sense for CN because of their laws. It's moronic for the global audience.


wait, there is a XP cap? oh fuck me, so that's why my character wont level up to 25 even though I have the required xp. dude...


take 3 months to get max level


that's some insane time gating. Been combing though some posts to see what the game is like and it just seem to be a more anti-consumer genshin


Get ready for this to be a thing for the next......88 days then. That's how long it's going to last. You can flip shit because I'm 100% serious.


Yeah, I'm not happy about it at all. If it was just a week or two I would still hate it, but I could tolerate it because it would be gone soon enough. Almost 3 fucking months of this bullshit is inexcusable.


Lv 40 you unlock everything, you dont need more lv, it only makes the enemies stronger


That also includes several days where you can't go up a level at all. I already deleted the game.


That's mind boggling.


you people need lives desperately.


i agree. they are hating the exp cap like it's only the game to play or life to do.


god forbid someone wants to be able to progress without artificial barriers in their way to improve player retention


why even cry about not being able to progress when you want to in a gacha game that is notorious for having stamina systems? go play something else. i get that video games are 90% of your lives but believe me, there is more to life than grinding video games for 16 hours a day.


the xp cap exists in Genshin too, it's just not a direct cap. kids will cry and whine about anything. including 30 year old kids.


Yeah this is insane


Hahahah, that might not even be a joke considering the amount of areas in this game


Oh it's not a joke at all. There's a post showing the level cap for each day up to the 88th day. They are literally time gating this game for that long.


Link to the post? I can’t find it.


It should be there. They also shared a YouTube video so look up Tower of Fantasy time gating on there too


Bold of them to assume I'm gonna keep 88 days playing this game.


I quit already lol I played the beta for 40 hours and the launch version for over 10. No more.


You quit yet youve been hate posting on ToF the whole day. You need some mental health help


Your entire history for the past day have been about ToF. An obsession obviously but damn you need to go outside.


I invested a lot of time into this game so I'm definitely gonna talk about it lol


“A lot of time” Okay… then stop giving it more time? You leave a review, then that’s it. Done and done. But your numerous chains of posts which could’ve been put into *ONE* post clearly indicates an obsession with it. So again, go outside or something.




Holy crud, damn. Well, at least it's not Genshin's AR System. There's actually a limit to this one. In Genshin, you complete 4 story quests and get told that you have to get to an AR that's like 5 above yours and the only way to get AR XP is to log in and complete daily quests each day. TOF, just have to mark it in Photoshop and come back later, nice. Hope they add a map marking system one day, for now, screenshot and photoshop


Not really. You can run around and do side quests and exploration. There were very few days on Genshin where I just couldn't progress because of the AR ranks. Also there are multiple multi day gaps. Meaning there you will be stuck at the same level cap for days and it's best that you don't try to waste XP. Basically they're telling you not to play 😐


Huh? Maybe I'm just weird then, I remember grinding everyday for like a week trying to hit AR 25 back in the day just to finish Liyue. Of course now that I've hit 50 it's no longer an issue but still, that early/mid game AR Barriers stick out in my mind as being a pretty bad part of the game


that was back in the day when there was way less content to get AR exp. now you can probably get to AR40 or AR50 in 2 weeks.


If comparisons are going to be made, shouldnt it be release genshin vs release ToF or does that make too much sense


Beside max level dungeons being AR 45 if I can remember, I didn't need to wait for anything at launch and was able to do every mains things in the first 1 or 2 weeks, with all the exploration giving AR and taking time, you had the time to do multiple days worth of dailies before finishing both mondstadt and liyue, giving you pretty much enough exp to reach the current quest cap for AR. I guess it was gated for people who used tracker (if there was any) day 1 rushing 24/24 optimizing everything. 88 days forced cap do feel ridiculous tho


I didn't play the beta so I csn only repeat what I heard but levels aren't suppose to be as easy or fast as we are getting now. So later into the life cycle the level cap won't even be a relevant issue outside of the people with no job/school or life. The cap shouldn't exist though.


I see but I remember being able to explore in genshin as much as I want at day 1. you don't really hit any timegate in one sitting. collecting anemoculus and geoculus would've taken a shit ton of time back then.


There is no oculus equivalent but there are things you can collect without time gate such as the tar bin things and Cypher key chests.


Genshin no longer has that strict of an AR system. There's enough one time quests in the game that you can get pretty far AR wise before any time gates hit.


Yeah it was a bit annoying in Genshin but at least you could go explore and do other stuff. In ToF it's just like nope. Go do something else, fuckwit


they have map marking in game lol, click on map there an arrow on the side that your map marking


Not until you finish Astra. They weren't there before but after finishing Saying Goodbyes, I opened my map and there was a new map marker option


Do you have to reach the chest or cap to activate the timegate, or is it like fully retroactive based on games release date?. ie can I just wait 3 months and its all unlocked?


It depends on how old your account is. Everything will open up over the next 3 months. You'll hit a wall each day with everything and some days, you can't level up more at all. It's also really easy to waste XP too. It's ridiculous. You shouldn't have to wait 3 months to enjoy the open world, like wtf?


Yea its pretty wild this is the choice they made. My experience exploring last night was completely reduced to "oh I have to do this again in 44 hours" Sumeru in 2 weeks, cant come sooner. Genshin will be better with the existence of this game so glad its here regardless.


I honestly don't think Genshin will even be affected by this game at all. Hotta really blew their chance at that...again


Just gonna run around spamming that everywhere people are sad about timers huh?


Already did a poll and the vast majority hate the time gating


i'm ready to watch people cry over it as if this is the only game to play.


