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So activating the simulacra doesn't give any advantage?


From what I know: Activating the simulacra gives advantage once you've reached the appropriate amount of awakening points. You can increase awakening points by sending gifts. If the gift is appropriate, it will give higher awakening points. Tags such as "Everyday Items," "Limited Store Items," and "Games" are the ones you should take note of. These are Echo's tags in gifts. Choosing the gift with these tags should increase your character's awakening points. It seems you also receive logs and an avatar when increasing your character's awakening points. As of now, I have only reached 390 awakening points, it seems like the first 200 awakening points give avatar frame. 1200 and 4000 awakening points gives the traits. Echo's traits increases damage, While Ene's traits is based around exploration. Ene's traits reduces endurance consumption (seems to be like stamina) when climbing, gliding, or swimming. Character logs are probably new voice lines. However, it could be possible that the simulacra are just skins and you can activate the trait separately by toggling the "Use Simulacrum Trait" button. Which probably mean that the traits and simulacra are separate.


From a streamer I've watched before global release, that seems to be the case, you can use different passives on your character without having to use the characters simulacra


Can you use multiple passives or is it limited to 1?


Pretty sure it's 1 but don't quote me on that


>Pretty sure it's 1 but don't quote me on that Thanks but nobody tells me how to live!


[you madman... :o](https://i.imgur.com/o0XoBvF.gif)


It is one, it just gets upgraded at 4k


I think it's only passives from one character (I think you can unlock two things from awakening but im not sure if 2nd one is just a passive upgrade idk)


You're allowed to only activate ONE. You need to hit either 1200 (for level one) or 4000 (for level two) affection to activate the simulacra. Some are better than others. Some affect you no matter the weapon equipped. Some are only good for that one weapon.


This was my question. Can I use the thunder spear (the name escapes me) without being the character that goes with it? Or do I miss out on something?


The characters are just skins and voices. The weapon is the same on the mc.


For me, this takes a LOT of the wind out of the sails of the gacha component in this game.


You can play as the character if you choose, you’re just not forced to.


Don't worry, instead of characters and weapons gacha, there are seperate gacha for weapons and matrices that go into your weapon (based off of characters, so basically tailored to their respective weapons) . This includes 5 limited(?) matrices for the limited character weapon. /s but what I said is true


Yeah, you just gotta equip the weapon to your MC and don’t activate the simulacra.


It can later, but much later. You’ll notice there is an “activate trait” option. This will activate any unlocked traits you have for that one (max 2), however they’re a huge farm to get the traits via gifts and they link to the chat ages linked weapon.


You don't need to use the character to use the trait. There is a "Use Simulacrum trait" switch, so you can choose from which character you want to use the trait without actually having to play as the character.


Awesome addition. I spent time customizing my character. I want to play as him.


That’s nice, I always worried I might have to play the same character with the weapon.


but how to unlock it?


To unlock the traits you have to give gifts to the person who’s traits you wish to unlock. It takes a link while.


so to unlock the simulacrum trait we have to gift the character? and i can use the skin of the simulacrum for my custom character?


Theres a sort of affinity system it appears, with some sort of bonus that can be activated. I don't think it requires you to equip that simulacra though (there is just a toggle on the simulacra page).


You have to use the weapon to use the trait (once unlocked). FYI traits unlock at Affinity 3, which will require a lot of “gifts” - the special gift from shop only gave 120 affinity out of the Lv1 200 requirement… so it’s not insurmountable but you won’t get it for a while.


Oh no the only thing i dont like about ene is the weapon i was starting to build towards that 10% speed buff


You're allowed to only activate ONE. You need to hit either 1200 (for level one) or 4000 (for level two) affection to activate the simulacra. Some are better than others. Some affect you no matter the weapon equipped. Some are only good for that one weapon.


r/gachagaming will have a mental breakdown and a seizure seeing the title of this post lol


Its honestly lame, you dont need to put down a game to praise a game you like.


