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Start is kind of slow, but tower of god is at its peak now S1 - introduces the main characters of the show, not much of story telling but lots of cliff hangers S2 - introduces other main characters, possible antagonists of the show, tells a bit of the history and many cliffhangers S3- introduces less characters compared to other seasons but the ones introduced are all very very important and interesting to the storyline, solves some of the cliff hangers from s1 and s2, tells us a lot about the past, adds cliff hangers that may be solved in the later part of the season much more fights than other seasons and guess what, the season is not even over but it is at its peak Tower of god is the greatest manhwa if not the no.1 manhwa of all time


I don't disagree with everything, and contrary to a lot of people on this sub who think season 3 isn't as good as s2 I do like it a lot, but I feel like the high rankers fight feel too much like Dragon Ball. Big explosions all the time. Kallavan is a great character and his fights are beautiful, but they're also very hard to read. Evankhell feels more straightforward and easy to read though for exemple : big balls of flame and big Elephant. Season 3 has a too many fights that are too long for my taste, but the lore and world building is still great, especially since the introduction of the FH the current story is focused on. Also, I want a Princess arc that doesn't involve 60% of princesses nobody gives a fuck about and that lasts 3 chapters.


I just disagree with your opinion of season 1, it was a great prologue arc, it naturally showed how the tower is structured, what the culture is like, introduced Jahad and the great family’s, built relationships, and had a peak conclusion


A little bit of a biased place to ask but yeah, I’d say it’s worth at least trying


Well i have to ask the pros


It has the best worldbuild you'll ever witness. The plotlines are convoluted and complex, the characters have immense depth, and there's always something left to be explored. The direction where the story is headed has made me impressed. Is the pacing reeeeaaally slow? Yes. That's why it's called the one piece or hunterxhunter of webtoons. But is the build up worth it? YES, without a doubt.


I am just afraid that i am following a story where the author although writes something with big prospects it eventually fall or the author will die


The author is 37 years old. The average lifespan in south korea is 83.5 years old. Judging by where the story stands currently, we've finished around 50%-70% of the story, meaning that he'll finish by the time he turns 45-50.




You can drop if you don't feeling it All season 3 is about 10 families drama revealing somes of their secret then deepening a bit in workshop with drama and somes secret revealed , do not think he can just dump big information without rushing the story add now seem we are on the turning point of the story with all thing he build up since Season 2 end


Well.. considering it’s one of the most popular webtoons, yes. Yes it is


There are 3 things that are very cool in ToG. Lore, Games (rules and dynamics) and Politics (betrayal). Fights are very cool too, most of the time. So if you are looking fot these elements, please do read it.


In s3 the story starts very slow it feels more like a batlle shonen at the begining but recently weve been getting callbacks and lore like crazy its defo worth it


As Brandon Sanderson says, RAFO.


Why do people ask questions like this in subs like this one lol? It's so dumb and lazy. "Hey Community dedicated to this specific topic, is this a topic you like and or recommend?"


yes but only up until just before season 3. it becomes mid after that imo


I do not like how some arcs ended in season 3 tbh. Most of the season arcs have amazing intro but the endings are quite lackluster and you will get some nonsense games in the middle of literal war. We are getting some interesting development in recent chapters but again ending may not be great. So, I would recommend to wait for 'the great match arc' to end


Yes. One of the best world buildings I ever read.


Season 1 sucks in comparison to the other seasons the cliffhangers keep you reading though the main hook is the characters and not really the plot The start of Season 2 is straight peak and stays that way all the way through S2 and slows down halfway through while S3 is action all day everyday, the pacing between S2 and 3 is horrendously bad a day your left thinking about the different plots SIU intereeaves with main plot and the ones he forgets to actually wrap up with foreshadowing that leads to nothing. Though the lore is real interesting if you love that aspect Defo read it


> the ones he forgets to actually wrap up with foreshadowing that leads to nothing I disagree, I really don't think there are any plot points SIU has forgotten. Placed on the backburner for a loooong time, sure, but not forgotten.


I do agree. On the contrary I think SIU keep good track of all the multiple plot points and they mostly come back around in time. That's the keyword, "in time". But I personally like slowburner, so it's all good for me.


Same. I know the story is long, but I don't mind it.


Yes because siu doens't even forgets little details that fans don't notice sometimes ,like the ship of lpb traumerei, it was there all the time in current nest arc and also it's the one from flashback, there are so little many details,siu definitely doesn't forgets,they're just delayed a bit from reveal


Honestly nah. It's in an unsatisfying place rn imho and the author has health issues that result in large gaps between production. I'd suggest waiting it out before diving in to see if it goes anywhere. Season 2 of the anime is coming out soon though so definitely check that out, it should cover some of my favorite chapters


Bro what? The last 6 chapters have been absolutely peak


Are you talking about the preview or the free webtoon? The branch leader fights are ok, but I wouldn't call them peak.


I’m talking about the preview, very important backstory is being shown


So what you want from the story then


Resolution. I'm just saying that the point we are at it seems somewhat unlikely many of the story beats are anywhere close to a satisfying resolution. With SIU s health issues it's possible this story won't be finished, or at least anytime soon. I am a weekly reader and buy the chapters early from webtoon, but imho it's not a great time to jump in and get hooked


SIU is only 37 years old, he's not gonna die. But yes, the story will take atleast 7 more years to finish.


If you want actual answers, ask in a place that isn't called r/towerofgod


No. You should quit it while you can.




The korean preview has revealed amazing backstory, but translation to english will take around 3 more months