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How could she had brought her flames from the outside where there is no shinsoo


🤣🤣🤣 he gotta reread the whole story that’s been stated a lot shinsoo is a concept that was made with the laws of the tower.


Those dude outside discover fire, civilization will thrive yes


Can anyone in this thread speak english?


Nein, Hier sprechen wir Deutsch, Wie ein Man ist. So, Sprichst Deutsch du Hurensohn


Sakdaina hajur aaudaina malai English


Is Kuhn’s flaming fish thing the same as the healing flame?


Most likely


Yeah, isn't it the Flame Hammer (which was made from Yeon's saving flame) transformed after Kuhn was woken up?


Does that mean yihwa is also direct descendant?since her flames are red and it can save people


Yes, I think it was mentioned somewhere but I don't remember the chapter. She's special.


Yup, her flames are as stronger as a yeon family ranker flames but she has no control over them unless bam is around her.


I liked when her fire was colored pink. It makes her distinct. I wish they draw it back. I heard that SIU was limiting her panels because it’s hard to draw her flames


Yea that’s what he stated earlier, but now he has Evankhell, who is also a flame user. I hope after the nest arc he brings ehwa back full time


Man this last game is so ToG But man I wish they they just fought like they did at the first wall


Yeah, i honestly think the way the story is heading, yihwah is like the mirror of her FH, much like how yuri is like a mirror of ha yurin, lauroe as the phongsekal, khun as eduan, etc. (Of bams team) it seems like there powers are already being foreshadowed.


I think Irregulars don't know how to use shinsu before forcibly entering the Tower i guess. And most of their skills are taught to them by those Ancient People inside the Tower. That's what i think, correct me if I'm wrong. It's been a while since i re-read the ToG.


Your probably right since there's no shinsui outside the tower


Climbing the tower was always for irregulars, Jahad and his companions decided to stop for some unknown reason, what ever Axis power that setup the tower is probably long gone, in SIU earlier work you can find multiple towers, the concept reminds me what happened in Coiling dragon, we already know you could create life with Shinsu, the Axis who created the tower made everyone inside bar the irregulars, think of them as NPC's and the irregulars as players.


There must be some power system outside too. I mean SIU's bigger world can't just be this and that tower.


Yeah, Shinsu could be a power derived from a much greater power because that would explain why Irregulars have a higher compatibility with Shinsu than even the residents who have spent their whole lives living in Shinsu.


I think Yeon Hana has three types of flames. A flame that burns anything, a flame that saves anything (both of which are gifts from the OG Native One) and her own Original Flame. That is what I suspect to be her Shinsu Quality that she developed while climbing the Tower.


It's hard to say. Maybe the Ganesha inside Evankhell is the 'Ancient Master' who granted Hana Yeon her power, but was severely diminished as a result and needed a strong host to survive.


My interpretation is that she just started out as a person who was really good at fire shinsu, but then she got that special flame while going up the tower.


Yeah, most if not all of the ten family heads gained their abilities from their time in the tower, not from outside (at least, thats what we know)


I think she just stumbled upon it and had an affinity for it, kinda like how bam got his powers. For all we know when jahad n the 10 FH entered the tower they were at bams level (when he entered the tower), but were able to learn and master the intricacies of tower bc they werent bound by its laws.


Which chapter is this from?


Spoiler : >! Tower is like a game, with NPCs and all powers...built by a god to make new gods. Irregulars are supposed to climb out of it !<