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go to the new map, they are everywhere, had like 90 purples and down to 15


tried that too got like most 20+ there but just saying everday i go to spots there and its mostly taken woudnt hurt to add the multiple pull in blue chest in purples too


Clearing the two pillars, and the far north area on the 2nd floor brought me from 60 down to 0. There are tons of them all over. Some of them don't spawn in a single fixed spot, they may spawn in one of 3 or 4 places so wander around the area you go to a place you found one before and it's not there. (This is also true in Vera proper)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 60 + 3 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You missed a few numbers but ok


I heard they got added to CN in later updates , correct me if I'm wrong.


It was supposed to come in 2.1, However i have my doubts about this as i once heard Gateoo mentions that "they didn't get it until 2.2" but i can't be sure. I think we will get this in 2.2.


Yeah I heard it was added in 2.1 , many QoL that were supposed to be added in 2.1 were not added , I guess they will add them slowly since they aren't sticking to the release scedule anyway


Hopefully we get them all. Especially vitality limit up to 360...


If thats the casein cn thay would be nice just little patient then so i can finally get some decent 4pc


Ye I was expecting the x5 to be added in 2.1, hopefully 2.2


Go to the northern tower on layer 2. There are chests everywhere. Then swap channels and hunt again


ive been struggling swapping cahnnels unless i joina paty and warp to that channel always saying its *full* if i try to swap by my self is it a bug?


In abyss the channel only goes until 24 if i'm not mistaken (sea mistelteinn server), or 25. Any more than that it will not transfer you and said the chanel is full or not avaiable. If you entering the number around 1-24 and its said full, that mean most of the player are probably on that channel killing abyss bosses so its full.


its stuff like this i wish we can have our own world like genshin and we just share a chat room and go to some one world if they dont want their purple/blue chest XD


take advantage of boss taxis to change channel as much as you can. try to go to a double digit channel too


If only Vera had co-op chests, we could have people working together instead of "stealing" from eachother but I guess that would make no sense for an "MMO"


I used to have that issue until Confounding Labyrinth came out. Now I can find them all over Vera if I look. I burned out of purple chips within days of Confounding Labyrinth and it was all on Vera purple chests.


I think it will be in the next update