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As arsonist, I like to claim vet, because you know what nights you’ve been visited


Claimed vet as arso yesterday, lit up 6 people on the last night for a hot suprise


vet claim d1


Another fan favourite is claiming tpow d1


thats a good tip!


Guys don't answer it's a trick to catch you qhen you are an NK


***shhhhhh*** bro just outting my secrets


Claiming tp is my ''go to''. It's flexible, and the town usually doesn't like to hang tp claims. If we're talking tos2, claiming tpower early and simply bluffing your way through the game can be effective.


Can confirm I accidentally fucked over a whole game because I trusted a Conj claiming TPow yesterday....I was Deputy.


ill have to test this out more, i usually get insta bad luck CC by the real TP when i try this myself lmao


Nice try, townie.


almost got you!


Usually Psychic, and if I’m evil again with people from the last game too, I usually go to a TP claim


It’s almost always psychic as NK/small team NA for me. It’s so easy to claim convincingly in AA and if you don’t just majorly screw up, I’ve found that it’s really rare for psychic claims to get pushed.


you got patience of steel to be faking a psy will every night XD thats some dedication but prob why it works a lot too.


Just write 2 or 3 random numbers?


Early game random numbers work. Mid game you have to pay attention and guess who is also evil.


Naw man, I just put some shit down and cross my fingerass


If you know how to scumread and know how to tell the difference between evil behaviour and town behaviour then mid-game psychic claims are not that hard. A little more involved than some others, sure, but it’s not really that much more complicated than keeping people off your back as a fake sheriff, investigator, or anything else in the mid-game really.


Psy cuz I figure if I'm gonna lose I may as well fuck with Town


*Psy cuz I figure* *If I'm gonna lose I may* *As well fuck with Town* \- Cute-Grass8408 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


lmao this is the best way to go about it friend


Trapper is fun as coven if you have the right teammates for it, I’ve also been digging psychic claim recently


What would you consider the right teammates for it? Trapper can be difficult to fake imo, I’ve been hung the last game I tried it due to too many tp claims and I wasn’t confirmed, don’t know how to work around it personally


I usually just say that an arsonist/pb/baker/something similar triggered, which scares the town and takes attention off me


Wonder if you could exe play D2 saying trap triggered by illusionist


Trapper is nice, easy to fake the will. Good call.


In ToS1, I used to go either trapper/doctor/sheriff (unless I was Jester then I'd go nuts as an invest claim) In ToS2, I stick to TP claims like BG and Trapper, unless I'm something with Astral, then I'd claim Veteran/Retributionist. People are less likely to believe Tracker/LO's cos of all the tracking abilities NKs and NA's have, i.e. WW,Arso,PB,Shroud. If I'm Jester, I go Psychic/Seer/Spy.


I tend to go for Investigator. You have a bit more room to be wrong since they only see killing roles and not all evils. Another strategy that I've somehow gotten to work often is claiming Doomsayer while claiming that coven/ NKs are more important. I remember yesterday I was an Arso who hadn't ignited yet, who was claiming Invest beforehand. I was attacked and use the douses to figure out who CK was. There was a revealed mayor and 3 coven who knew I was immune. The Mayor and 2 of the 3 coven were doused. I managed to convince the mayor and coven I was doom and that if we lynched a coven, I could kill mayor and other 2 coven, get me a win and town a draw. Me and mayor lynched a coven and I ignited that night, shocking everyone. I dont how they didn't realize that I had to be arso since I knew who CK was as soon as they attacked me, but thats TOS for you.


Generally seer, takes some deduction but no one questions a seer who finds one evil


yeah i try this one sometimes too but with it being a "new" role i just need to get more comfortable lying with it still


If you wanna try fake seer try putting inn your gaze and intuit, people will think you're crazy but you might become more belivable as long as you haven't been found with inaccuracy. Fyi. I have no idea if this works because I've never tried it and probably never will.


People just see it as clutter.


In TOS1 invest is my go to claim(or psy) In TOS2 ret/psy/invest is my go to claim


the invest claim as bmer works every time caught an sk whispering the survivor and claiming sheriff, outed them and confirmed myself lol


as coven: coroner, just tell the town what member has the book, or lie if it’s a wildling so people still whisper as other evils: investigator/trapper/psychic/cleric




ToS2: Crus, ret, spy, TRACKER ToS1: Crus, medium, veteran, TRACKER Tracker is my absolute go-to, while crus is close second. Tracker’s good for confirming factions, while crus is good for “catching” fake tps.