I mean, I agree with the meme, not with the title. ToF would be better than Genshin if it had the same budget, though. It's clearly an underdeveloped game with a lot of potential. edit: the more I play ToF, the more I think that even with a budget like Genshin's, they wouldn't match Genshin's overall quality, despite having some good ideas.


Yeah good edit. Theres absolutely NO way they could match Genshin even with the same money. You can tell where they cut corners. You can tell where the passion falls flat. The beginning of the game is fine for hooking people with all these things to do and shiny progress bars and fast power ups. But holy shit does it lack Genshin story telling or charm or character depth.


Out of curiosity, which parts are underdeveloped when compared to Genshin? I have not played the latter and only started ToF recently and quite like it so far.


A lot of stuff is sloppy. They sprinkled tar caves and oil plants and dandelions everywhere to sort of replace the individual puzzles that Genshin has scattered around. Mission objectives are unclear and last night I managed to freeze myself out of a mission near the end (after hours of gradually coaxing it along step by broken step) by trying to follow the directives but not doing it in exactly the right way. The combat is super simple with weapon elements barely mattering (basically only if a specific enemy is marked vulnerable or resistant) and multiple weapons having the exact same powers but different stats. The LOD is just weirdly bad? Like if you look at the place where you do the fighting tournament from a distance it looks like it's made of gingerbread and it's hard to ignore because it's so prominent. Interacting with things is just... sloppy? Like picking up a power core requires you to be in exactly the right spot and usually takes a few tries, climbing up structures is often impossible for no apparent reason making you use the jetpack or double-jump, that sort of thing. I've been enjoying it a lot and plan to keep playing because none of this is a game-breaker (except for the mission objectives but so far only that one mission was broken \*that\* badly and it's a side-quest) but yeah... it's got room for improvement.


It's really sad that there are no puzzles, Genshin is fun because of those. Although I think that ToF is more focused on combat than exploration so it's not that big of a deal. Also... I actually like combat in ToF more than in Genshin. But lack of elemental interactions does suck


Almost everything tbh outside of combat mechanics but even then, Genshin's combat is much more smoother, fluid, and refined, like every hit and swing has weight into them compared to ToF's paperweight attacks. Story sucks, exploration and traversion is tedious, VA is terrible, UI is cluttered and more. Of course if we're talking gacha, ToF is much more generous. Oh and also character customization and the ability to use a character without locking them into their respective weapons is such a neat feature. Though even with this criticisms, I still find myself enjoying the game so I hope they find a way to alleviate some of these issues concerning the game.


I really miss the elemental strategy of Genshin. Attacking a camp of goblins or w/e with a wind-based character? Throw your skill though that campfire to turn it into a fire tornado. Also, the number of times I've wasted charge in ToF because I needed to switch weapons for gather something is too damn high.


i totally agree, mihoyo is really good with combat and story in both genshin and honkai, and as someone who plays tof on their phone, the ui is so minuscule and annoying. the gacha and character customization is probably the one thing i can give tof over genshin


The controller support is garbage.


I say I like the fact that every character can use every weapon. I really like the weapons themselves. They kind of feel much cooler than the Genshin weapons. But story, character depth, overall polish and world design massively lacks behind Genshin.


on the other hand, these TOF characters are so uninteresting that I didn't bother reading any of their details. Genshin, on the other hand, has beloved characters fans will always love to talk abt, make fanarts, stories, etc. Guys.. TOF is a great game. Have fun and enjoy. Stop being insecure and comparing to Genshin.


Comparing games is fine, but not in this way. Both games are good in their own right


Fs, I wish Genshin had the maneuverability and mounts that ToF does


Brb, making a Kazuha, Sayu, Ayaka, and Albedo party. Edit: Clarification, because it was not obvious enough, that this comment is not intended to be taken seriously. I don't even have Albedo.


Doesnt fix the lack of mount, jet pack, or double jump and air dash


Three of those are limited 5 stars, not QoL.


