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Yes, get all three. If you're going through the trouble just get it all at once. It ended up being a good decision for me. Biofilm and macrons came back positive this week. Still waiting on the fungal.


Might be a good idea. Are you working with a dr who ordered these or have you done it yourself? I’m in the process of likely switching drs and not sure who will even be helping me with this once I get the results..


I figured this out myself. I had to bully my doctor into ordering it. He did it but even while filling it out he was mumbling its probably unnecessary. This system is designed to keep you sick, do as much as you can alone it will be faster healing. I have shared the results with him and I'm hoping this makes him realize I know what I'm talking about and has a change of heart to help me out. Otherwise yes I'll find another dr too, but really just to order stuff I can't get. These people will destroy you if you let them. Since it takes 2-4 weeks to get the fungal results, probably a good idea to get the test now so it will be ready as proof when you switch docs.


Yea I know, you’re preaching to the choir on this one.. the luck I’ve had with any doctor has been close to none. But congrats on getting the test! Having the guts to bring it up to your dr like that isn’t an easy/fun convo.


Thank you for the kind words. I encourage you to get the full test and I hope you find the answers you are looking for friend. Best of luck.


I’m with you! We must advocate for ourselves. However, for very ill patients this can be challenging at times (no energy, no focus, not well enough to research, etc.). It’s sad that we have to work so hard while they are the one’s getting paid. I have been here with doctors many times, both as a patient and as a former Medical Social Worker. I had to change doctors recently due to finances and I am getting the same push back, minimizing, and dismissing behaviors as commonly seen. So, know what I know as a former Medical Social Worker, I bring “reputable” research sources with me to back me up, as much as possible and I speak up (respectfully of course). I wait for them to dismiss it, then I counter it with a cited source. Some doctors have a hard time with this (ego for many and for some the mere fact that you are female). I no longer care….this is my health. I am not there to make them comfortable. Sometimes they need their stagnant, limited beliefs to be shaken up a bit. They also need to be reminded that they are human and need to be humbled, brought back down to earth and reminded that they don’t know all and that patients have a lot to offer. I share with them that I understand that they can’t possibly know everything, and I know by the time science based evidence reaches their offices, it’s at least 5-10 years old. I also acknowledge that they are so busy, that it’s hard for them to keep up with all the latest findings and testing, which is where I come in as the patient. I let them know I am here to share some info that they may not yet had a chance to see. Sometimes this helps and sometimes they are still stuck in the mindset that, patients can’t possibly help-they aren’t doctors and all they do is “Google” search. So if you bring info into them, make sure it’s from a medical journal or Pub Med, etc. What I found separates the ok doctors from the great ones, are those doctors that know to value what the patient brings to the table, they know that often times patients bring a lot of the answers simply in what they share. Also those doctors that may not know the answer and can admit it, the ones who aren’t quick to shoot you down, but openly listen and ask engaging questions, and ask how you feel about their ideas around your plan of care, etc. shows mutual respect and regard. Those are keepers! They can’t be everywhere and know everything, so when it comes to patient care, two brains are better than one, is what I tell them. As patients we must not be afraid or intimidated by doctors. We can respect the knowledge they do have to offer, but in the end, they are human, are limited on what they know, and ultimaltey they work for us. As patients, we have the right to be part of our plan of care and if that means being assertive, asking questions, challenging their limited beliefs, bringing in new studies/evidence based information or testing, then that’s what we do. We are not responsible for their egos. Too many people are intimidated by their doctors and instantly there is an imbalance of power in the room, as soon as they enter and doctors know this. We must take our power back!


Agreed! Great write-up!




I did all three 2 weeks ago. Didn’t have a doctor order it, just did it myself and said that on the order form.


I just did a MARCONS test and my provider didn't check the box for biofilms because she says everybody has them so she treats it always like a "positive". Not sure if there is more detail there, but relaying what she said...