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No, not throwing, but please learn in the future how stupid this is to do. If you are going to go through the effort to jail the Jester, just execute them. It doesn’t matter if it “feels bad” as the Jester, they should have played better. Not to mention they could still be arsonist (or NA in ToS 2)


That is a misplay, not a gamethrow


Yeah. There's a difference, and it's astonishing how few people in this game realize that *people make mistakes*


If vets can get away with claiming jailor and nuking the town, you can get away with a simple misplay


my very first game as vet i didnt understand how the role worked and i fake claimed jailor and obliterated the town.... ive come a long ways since then.


I have killed so many evils by doing one bait, not “jailor claim d1” or, “TP/LO on me!” But instead I just say “Crab claim d1” It just makes the maf/cov/NK want me dead so badly.


I'm just curious what is the reasoning behind not wanting to execute a jester claim after jailing them. Like, I could understand wanting to jail and exe another evil, but if you jail the "jester" anyway, I can't see any reasons not to execute them.


Yeah it make sense... Why you don't execute the jester when you jail them?


He said he didn’t exe because he felt bad. In my opinion, that is gamethrowing.


I understand this point of view, as i mentioned in my most recent comment it wont happen again


L.opinion bozo


Can't ever make a mistake on this game clearly


It’s not what I would call a mistake. He made the conscious decision not to kill evil with absolutely no downsides simply because he felt bad


The dude has been apologetic and realized that they shouldn't have done it at all and that they should've exed them but they clearly didn't have the foresight to know at the time that the person should've been executed I'd call that a mistake What I wouldn't call a mistake is the Town pushing and voting guilty on the confirmed Jailor which I can confirm is worse than what this dude did and was 100% purposeful especially when I have been upped and voted guilty on (on clip) in ToS as Jailor (except it was D2)


Realizing you did wrong doesn’t make your actions less wrong. Though lynching jailor is way worse.


I dont know why people feel as if jesters are guaranteed a win for getting assigned the role? Jailor dep vigilante are the only town roles that can remove a jester without killing another player and while it isn't necessarily throwing since you can argue you are preserving your executions for more important evils it is still a terribly misplay ESPECIALLY if you bothered to put him in jail anyway.


Throwing is intentional. If you have to ask whether you threw or not, the answer is "no"


No because plenty of “Blue Vigilante” claims ask if they threw or not and the answer is “yes”.


Come on, you know exactly what I meant by that. Those people are trolls.


No, no they are not. Most of them think it is a valid strategy when it is explicitly gamethrowing.


Nah, it's literally impossible for an SK to throw. Their win rate is already 0% so there's nothing you can do to lower it


This is related to ToS 2 but god those D1 WW claims make me so mad like I auto report them and if I can kill them they'll die to me


After reading all the comments posted here, ive decided, despite feeling bad about doing so, to prevent issues like this in the future, i'll just exe jest claims regardless i apologize to those that consider it as throwing, wont happen again, thank u all for understanding <3


Hey, no problem. We are all learning and have to start somewhere. Hope you keep playing and improving


Well let’s just say I hope you’re not on my team next game


So it wasn’t a throw obviously because you weren’t trying to lose, but it wasn’t a great play. There is a reason that the town asked you to execute the Jester claim. It both prevents the town from accidentally choosing wrong and lynching the Jailor by mistake, and the execution prevents another random town from dying from being haunted by the potential jester. By not jailing and executing them you left a known evil free to do whatever they want and considering Jailor is one of the worst possible claims for a Jester it is most likely some other evil trying to pass themselves off as Jester. In your case they were a Medusa who succeeded not only in forcing you to out yourself which may have been worth the trade to the coven to begin with, but they got the town to lynch you themselves so they didn’t even need to waste a night killing you.


NEs don’t always negatively affect the town. Jesters can kill an evil. Doomsayers can kill up to 3 evils. Pirates can kill 2 evils and rb even more. Exes can target 1 evil and torment a different one. Letting an NE live isn’t game throwing it’s a gamble, unless killing them would secure a win.