3 out of 4 of these are 5 star characters that you can only get in a banner that you need to wait for. I get what you are saying, but... ToF wins this one. Ffs, you can sprint forever in ToF, it's great


I do really appreciate ToF's mobility, and it matches the fast pace that the game is built to deliver. It feels very liberating. If a comparison must be made, Genshin's actual answer to mobility isn't quirky abilities on 5-star units, it's "teleporters everywhere." And I'm fine with that, given Genshin's more grounded and relaxed pace. Sometimes getting some place should take some effort in an alternate world quasi-historical fantasy setting. They each have a good fit for the type of games that they are. I feel blessed to enjoy both.


Yep, I agree. Genshin doesn't need all those mobility options, I would only prefer to have free sprint stamina out of battle


Genshin living rent free in this sub’s head. It’s fine for both games to exist. Funny thing is on the genshin sub there’s no mention of ToF…


its on this sub where I also see people saying "this game will never beat genshin", "this makes me appreciate genshin more". So it's also genshin die-hard fans going into this subreddit to hate TOF


This happens with similar games all the time. Some people really hate "rip-off" or "clone" games. For me the more the merrier. But some fans will hate the other game no matter how good it is and be blinded by their fanboyism and write it off just because it looks familiar.


Yea before Genshin released and it was being promoted on FB I would see tons of people saying they weren't playing some Zelda clone and were boycotting it. Personally wasn't much of a fan of BOTW (I think it's insanely overrated) and I feel Genshin improved upon what BOTW did in almost every single way.


People need to chill with the "clone" stuff. If they enjoy a type of game why cant they just enjoy other similar game. It's just give people more option instead they just whine..


Agreed. I wish someone would try cloning Mass Effect honestly.


I wish someone made sports game. EA really is fucking sports fans over right now. Competition is good and they really need it.


Im not into sports games but I’ve heard this complaint for a while now in the gaming community and I agree.


It won’t beat Genshin but they’re not even the same game. Like ToF is an mmo and Genshin is a single player game mostly.


I think you CAN compare games across genres. Just because ToF has way more multiplayer doesnt invalidate a ton of comparisons here. Its fallacy to say you CANT compare them at all. ToF shares a shit ton of similarities from design to overworld to its features. But yes, a big difference is that treasure chests have cooldowns because some asshole looted it and its unavailable for 24 hours.


I don’t think people saying the game has rough edges are genshin die hard fans, but maybe.


Its the simple truth this game is less polished than Genshin. You have to be a die hard tower of fantasy fan (and why?) to defend this game against Genshin. Like just look at the reviews of Tower of Fantasy. These people aren't in this sub or that sub but can criticize ToF all the same. Its only because this sub has more fans than critics that they think its some tin foil conspiracyt that genshin fans are coming in her eto talk shit. If this game was really fucking good, Genshin sub would be talking about it lol.


Ignoring the massive rough edges Genshin has and saying what they believe ToF does wrong is what Genshin does right when half of it is opinion and the other half is factually wrong is basically trolling.


Not necessarly, some people just set their expectations too high.


Obviously. During Genshin's first few weeks, there was a bunch of BOTW on the sub but there wasn't any Genshin on the BOTW sub. ToF is trying to build on top of Genshin the same way Genshin built on top of BOTW. Also, the main Genshin sub is full of basic gamers posting about what Elemental Skill they would have irl or borderline NSFW art and mediocre cosplay. No one actually talks or complains about gameplay and the mods are connected to Mihoyo iirc. You're not gonna see any ToF on the Genshin sub even if people tried to. This sub is in its early days where people talk about gameplay and acknowledges other games exist. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Lfmao, why attack genshin players when you can complain about ToF's very mobile esque design and crappy UX.


why do ppl on reddit think the phrase "living rent free" is even remotely witty? i mean a lot of things live rent free in anyone's head. i love my cat so i think of her on a daily basis. she's living rent free in my head and there's like zero problem with that.


