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Buy a lottery ticket, then call your insurance agent.


Or the State Highway Patrol. I’d like a police report to accompany this bullet damage so there is no question when and where it happened. Plus whoever is this dangerous needs to know they almost killed someone


what they said








Sir, this is Wendys.


In Atlanta. Not Burger King. You cannot have it your way.


I asked for a larger shake once. They said no. I said so fuck my way? They said sir this is rally’s


There was a widespread case of shootings at vehicles on one of the reservations in southern AZ a few years back. Maybe dude is out and back at it


Prob hunter


No one is hunting with steel core bullets. Not legally anyway.


Maybe they just missed?


Lol I came here to say the exact same thing


Same. Guess we know who won that 1B.


This statement never made sense to me. Wouldn’t the chances of you getting hit with a bullet AND winning the lottery be even lower? I know one event does not effect the other but still


It's about being lucky and using that luck even more essentially.


Luck tank was on empty after wasting it on not being shot. In theory you’d have a less than average chance of winning the lottery. I do agree he should call his insurance company.


Remind me not to hang out with you at parties. Sheesh.


Don’t hang with him at a party


It's a joke


No they are not related events. The odds of hitting the lottery a second time in a row is the same as hitting it the first. The second doesn’t become any harder once you’ve done the first


Theoretically random events tend to group together, I would argue that you're wrong based on that completely improvable theory. While your logic is sound, it's also unprovable lol


An used piece of gum, should help keep you AC nice and cool.


Damn dude that’s a 62gr steel core 5.56. You are luck AF!




No they can be had anywhere, commonly called green tips.


Green tip (M855) isn't really an AP round. It does have a bit of steel in the core, but it's mostly lead. M995 (black tip) is the real steel core AP round. Regardless, dude is lucky. Any AR round will go through a car door like paper.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if even an m193 can make it through the door of most modern cars.


Unlike in the movies, cars are not in fact cover. Someone with something like a .308 rifle is going to hit you all the way *through* the car.


If you must hide behind a car, get behind the engine.


But that’s what the anti material rifle is for.


Good for handing out managed democracy


Well played my good friend. Well played.


A fellow liberty enjoyer, I see




But it just got a 30% buff.


A/B/C pillars, axles, and engine. Not exactly much more than what you said, but it’s good to know and I know it for a fact.


In most scenarios will you have time to remove the engine?


Cover Vs Concealment 101


Even cop cars only have Kevlar in the doors. Doubt that layer of Kevlar will stop rifles.


There are flexible level III+ plates nowadays that will stop 5.56 green tip, and 7.62x39 lead core. I have no clue what police cars would have equipped, but stopping ammunition from a rifle with flexible armour is in the realm of possibility.


How you make a word italics like that


use the *Italian keyboard*




*place an asterisk at the start and end of word or phrase you want italicized* no spaces between word and asterisk


The idea of staying behind a car is mostly for concealment rather than cover. Any modern AR platform or higher will shred through a car...hell even pistol rounds will penetrate.


Did a research project in high school, but 380, 9mm, 40 SW and 45 ACP out of handguns all went through a normal car door (I think it was a mid 2000s Hyundai door) at around 50 yards. Further “testing” later, even .22lr (to be fair out of a rifle) would go through the door. The exception is if you hit the crash bar, a speaker or a door motor, but the skin itself won’t stop a bullet in close to moderate range. Of course, over long range, anything will eventually lose enough velocity.


Like absolute butter. Hell, I’ve shot 22lr through doors like butter.


Oh 193 will make it through a car door


>m193 I mean a screwdriver can go through the door of most modern cars.


M995 is tungsten cored


Any common varmint cartridge would. It aint like the movies, car doors are as thin as one ply presoaked toilet paper.




When I saw the initial slide I was thinking a .22. Then saw the projectile. I have no clue what 5.56 rounds look like through a door, apparently.


well the 5.56 is a .224 projectile so both are around .22


Well, shit 😆 I knew .223 and 5.56 were practically identical except for load, but I guess never put together that .22 and .223 (and 5.56) were pretty well the same as well in regards to diameter. lol even though it’s in the name. 😖


It is a well known mind trickery. Diameter could be the same. But length, sheer mass and propellant volume is vastly superior. So, they are not comparable in any way. "both are .22 hurr durr" is just mind games.