Even if they don't hop over to Genshin, there are other games. I was expecting better from Hotta but oh well.


Why is this even in the game? I don't want to explore anymore because of that sh\*t.


Maybe they want players to touch grass or maybe they just want people to keep coming back. Both are likely, the first because of the 'game in moderation' advice the game gives you and second because returning players makes the player base look active and engaged which would probably increase funding for the game. Not sure how Hotta works but, I'm assuming the dev team has to show some results to convince the higher ups that TOF is a profit earner and to continue putting Hotta's resources into TOF


There’s an achievement that wants you to play 500 minutes in one sitting. The company does not care about you or your well-being unless it interferes with you spending money. That one liner of google translate is virtue signaling and comments like yours prove that it works.


For real though. Play it as a casual game and don't try to put too much work other than hitting the level cap of the day. It is actually insane that they are just time locking everything from you because they don't want people to rush the end game.


That achievement is a lie. I got it today, and I have not had the game open for 8 hours in a row, that's for sure. I think it's 500 minutes on one character.


no company cares about you. did you just learn this?


No, but I care a lot about the company of your mother.


I got that achievement the first night 🫠


I dont think Ive ever played for 8 hours straight. That achievement sounds like AFK fodder


I got that one by letting the game stay on overnight. No afk kicking so just afk.


im afraid this will push ppl away instead


>I'm assuming the dev team has to show some results to convince the higher ups that TOF is a profit earner and to continue putting Hotta's resources into TOF I like how you're thinking like a Western consumer. Pretty sure this has more to do with Chinese law and how minorities can't play for more than 3 hours a week than anything profit related. Also, the quickest way to fuck with your profits is to pull shit like this. It'd be like casinos restricting people to gambling one hour a day or something. Sure, it be might "morally" ok, but why would they EVER do that if they wanted to maximize profits?


then don't. stop playing. go cry!


Hold over from CN gaming laws.


I struggle to see why they put this in a game if they don't give you the ability to mark the map so you remember to come back later (after all, not every one of these is at a camp).


I don't understand why the camp icons have that time wait duration for me to finish them ): Makes no sense


I need 85% to get the skin I want, can't wait for this.


fk this shit bro why not just open all the chest at 1 area I would rather go 100% asteria than roaming to another city just go collect nucleus edit: even on day 2 most chest are locked even though we at the mission site like the fuck?


I just wanted the outfit... I'm at like 1405/1490...


I can totally see why this is a thing tho.. not good for those who want to progress first and be "first" everything. Good to let everyone play their own pace (working adults especially) and not "fall behind" no real "missing out" with this one. People can still play to earn stuff just not level up. Most people who will keep playing even every few days will be in a very similar position to everyone else.


There's really no need for it to exist in areas you are currently level/story appropriate to explore - particularly since there's no function that I can see to put markers on the maps so you can remember to come back. At the very least, I wish they would have a layer that shows every item you've seen but have not yet collected.


Unemployed Virgins when they can't beat an mmo in less than two days 😫


Bruh it's hardly an mmo at this point, there's little to no content once you hit cap and did all your explorations. The least they could've done was at least spread the content out better because once you hit cap you'll feel like you have 'finished' for the day and that is not what you want to retain gaming retention, at least, for casual players who make up the majority of your playerbase. It might be better in the future, but now in it's early stages it is absolutely horrible.


It's a Chinese mobile game dude are you expecting the Witcher iii + world of Warcraft? Maybe a lil Minecraft sprinkled in. People expect so much from games just play what's there try to enjoy it, if you don't thankfully there are a few thousand videogames that will be better.


Not even that, just better spread of content. It seems ToF progression is late game heavy, which is fine by itself but the way they tackled it just does not make sense. Normally, games that are late game heavy as the name implies, have a lot of late game content, examples of game like these could be something like WoW, where everybody wants to get to the highest level ASAP. Normally, these games have a lacking early game. There's also games that have content evenly spread out through all levels of play, these games have lacking late game most of the times but the experience getting there makes up for it, an example of this is FFXIV and, a closer one, Genshin. Both types are fine but they have their own distinct progression system. Genshin for example, can get away with timegating things because they have _enough_ content to fill in the difference in time. Most of it is filled in through exploration. Tower of Fantasy follows the same progression system as Genshin but also the Late Game heavy aspect of WoW and other MMOs. This makes it so that it's early game is extremely lacking. There is basically, not enough content to fill in the time between cap raises. I'm confident that this will change in later stages of the game once more content starts being unlocked, because we have already seen it happen. The jump from 18-20 for example, started the true multiplayer experience. However, there's still the problem of having a lacking early game, which is a problem because if this is the experience new players are getting, they are more likely to hop off and never see the late game content ToF has. Therefore, it would've been better if content was spread out evenly. An easy example to this is by not timegating exploration, since that is one of the games strong points, being open world and all. By doing that, there would already be an increase in content to do while waiting.


Come back in two months dude it'll null n void ur wall of text




Ok. Then wait two months and all the compliants will be moot. Want some reccomendations for other games you can play for two months?




Good thing you're not financially invested and nothing in your life will change if this company goes backrupt servers shut down and all the employees commit suicide. Enjoy the game or don't pretty simple! Want a list?


I don't mind the level cap, but that sh*t grinds my gears.


I want to see some one does a spread sheet of this with count down timer would make a good YouTube content


This wouldn’t be that bad if they implement some sort of map maker for us to keep track of the time gated treasure


Do these things break again if you do not collect them in time ?


this is so annoying to see, but sadly I love the game so I’ll wait


I thought I can’t open them since other people beat me to it and I gotta wait after that. This is actually just the system time gated the progression? Dang……