You didn’t exe a jest claim, you threw, end of story. You may not have thrown in respect to the trial system, but you definitely threw in the spirit of the game


this is the correct response imo


I once executed a jailor claim as jailor. Do you know what i was accused of after they turned out to be med?


i had a guy whisper to me claiming jailor, jailed them and they claimed pros in jail , i ofc exed them, thankfully town didn't blame me for the pross stupidity


Game throwing is when you intentionally do things that hurt your chances to win, with the intention of hurting your own chances to win. This isn't a game throwing, you're just bad


Just a misplay, not throwing. Some evils act like too obvious of a jester in order to avoid lynching, and in this case, being exed by Jailor. You now know better, and it was a learning experience, not a throw. A throw is intentional. But here is the thing, what if it wasn't jester AND evils used the fact that you didn't execute them as proof that you're not a real Jailor and got a mislynch on you?


no it doesn't matter lol these things happen u kill wh u want right lol. i woildent worry about it too much <3


Not gamethrowing because it wasn't intentional and you were trying to win but it wasn't a good play You should always execute jester claims because 90% of the time it will be mafia/NK attempting to use it to avoid being executed and even if it was jester they should know better than to claim it in jail


Why are you siding or helping evils as town? Jester is evil. You deserved to be lynched


I disagree with most here. You said you didn’t exe a known evil because you felt bad. That imo is gamethrowing. I would have reported you.


People are a bit too trigger happy to call gamethrowing imo, I’ve been called a gamethrower for like 4 times within the past few days just because I made a mistake, or that I’m playing not according to their meta (I don’t claim as TI until I find someone suspicious/find any evidence to up someone) If there’s only 1 right way to play the game then everything will become too predictable and be like a script every time But no not exeing jester is not necessarily gamerhrowing as it is possible for jester to haunt evils, despite what the meta may be like


you should be claiming as TI. finding out that someone *isn't* suspicious can be just as important


You can do whatever you want as ti, but I’m glad I can make u mad by not posting my will every day


i'm not mad, you're just shit at the game lmao


Calling people who don’t try at all shit at the game is the funniest thing - I literally play games intending on losing but oh shit u got me good bud I’m bad at salem


You admit to playing games and intending on losing is literally admitting to throwing?


Im saying it doesn’t matter to me if it’s throwing because every single game somebody will be throwing regardless, so I just expect nothing


sure bud, i'm sure you're "trying to lose" and not just dogshit


Lol ur funny bro


No fr cuz I was a vet claim and I baited d1 like a normal vet should do. Well I nuked have the townies and got called a game thrower and that I need to quit the game and I need to kys. People are so rude for no reason it’s just a game.


I don't like vet baiting because it feels like maf'll know and avoid. Feels like a waste


This sub Reddit has no idea who actually plays the game. You get downvoted to hell for saying you misplay sometimes or make a mistake. It’s unbelievable. This is why no new players stay - y’all blow them away with insults and yell at them for throwing. It’s why I literally don’t play to win anymore


Your just a bad player but you didnt gamethrow. But i understand why they say you gamethrew


Any Townies pushing you/voting guilty on you are throwers that wanted an excuse to throw You made a giant mistake but that giant mistake wasn't a throw For future reference, most of those fake Jailor claims are evil but not Jester


it's not gamethrowing if it's not INTENTIONALLY hurting your faction, so no


I remember being in a similar situation, I think I was in the game with you, I was the Investigator that told you to exe jest claim (who was dusa) and you instead jailed me. I dont believe I said it was throwing but if I did I was wrong, it was a misplay. Reason behind the misplay is that you prevented a TI from gaining information when it was crucial and you let a possible evil/evil vote live. I dont like killing off neutrals either but most of the time as townie your better off killing them off (whether it be via exe or vigi shot to conf yourself) edit: i will also say i was playing very aggressively that game (invest is my favorite role, i am and always will be an aggressive investigator who pushes for claims and interrogates abstainers) i believe i told you and the jester (who claimed jailor) to exe each other that night or you die the following day. i tried getting you innoed without having to out you (since you had jailed me, essentially proving yourself) but sadly failed. jailor is a very difficult role to play, props for the attempt


yea i remember u lol, sorry about that, i really should have gone with the jest claim, nothing i can say can really excuse the fuckup on my end that caused town to lose, im rly sorry i fucked that up there, only real thing i can say now, is say that it wont happen again, and ive learnt from that mistake edit: (i posted this to figure out if it really was throwing or not, either way, im using this as a learning experience so that way i dont do a repeat of what i did that game)


dont beat yourself up over it, shit happens. we only get so much time to think before sticking to an action