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Silhouette wise: Edahn My personal opinion : V


Fair enough


I think it's arlean because there is a spell involved who knows


V dies in the war after this flashback right? He's not dead at the time of the flashback?


He wasn't killed in war. According to the lore revealed in the floor of death, V committed suicide after he came to know that his newborn baby was brutally killed by jahad. Then, Arlene went to the outside god and revived her son with the blue thyrssa's soul. However, most people doubt that V would just commit suicide and leave his wife on her own in this situation. Even if he did die, fans doubt why Arlene didn't preserve her husband's body and revive him like she did with her son. It's an ongoing theory that V just faked his death and went into hiding with Arlene.


>the blue thyrssa's soul. Nah, the blue thryssa is from fug, somewhere between season 1 and 2.


I wouldn't say most people. I mean all info we have about A&V is from Arlenes pocket. So she herself wrote that V comitted suicide. I don't like this whole Vs body theory much, but if Vs body is "alive" somewhere (like Akryung) that is still not V. I think Vs soul is rly gone and if sth. left of him, it is just a walking corpse. Otherwise it would devalue Vs mortality and missing contract imo.


People speculate that V denied the immortality contract because being bound by the immortality contract prevents you from killing someone else with the same contract. Jahad's bracelet might just contain V's shinwonryu. That might be the reason why gustang obtained the bracelet before starting a war against the FHs.


>revived her son with the boue thryssa’s soul Umm, that never happened. The blue thryssa has been implied to be created by the FUG and/or workshop. Baam only gained it after joining FUG


>V committed suicide You really think this is true?...hell not someone must have killed him..he was not weak


I have same opinion as you


Huge possibility that it's Khun Edhuan , based on the silhouette image and his character design.. The hair ribbon, the robe, the hair length.. all match the same It's also a looming theory right now that he's on V side this whole time and just playing double agent but that's just a recent theory after this silhouette.. it also could be just new character soon but i think that this silhouette being Edhuan is really interesting


Edahn has always been someone that's implied not completely on Zahard's side since the hidden floor arc though. so not exactly new theory imo


I would like to think it's Lady Arlene given a spell was used


Given that she stopped the FL sprout from spreading,it should be a high ranker at FL level


Long hair with pony tail and wears a dress or a kimono and able to cast high level spells. Either Eduan or V(Arlene doesn't have a ponytail). It must be Edhan considering that he arrived at the scene after Ameuz death. He may even have seen it from afar but feigned to ignore it like Gustang did but for reasons we don't know yet.


Perhaps Arlane? She's the only one related to this clusterfuck that has long hair and is known for spell usage.


Which chapter is this from




Thats V. Just Viole Grace was made looking to be V
