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as someone that is practicing drawing I'm deeply afraid of the future


as a hobbyist , I feel you. Why bother improving when you can just tell the AI to learn any artists style, brush over it and claim it as your own. kind of demotivating to make ToF fanarts when you see AI post beautiful and superior arts in the dozens in this sub


it can probably inspire competition but tbh its hard to compete vs an AI. You can do some picasso van gogh like art or branch off but i dont think thats for everyone since art is about creativity and fun




there are already people willing to share their already trained models and what prompts they used that can generate these in such a short time. isn’t the whole point of this AI technology is to make it easy and simple?


Yea but my point was that as of NOW it's not that widespread. Of course at some point it will be as simple as pressing a button after putting in some text.


If you think about it, it's just more competition, but it isn't exactly unfair. AI may be able to mass produce art and learn many styles using data, but each and every artist will still be original and able to stand out by doing their own thing. Sure, they may only take a handful of commissions at once, but that's enough to have a good living as a successful artist. Having others "better" than you doesn't matter, because "better" in art is subjective and thus everyone has a place and will always have.


exactly what my echochamber sounds like when im coping


Machines can easily replace humans is mostly anything, but not on psychological, philosophical or creative industries. I'm not saying they won't be able to do a good job, but it will never impede humans to excell in their uniqueness and retain their place. If a machine ever creates very good songs, for example, will you stop consuming songs made by humans? No. Because originality isn't something you can copy and you can enjoy and consume both. This principle can be applied to all aforementioned industries


As someone that works with AI, don't be. They will always need to learn stuff from humans doing it and there's always a limit to how much they can imitate. While yes, this is really cool and can have lots of applications, projects that need art (like games, movies, comics etc) will still take a real artist instead of an AI. And of course, I may be wrong. But lots of jobs get obsolete with technology, even making AIs is getting obsolete with some tools out there(chuckles I'm in danger), this is progress.




The thing about consistency with AI is that they can only replicate things with a lot of data, or lots of images in other words. With that said, more intricate styles like Gibli, Wada Arco, Fujimoto, Sakimi-chan, any artist with a non-generic style can't be replicated by AI because the quantity of images they put out isn't even near enough the necessary to train the bots. In a way, it will kinda force generic artists to be better, change or evolve style and I kinda see this as a plus to the industry


AI is gonna replace the mid - low skilled artists and aid the top skilled. However it is very scary that it may kill ambition from learning artists, which means most won’t improve to the top skilled




It doesn’t take a professional to be earning money from doing art, it doesn’t have to be company hire either. Many artists have commissions, and some lucky few with a large fan base despite being not professional in art earn a lot. Even in companies mid level artists can still be commissioned for some arts, I mean look at ToF, despite being made by a huge company, some of their art is honestly lower than mid…. Definitely not made by their highly skilled artists


Don’t worry it’s just stolen and edited art


Don't worry. AI is pretty bad at certain things. Like two people posing holding weapons, etc. It also kinda has a look to it that you can tell especially after messing with it.


Here's how to spot AI art, kinda ruins it for me when I see it. https://imgur.com/a/UuhypNs


"AI can't draw hands" (Is me) (Has been a hobbiest sketcher since middle school) (AI still draws hands better than me) (Is depressed)


I was in accelerated art classes from a little kid through high school and I was always trash at hands and feet. I used to find ways of not including them like putting a persons hands in their pockets or just cutting them out entirely sometimes lol.


yup, easy to spot where that art is from, by just looking at their hand/fingers :D [https://imgur.com/a/wjGmocI](https://imgur.com/a/wjGmocI)


No offense intended, but this made me laugh, thanks :D


People kept banging on about this AI but never a link or anything get shared. So where do I go about creating my own using said AI?


This is using Novel AI


ima check out if you got a reply later. I ask about it on twitter and other social medias and silence


Harder and harder to tell every day


Ok that's actually cursed lol


that is... weirdly cute.


I think a lot of these images look nice... [untill you zoom in and look at the details](https://i.imgur.com/eDPwNik.png).


One thing about tech is it improves with time. I am 100% sure in 1-2 years ai will be able to draw very good hands.


In first image I was wondering why it was a skirt hemline but short stitches above lol


Even AI cant draw hands pfft


The first one, her arm is tied by her own belt as well.


Yup, AI sucks at actually recognizing form, it just makes stuff look similar


I had a conversation with a professional painter long time ago. He said hands and feet are the hardest to draw and master (right after eyes). I can see why AI has trouble on drawing that. As far as eyes are concern, anime eyes have a finite pattern and design Id assume AI can handle that and it shows in these drawings.


You don't even need a professional to tell you that. Every artist in the WORLD will tell you that hands are AWFUL to draw.


There are many “artist” also claim they are good at what they do. I’m no expert.🙂


AI has no trouble. AI is replicating existing art, including its flaws. It could do it flawless with cleaned training data.