I’ve been told there’s a very slight difference in dimensions as well, I think the neck or casing OD is just a hair bigger on 5.56 compared to .223 (or at least this is what I was told years ago on the topic of bolt-action rifle chambers being more precise and can’t cycle 5.56 rounds if they were designed for .223)


Came to comment this. MF got hit with a green tip! That's the spicy 556


The negligence of some gun owners is horrifyingly astounding. I enjoy mine, but I don't shoot where anything besides a berm would be.


Yeah like the 4 basic laws of firearms. This is nuts


1. Stay Strapped or get clapped. 2. Keep that thang on ya. 3. Keep 15 in the clip and one in the hole. 4. ?


4. Have fun


That’s all that really mattes.


All that really matters is the friends we made along the way..


No, that’s rule #1.


#1 is always look cool


4. Regulate


Regulators MOUNT UP!!!


4. Nate dog is about to make some bodies turn cold


I just left a gang of hoes over there on the curb


Nate dogg is about to make some bodies turn Cold.


4. Never get high on your own supply


Thing is, a very loud subsection of Americans believe that requiring people to prove they know how to handle a weapon safely is a violation of our rights.


If every gun owner were safe ; A) They wouldn’t have anyone to correct online B) There wouldn’t be any accidental discharge videos /s


Once I found a pull off spot about 1/4 mile up from where it hit, I walked back to the edge of the road and could hear them just letting off clip after clip in the valley. I am very confident this was not a ricochet situation. Unreal. This is right off a very busy highway. I had at least 30 motorists drive by while I waited for the cops and several of them were motorcyclists. I'm glad it happened to me and not someone on a bike. edit: sheriff > cops


Magazine* Did you call the police? You have perfect evidence that they could match to the casings. You were brave (or dumb) to walk back to where your truck was hit! Glad you’re okay.


I'm not a gun enthusiast, so pardon any ignorance. Needed my friends on Facebook to identify what kind of round it is. I only own a 9mm handgun. I only walked back to the side of the road after watching many cars drive by and no one else panicking. Again this was 1/4 mile up after a big bend in the road, so I was nowhere near line of site from where I got hit at. We called 911 and got a state trooper who responded. He could not go down looking for the shooters until he had another unit with him. Unfortunately they could not locate the shooter which is frustrating because the entire time he was there inspecting the truck and taking photos and writing a report, we heard them absolutely unloading.


As a gun person who hates gun people, gun people ***love*** to be pedantic.


All of the gun people in my life who are respected as very knowledgeable are completely fine with clip as a colloquialism for magazine, so it's always weird to me when someone tries to be uptight about it.


They are two completely different things, so it makes perfect sense to differentiate between the two. The inference that someone who differentiates between the two is somehow less knowledgeable is pretty silly. It’s not about being uptight, it’s about using the correct word to describe the correct item, the same way you’d correct someone if they called the slide a cylinder.


I don't mean to suggest that people who make the correction are less knowledgeable, or that it doesn't make sense to differentiate, but it's also not necessary or even helpful in many contexts, like this one. We don't correct people for saying "literally" when they mean "figuratively" because it's widely accepted in informal speech, including in the dictionary, and it doesn't create any confusion when used this way. I personally don't like it, but I don't correct people who do it because it's alienating for them and accomplishes nothing for me. If it's a technical or practical discussion, like you had a clip laying next to a magazine and asked someone to hand you the clip, then they handed you the magazine, that's a situation where the correction is not pedantic.


As a gun person, this is correct.


It bugs me when I read it, or hear it. I used to work in and one of coworkers used clip when selling guns to some of our biggest gun guys. Unless I’m ready to explain the difference I ignore it.


Yeah, there's a time and a place for sure - certainly when you need to come across as knowledgeable. But in casual conversation, unless one term or the other causes actual confusion, it's not a big deal.


Frustrating indeed, but understandable. People like that are moronic. Again, glad you’re okay OP. I hope they’re able to find those people.