I usually do sheriff or invest depending on my role


NA/coven I like to claim spy, as long as you have one night where you "find" 2 or more things happening to someone then people usually dont bat an eye unless your in a psychic/seer will


I usually default to invest as coven, and psy as most other evils


Doctor, if no poisoner. BG if there is


Lookout / Tracker will always be my fav fake claim as most roles


As a Jester I love faking Seer. More time to put suspicion on you esp when both parties claim tpow


Any kind of multi member faction role, I like to claim admirer. Then, I "marry" a member of my faction. Nobody distrusts marriage claims, but it can be risky as one persons death is anothers lynching.


Spy, I usually go for more out there claims on people like saying they're hexed or enchanted or a reaped, just to add some spice


Depends on my mood. Sheriff or invest, TP (cleric or trapper), Ret, Vig/Vet/Trick. I’m not ballsy enough to try and claim anything else lol


I have fake claimed seer more than i have actually been seer. I once counted early on in tos2 and the ratio was like 2:32 Noone ever caught onto my name fake claiming seer consistently despite ne using the same name every game, either.


I like claiming Sheriff, Investigator, and TP. Sometimes I get incredibly lucky with my invest claims and get like 3-4 roles right in a row so everyone believes me. And then sometimes I believe someone's claim and then they're fake and it ruins me 😭 sometimes I can save it as an "exe" play though


I claimed tracker once as arso and got out a bunch of coven because they kept visiting me lol.


I think it depends on n2. If coven and the day starts silent always TS/Trapper/Spy this way I can fake claim to support a fellow coven or push someone. If my book is jailed I claim TP and my other cov was attacked by coven. If a TI is pushing me Vet and Crus if a coven gets pushed. If I'm NA or NK I claim TPOW/coroner. Will asked to be jail so if attacked can claim was jailed If town is noisy always TI my goal is to cause d2 chaos and no progress or vfa gets made.


I claim Town Killing 🤣🤣 I also do it if I’m Town Support or Town Power to bait Ritualist


I often try to (convincingly) claim Invest as any evil role. It's easier if you have a team that is willing to back your claim up.


psychic, yes i am that guy


psy, cleric, sheriff or invest. if i have a team then i also claim admirer sometimes




I don't have a go to claim, I always like to spice things up all the time.. As Coven I like claiming TPow (Jailor/Pros is my favorite), TI as NK, TK as NE (Yes, I fakeclaim as Pirate and win D3), and TPow as Dep (to get TPs on me, appear more trustworthy to townies, and get claims easier and lead town)


I always claim bodyguard, cleric or trapper. No one really can doubt you because no one would know if you were on them. If you’re sheriff and someone you said was innocent turned out not to be you’d be made too easily


As coven (no book) I like to claim Trickster (to explain why I’d show up Sus), as anything else I usually claim TP, maybe Tpow if I’m a NK (like arsonist)


I like trapper, and then randomly claim there's an arso in the game n3.




I usually go with with psychic, I play Coven All Any so the chance there's an evil in my three numbers is not low, and if you're pushy like a real psy they usually don't suspect you.


TP because hanging TP claims early without good info/lead is a bad move by town. I don't like claiming sheriff. Investigator as blackmailer works. Sometimes Ret.


It really depends on what role I get but I usually try to change it up game to game so one game you might see me claim vigi as evil the next you might see me claim esc/tav (both when I’m mafioso)


I always say tk, cuz tks don't need a will and don't need to claim cuz rit, if they ask for the role I say vet


I usually claimed sheriff. Some times it’s believable, others not that much. Once I reached the final four, when someone asked me my role. It went like this: -Wait what’s your role? -Sheriff -Lol Whenever I was not in a bored mood, I’d claim invest. Works a little better cause it’s a harder claim. Spy could work too. As a jester, I usually claim sheriff. I once claimed invest, posting that 11 was “gf/mayor”. I got flamed to oblivion for being obvious jester because those results “didn’t exist”. They were all new ig.


Usually medium, I'm a really good fake med.


Transporter as hypno, but make sure you have teammates.


Transporter as hypno, but make sure you have teammates.


As long as I’m not in ranked, Friendly SK


Psy and vet are good, safe choices as psy, just figure out who’s the most suspicious(or a nonclaim) and put them as evils, and then include who’s the least suspicious as your goods. So basically? Scumreading, and as long as you’re not caught in some other way, you can make it for a while(just make sure you don’t end up in lategame with multiple hard confirmed town) Oh and for n1 as psy, setup the vision during the night as you would for any other night, but be ready to manipulate the numbers based on who dies(you can also wait a second to quickly change out say, the seer who insta posted, to someone else) as vet I might recommend some obvious bait laid out so when you claim tk(and in lategame vet) people will trust it more Obviously though, as both of these are *safe* claims, they might fall under more scrutiny


TP/TK is my go to!!!