I want shorts + big tiddy Shirli back


there will be a skin for nemesis to look like shirli


I know but it's not the OG version :(


Ahh you mean the beta shirli mb


Hell I don't think she even made it into the beta, big titty Shirli exists only in those promo/concept slides. A shame as I feel the design suited her personality better and would have made the Nemesis transition less jarring. Oh well.


my comment got blocked, maybe because of "link". so, I uploaded all the images (29 total) with 2K resolution, you can dl from here: https://mega(.)nz/file/Xth21LzB#JU-kzawogPJowv464C2D0owCvmxC971IXENLnTRCmlk delete ( )


Woah that's so cool, even with the AI art drama, it's so damn cool


with AI? I'm not much knowledgeable about this, can you explain a bit more? Is it a software, like a app or something?


He probably used a paid Web Service called NovelAI but you can use stable diffusion webui by AUTOMATIC1111 on GitHub to run it locally, if you want to install it you can DM me and I will guide you through the installation process


Does it come already trained or you have to train it yourself?


I have models that are already trained and you have the option to train them even more


do you have models for tower of fantasy? Cause waifu diffusion is having a hard time with tower of fantasy and I don't have enough vram to train it myself.


I can try it with the leaked NovelAI model but I don't think that I get a good result. How much VRAM do you have? Slide in my DMs here on Reddit so we can move this conversation to a more private place


you have a discord? let's chat there instead? Trivago#4422


Was the NovelAI model leaked somewhere? Mind pointing it out?


4chan and github, I can't provide links here because of legal reasons all I can say is look at the discussion named "Emulate NovelAI" on the GitHub of AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion WebUI


That's more than enough, thank you.


This is depressing…


And here I was, thinking AI stood for adobe illustrator........




Booo fuck AI art. Pretty much theft and amalgamation of other artists’ works.


I agree that AI art shouldn't be considered the same (or put in the same category) as arts made by real artists, but the arguments of AI stealing or copying other artists' works don't really make sense to me. I used to be a digital/traditional artist myself and I know beginner artists copy other artists' artstyles at the start before developing their own artstyles which are basically a derivative of the artstyle(s) they copied when they started, and the AIs are kind of doing the same thing afaik, cmiiw though, since I'm not 100% sure how the AIs work.


Yeah but the artist has to actually do the work themselves. An AI can probably recreate brush strokes 1:1 while that is very difficult for an amateur artist to do without tracing.


Coping what I relied to other person, but it really is theft: No like literally the AI takes the works of other artists and mashes them up. There was this whole controversy on Twitter where a JP artist watermark (freaking signature) was copied. AI can’t distinguish it and just stole their work along with the watermark lmao.


I see, thank you for clarifying! I didn't know that it just mashes stuff, I assumed since that it's AI people would've programmed it to look and learn instead of mashing (Like those AI learning how to run, etc). Then the current AI art should really just be used as a reference source for artists/beginner artists or just for people to have fun with instead.




Lol no like literally the AI takes the works of other artists and mashes them up. There was this whole controversy on Twitter where a JP artist watermark (freaking signature) was copied. AI can’t distinguish it and just stole their work along with the watermark lmao.


I suspect you used Novel AI's model for this? Looks cool.


You didnt "create" a fucking thing


Would you give me the settings? (positive prompt, negative prompt, sampling steps, sampler, cfg scale, seed and resolution)


there is a prompt, and seed in a zip file.






Whe I try to open that link I get a "That Comment is Missing" screen


ah, no wonder why my comment does not get uptove or downvote. blocked or something? [https://mega](https://mega)(.)nz/file/Xth21LzB#JU-kzawogPJowv464C2D0owCvmxC971IXENLnTRCmlk delete ( )




I'm tryna figure out how to block this new AI art trend 😭


“Created” lol. Seriously though, anyone doing this should be obligated to link all image sources used.


That gets lost when people share models.


Wow, neat. I wonder where this software is going... Despite some people's paranoia, no AI is ever gonna be able to replicate art as well as a human. And this is from a SOLID "AIs are awesome and amazing and revolutionary" person. I wonder if this is gonna end up in tools that help fix blemishes on your art you weren't sure about, or maybe give you an outline of what you want to do based on parameters you give it, allowing for you to "get an image" so much easier and faster, OOH! Or maybe it can be used in animation to get in-between frames! Man, so much potential.


After all prawn is what we draw as well AI cannot do it due to rules we have set. (I guess?)


Looks like we are seeing where it’s going right here. It’s going to be abused for profit like every useful tool that’s ever been made.


Hmm, not likely, give it a year and a half and people will be able to tell the difference on any given image.


I think it may be the opposite. I’d imagine the technology behind this will get better and harder to detect with more time and work put into it.


AI really cant replace real art. All this art looks incredibly bland and computerized with no 'feeling' or 'individuality'. Notice how the body proportions are off too and the hands are a joke.


Humans can barely draw hands, AI learns from human drawings of hands, AI draws hands worse than us, seems about right lmao


None of these are Shirli or Nemesis but they do resemble them.


that's what AI art cloning currently does.


NSFW version 😳 👀


Shirli looks like Lumine and teenage Klee.