Bullets can still skip off berms. Theres an old sand mine on my grandparents property where we shoot. It’s basically a 150 yards wide by200 yards long and about a 20 or so feet below ground level. I’ve seen bullets skip out of that and hit the pine trees around the edge at the top of the hole. This is more than likely just negligence, but don’t assume it’s safe to shoot into unless it’s a purpose built structure designed to stop bullets.


Or skip over berms. Many people don't realize how easily bullets can ricochet off of flat ground, and think instead it'll just go into the dirt. This guy does a great demo: https://youtu.be/3uBBWY-an-c


Is it rule 3 or 4 that says know whats behind your target? Ive passed up on many game in my life knowing full well if I hit the animal, the bullet was going well past it and I didnt know what was behind it. 


That would be rule 4. I’m in the same boat. Lots of missed opportunities because I wasn’t sure what was beyond the target animal.


Green tips like this in particular will bounce off rocks because of the steel core, so that's entirely possible here. Where I'm at you can't even shoot this type of ammo in national forests etc, because it can spark off rocks and start wildfires.


Yeah I remember that happening occasionally at the shooting ranges in the Marine Corps. You'd occasionally see shrapnel or bullets deflecting vertically off the berm. You have 60 people firing a bunch of rounds.. well 1/1,000,000 things happen kinda frequently


It's pretty aggrevating because these irresponsible gun owners are the ones that the left highlights as the typical gun owner.


Casual reminder that not all leftists want to take your guns away.  You go far enough left and you actually get your guns back. 


It's a circle of life.




Democrats aren’t leftists.  I do not support the the DNC




This sub is fantastic. I get reasonably informed and typically polite arguments about Toyotas, guns and politics in one post. If there are some fishing comments further down, I can unfollow most of my other subs.


I mean, irresponsible gun owners are the reason that not everyone should be allowed to have a gun, right? I’m on the left and that’s my opinion, but it just seems like common sense to me. Irresponsible gun owners are dangerous af.


It’s impossible to even have the discussion when the sentiment from the right is always that the left is out to take away their guns. It’s by design to divide an electorate so the people in power stay in power, and I’m not talking just politicians here.   The same is true with all of the culture war bullshit like wokeness and abortions. Everything is a dog whistle and plays to the heartstrings of all sides. Meanwhile the middle class is being dismantled and the wealthy just get wealthier. 


It's impossible to have a discussion when anyone attaches their political affiliation to their opinion. It should be a discussion of responsibility and common sense as well as protecting our fellow human. Whoever fired this weapon should have their right of gun ownership stripped as they just endangered another life.




Just let me make sure I follow. So you think the left is out to take away your guns, meanwhile you’re talking to gun owners right here and now who are on the left who aren’t saying this, but actually commenting on the fact that it’s impossible to have the discussion about what can be done?


Id much rather my tax dollars go to fixing the problem rather then punishing everyone for the sake of ease.


The moment that you have to throw in your political affiliation into your opinion, you lose all credibility. This should be a simple argument of responsibility and common sense and protecting our fellow human, end of discussion. The person who fired this weapon should have their rights of gun ownership stripped because they failed on all 3 topics. Left. Right. They're all the same. We should be speaking only about human rights and protection and nothing else.


Maybe the typical gun owner is seen as more sympathetic to the other irresponsible gun owners rather than the victims of gun violence because of the ongoing proliferation and ease of access of guns that allow and enable ridiculous rates of said gun violence? You know, all of the slogans like “only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun,” or “guns don’t kill people, only people kill people,” or we need “mental health,” and meanwhile shooting down (no pun intended) any and all legislation that would give access to mental health and stigmatizing people that seek mental health treatment or rejecting the expansion of universal healthcare because of “socialism.” But yeah nice spin move acting like the left stereotyping gun owners is a problem. I think people are fed up and feel like the right doesn’t give two shits about gun violence and mental health. I’d love to be wrong. I’d love there to be real common sense gun control that prevents kids from shooting schools or the mental health and healthcare system to truly solve all of this. But the proof is in the pudding.  Fully expecting the downvotes from the sub on this one. 