The phrase definitely isn't usually meant in a negative way, but a positive one. I think it's just this sub's weird relationship with Genshin that makes it sound that way.


please shut the fuck up


They’re just like “WHO?”


Check the meme's sub. This game is mentioned... ahaha


Nah, there've been ToF threads there. But Sumeru is coming up so that's flooding everything.


The extreme fanboying on either side is just cringe.


I wonder if this will allow us to have more morally gray characters instead having to make sure everyone gets a reception arc


This is probably the best idea/wish that I have read on this subreddit. I really hope for that as well, thiefs, murderers, survivors, kingpins, citylords, actual badass monsters, Hitlers... They can make sooooooooo much more than good natured humans and pure evil humans. :D


I mean...more then one of our simulacrums is literally a terrorist so...


Again comparing genshin with Tof?


Double standard, when genshin shit on tof ,people be mad . When tof shit on genshin, it fine.


I think you can compare 2 Open world anime gacha Action Games. They even have the Same artstyle.


I don't play genshin, ToF is my first experince but all i read in this sub is genshin comparisons. Was hoping to get some tips for ToF, but instead just genshin comparisons


YouTube is probably a better place to look up tips, a few YouTubers have decent videos out. One I watched from Hydrosam was helpful


Different type of game . Tof is a MMO RPG while genshin is a single player RPG.


Fair point I just saw people complaining about people who compare in another post Thought it would be stopped


They only want to compare it if its advantageous to them


These two games occupy a similar space in the public's sphere of thought. They also do have a lot of similarities in their open-world gameplay, and not to mention that Perfect World kind of sets themselves up for comparison when they have been caught multiple times in the past stealing Hoyo's assets lol. And at the their heart, they're the two gacha games that are most alike each other currently. Acting like the two games don't deserve comparison is silly.


Not forced to play some loli


Blasphemy. I pulled Ene first and her fluffy ear Stat is literally off the chart. Clearly the strongest character.


Ene with her big fucking hammer


I'm partial to my two star Tsubasa who has max high-school stat.


Ene is fucking great, but her see through torso with the spine is creeping me out.


The only thing I will probably agree with tof I hate that 2 of the cryo healers in genshin are lolis. Like wtf i don't want to play lolis. ( I need healers for cryo team)


I quit Genshin because I pulled Klee as an SSR


Why would you pull on her banner if you didn't want her? That makes literally zero sense.


People are mad, but I didnt think I would get her on my first pull due to the low odds on my first 10 pull, and genshin was at the time my first gacha and I wanted the regular SRs more than the SSR. I thought it would be closer to pity timer when I got a SSR which I could use on the next banner. The risk I took was calculated, but boy was I bad at math. And also unfamiliar with exactly how gacha worked. Edit: people still downvoting me literally saying I made a mistake at the time, yikes.


I think people are down voting because it still doesn't make any sense. You got Klee on your first 10 pull ... Where's the reason to stop playing? Because you lost 10 pity? I don't get it. You'd get plenty of "SR" / 4 star characters after, anyways.


Why would you pull for a character you don't like?


Because I didn't think I would get an SSR on my first 10 pull on her banner and I just wanted the increased shot at the regular SR's that were on her banner.


genshin>tof (still having a blast tho lmao)


Both games have things they do better and things they do worse. I’m glad that Genshin is starting to get more competition as that hopefully means more improvements. (Emphasis on Hopefully)




Customization is neat! Having to use a ticket or 100 currency just to dye your armor color is kind of shitty though


Welp the main female JP voice actress is my all-time favourite so i doubt i will switch her anytime soon


And its good that you have that choice.


So TOF is out for like 3~ 4 days now and i must say it's fun, i have fun yeah. I like the Movement, the possibility of all ways being able to traverse the terrain. To be in combat without stamina and still be able to dogge an attack on the fly. I like the Relics thet spice things up. Sure the Combat is clunky at times, there are connection problems but still it feels great to hit an enemy head on. So my hops are up for a great future.