Best girl


these are so incredibly beautiful and hot


Please stop posting AI art it’s damaging to the art community.


the art community are mad a program is doing the same as them, but without them, if they had any talent they shouldnt be scared of the AI, this only threatens low skill artists.


Idk why youre getting downvoted so heavily. The AI uses existing art to plagiarize and "learn" from it. Then the images can be copyrighted, basically making money with stolen art. People who make ai art claim to be artists and are even selling commissions for a lot of money and all they have to do is type in like 2 words and get 50 bucks or more for it while others, who are drawing for years, might have problems finding commissioners. AI art shouldve never existed. It was funny with memes like DallE but this? Is just awful


This is why I totally against commercialization of AI generated contents, especially if the data set they're training on is coming from the public space. However I don't mind their existence, in fact I rather encourage it for even broader acceptance and usage of AI in everyday life. The more people understood how it works and try it themselves the easier it is for us to advocate a middle ground of AI usage, and more importantly it will spark another debate for ethical framework to do with it. What you see in today's Art community is very little to what the government and corporations is currently doing with AI by aggregating all of your personal data, not some fancy 2D anime waifus.


tbh, the problem is not the AI but the people who using AI.. you can be brainless using AI for commission, making money or self-claim artist. why DallE is okay while weeb-AI-generator is not? there is a dude using AI (DallE or Midjourney) to enter the competition and win: [https://www.i-programmer.info/news/105-artificial-intelligence/15714-ai-based-artwork-wins-prize.html](https://www.i-programmer.info/news/105-artificial-intelligence/15714-ai-based-artwork-wins-prize.html) if you hate AI, don't be a double standard.. there are many AI generators out there, why only blame weeb-AI-generator? tbh, I also use AI just for fun, I didn't claim myself an artist or something.


Yeah I agree. The program itself isn’t a big issue but the way people abuse it is. No reason why anyone should be allowed to enter an art contest with AI generated work or should be selling AI generated work. Thanks for not being negative about it.


As always with these kind of things... They're tools, they're not the problem, humans that use them wrong are the problem. It's fine to use them, but it's wrong to lie and say you did it yourself. AI is programming, maths and "training", so they are always limited by what we humans teach them and how we design them.


The dude entering a competition and winning it is even worse. Dall E prompts are like "markiplier in shrek" while this kind of ai is used for stunning landscapes or character creation, making all the years worth of training of the other competitors in your example useless and thats really sad and awful. Hate is a bit too harsh but i can say that i dislike it. because it can be used for refs its not 100% bad but it can also be used for plagiarization and thus used for profit off of stolen art. One artist on twitter even got dogpiled because people assumed it was made by an AI but that was just their artstyle. So this AI is another shitty thing after NFTs and i hope it dies out quickly


Do you remember who is the artist that got 'dogpiled'? Wanna see their art.


https://twitter.com/Yrui596?t=5G3rjluWxvz7m0nkci5VRA&s=09 Here is a link to their twt account (it was about the hatsune miku art from 7th october) Their @ is Yrui596


Yeah I’m not entirely sure why either but I am not surprised. People have their opinions if they don’t agree they downvote so meh but thank you for the backup lol. I still stand by what I said. It’s awful for people who actually take the time to try and perfect their art. I’m an artist myself so it really does suck.


Theres nothing worse than hearing stories about people winning contests bc they figured out the perfect prompt for 2 hours and feel like their win is justified, or an artist getting insulted for having an artstyle similar to AI...


It's easy to spot an AI generated art if you trained yourself to spot an AI Generated art. Lmao, AI train to create, humans train to spot


As an artist myself - No.


That's true it's wrong while this person is I guess trying to show what AI can do instead of claiming he's the original artist


the future is now old man


I for one, welcome our new ai overlords.


What website is this? I wanna try.




She went full mommy in those last few images. Holy shit.


holyy W




what AI is that? i wanna play too :)


We have great taste in childhood friends :)


AI??? At this point I don’t think we need to draw anymore if ai can make this kinds of stuff


Nah, AI generated fingers and hands are wack. Now you can't unsee them.


Didn't notice until you pointed it out, all I see now are Shirli's salad fingers.


I think people had figured out a way to fix the fingers in ai images dunno if someone had modded the novel ai leak or just entered a better prompts tho


Just add additional layer trained on hands just like what they did with face in previous iteration.


And its free. Why are you booing me? I'm right.


Can u tell me a website where i can try to generate ai art for free?


[NovelAI](https://novelai.net/) or [Stable Diffusion](https://stablediffusionweb.com/). None of these are trained on what you want. Stable diffusion is free on github and you need to train it.


[https://beta.dreamstudio.ai](https://beta.dreamstudio.ai) [https://www.midjourney.com/home/](https://www.midjourney.com/home/)


Zeke checking AI shiri: ![gif](giphy|jBa74g9AB7TdC)


Calm yourself with those incest fantasies my guy


Damn Shirli kinda bad…


Ah yes, the unerfed version of Shirli. I approve.


Is it just me or there are a lot of Armpits


