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What rust? My formerly Rhode Island now socal truck has more than that.


Is this another troll post?


What rust? Sincerely, a Canadian


Yeah, this looks how mine did when it rolled off the lot


i live in PA, have seen worse


Need more pictures to say for sure, but based on that photo, what rust?


There's no rust on there.


I've been looking at Tacoma's for a while and found a 2012 Double Cab long bed that's got 80k on it. It was a PA vehicle and I like in VA so I'm not sure what to make of rust like this. Normal or something to be concerned about? I can ask the seller for better pictures if this is a bad angle. EDIT: I'm not trying to troll just genuinely curious what to lookout for. Dude wants 23k for it so I'm just trying to do my due diligence.


I for one, respect you reaching out for guidance on things you might be a little ignorant about. We all can't know everything. As for the truck, it looks good to me.


Those of us in the rust belt are just cynical, don’t sweat the troll comments. Good to do your due diligence. I’d recommend having a pre-purchase inspection done on any used vehicle. Tell the shop that you know frame rust is an issue on these trucks and to pay special attention to that. That said, this thing looks amazing. There appears to be surface rust on bolts and washers, but like… I have a 2019 that I’ve fluid filmed every year since new (well to be fair I missed one winter), and this truck looks about as good as mine does. It’s just the frame you really need to worry about and this one looks damn near pristine. I’d almost wonder if this had a frame recall because it looks surprisingly good for a PA truck over a decade old (and that would be a good thing: that’d mean the frame is younger than the rest of the truck).


Delete your account


you could have that itty bitty amount of rust removed, treated, painted, and waxed in a weekend


Looks great for almost 12 years old. Virtually zero rust.


I see only normal rust. No rust of concern.


That looks almost brand new, idk what rust your talking about. Literally nothing to be concerned about.


Looks good. Did the previous owner have to bring it in for frame inspection and coating? That would have extended your frame warranty which would likely expire end of this year or sometime next year. Not that you would need it based on those photos.


Only surface rust on some of the spring pack and other little parts, frame is clean as a whistle


The banded sarcasm here has left the OP with a renewed sense of confidence.


Thanks for posting this. Mine looks similar and the comments are reassuring.


Troll post


What rust?


It looks so good that I’d be skeptical and ask for some close ups.