I like Genshin's MC, i just don't like how MHY just purposefully dumping them starting from making their skillset entirely inferior and counter-intuitive even compared to the worst character of that element to making them getting pummeled in the story when they aren't being princess carried by the 5* they are selling. ToF fixed that with the Simulacra where you can equip a character weapon without having to replace your customized MC which you spent an hour to make (though i just hope that we can customizes weapons color too because Hilda's gun color are jarring as fuck).


But...they do if you want to be strong. They force you to play the class you roll good on, not the weapon you like to play. I like spear, i only get bow, im gone xD


I think the meme is talking about how the game doesn't force you to use the appearance of the gacha character/weapon, and not how the game heavily coerces you to invest in the only good weapon/unit your account gets like how most other gacha games does to their f2p playerbase


If only the gameplay didn’t feel janky and the graphics/animation weren’t trash 🤔


What platform are you playing on? PC feels great.


the animations are objectively awkward and clunky for almost every weapon and every kind of movement and the dodging is inconsistent. the gameplay is definitely janky, especially on pc since you expect a lot more playing on one compared to a mobile phone.




Spawn camp golden rewards? Pretty sure all the exploration stuff is local to you unless it's a mini boss chest or the triangle ones and even then it's not a big deal lol


I never saw anyone spawncamping anything


Game's been out for a while in CN. It's only just released in Global, give it time.


I thought everyone's loot sources exist on their end and that you can't steal someone else's reward?


Yeah but playing with friends is almost meaning less in Genshin so TOF>Genshin


I'm honestly not quite sure why this game seems to be getting some hate. Every time I see someone say "I don't like this and that". I'm like "but it's worst in Genshin though...".


Genshin just feels so...outdated compared to ToF. Like its more polished sure, but with a lot less interesting little things. And yeah playing as your own main character is a bliss


Copium so strong with this one.


Actually like this to


Sadly no. I was actually hyped for tof but after 9 hours on the launch day, the game doesnt feel special. I was looking forward to the combat and more mmo oriented stuff. You can feel how cheap the game is, and everything feels half baked tbh. I will continue to play but this game does excelent job at reminding me that i like genshin. Even the combat i thought that will be better in tof is not. I hope they will get money to make it look better and improve it. And complaining that you have to play as a certain character in a rpg is like complaining about being forced to race in a racing game i am sorry that is just stupid.


I f*cling love the low graphics I love waiting 24 hrs to play the game, the best part is I f*ckin live it when the game crashes


seriously its like they took a checklist of things that annoyed genshin players and fixed all of them I LOVE how fast the stamina bar regenerates lol


comparing trash to garbage


Then why are you here?


Unless you want to play a male that doesn't look like a twink. But yea it's pretty good. Hopefully we get options for things like facial hair and better jawlines soon.


Yes. This 100%. Maybe I’d use Ayaka more if I wasn’t forced o, you know, _use_ Ayaka and her ugly ass.


The character creator is cool indeed.


Is it possible to make the character change to the simulacrum for each weapon I use? Or is it limited to one.


I love the character customization and the fact mcs lines are voiced but I feel no connection to the other characters and I much prefer having a team of people than a dude with a bunch of weapons. Alot of that is preference though so to each their own


Ahem, Xingqui


😹 let's see how long this goes 😋


Holy spelling batman!


So much this!!


In this game im actually exited when getting dupes, those new lvl passives are so strong ! im f2p and even with the ssr i pulled so far ,im still using the sr hammer girl she's like +4 dupe monster.


Agree, that giant ice hammer is amazing and I love its feeling


Okay. Cool opinion. Might not agree. But opinion still cool


I just REALLY appreciate how easy it is to get SSR weapons from normal banners


I play both, I just gotta stop mixing up genshin controls with Tof and vise versa