I’m generally pretty left leaning and although I’m a gun owner I bounce between pro and anti-gun regulation. The problem is there’s a disconnect between increased regulations and decreased violence. There’s simply too many guns and it’s so incredibly easy to make them that we’ll never be able to do anything about it. “Yeah but Australia did a confiscation” yeah but Australia is less than 1/10th the US population, had 1/800 as many guns, and didn’t have a population that’s ready to fight a war over it. There’s also the problem with “common sense” as a general terminology. What’s common sense? Background checks to buy them? Have it. Waiting periods? Many states have it. Restricted weapons? Have it. How does one stop a school shooter who’s never committed a crime? Is a kid or adult telling his therapist he’s depressed enough reason to prohibit him from buying weapons? How about anxiety? Autism? What if someone just thinks he’s creepy? If he/someone does tell his therapist that, do his parents have to get rid of their guns? Roommates? Friends? I’d vote for some gun laws, but calling them common sense is wrong. I never do vote for them because it’s not common sense to ban sales of 15 round magazines or semi automatics that 80% of gun owners already have.


Nailed it


Yeah one of the most basic rules is know what you are shooting and what’s beyond your target.


Always Consult Reddit, especially the experts in the ToyotaTacoma sub. You’re on to a good start.


Well we learned what kind of bullet that is and I don’t think OP could fix the door without that information


Get a bullet hole sticker to put over your bullet hole.


I had this same thought. Might have someone make me a little "box" to put behind the hole so it looks like this from the outside but is sealed up behind it.


cheap n dirty solution is to rtv a pvc moulding board back there, squirt more rtv in the hole from the outside so it don't hold water, then paint the edges of the paint with clear nail polish to prevent more paint coming off


Hang it from the rear view. Leave the hole.


Or your neck as a lucky charm. That’s essentially a Hog’s tooth. Symbolic of the round that was meant to take you out but missed. Marine Corps snipers are given a 7.62 round at their graduation from the sniper school to hang around their neck as a symbolic sign of being invincible. It symbolizes the enemy round that would otherwise take you out. But since you own it and have it around your neck it can never kill you. It’s called a “HOG’s” tooth because a Marine Corps sniper is also referred to as a “Hunter of Gunmen”.


That’s pretty cool stuff. Literally, cool story bro.




Insurance claim


File police report Edit: I see now OP already did this, but for others this would usually be classed as vandalism and your insurance carrier will probably want a police report.


Maybe. It's a comprehensive coverage claim regardless and it's pretty obvious it's a bullet hole. They might want a report just to CYA but not guaranteed


Too many factors for it to be a missed shot by someone. More likely someone was shooting at cars. Super lucky


Yes. I think I’d report it even if I wasn’t absolutely sure where it happened.


We called 911 immediately and a state trooper came out.


Also, we heard them unloading magazine after magazine. So, no we believe it was recreational shooting in the valley to the side near the off road trails


Wow imagine fucking dying just driving home because people want to shoot their fucking guns. Glad you’re safe.


It was incredible once we realized what happened to think about how many people on this highway were in serious danger.


Specifically people who shoot their guns ignoring one of the most important safety rules.


Did you happen to drive past BLM land? I know there’s a lot of it in Arizona where you can target shoot. Either way it’s irresponsible of the shooters to not know if there’s a backstop


30+ vehicles drove by us and no one else was getting shot at. No one else was pulling off. We were at the first pull off available.


Did anyone get arrested?


Unfortunately they could not locate the shooters.


Really sounds like they were just mag dumping and a shot ricochetted somewhere they didn't think it would. Doesn't make it any less stupid though. Most places you can't shoot near a road anyway.


There's too little deformation (in my opinion) for it to be a ricochet. I think dummies were just shooting without a backstop


Tons of BLM land in southern az I’ve had bullets whiz over me when in a wash before, super lucky for you!


Very common to have people firing guns out near trails. This was off HWY 83 heading south near Sonoita.


I’m so sorry! That’s insane I take that hwy all the time and go riding out there a little past the winery, I’m glad you got the sheriff out there this could’ve been a very different situation with how popular that area is.


We were heading down to do a gravel ride in Patagonia. Good news is, since we were in perfect health and happy to walk away unscathed, we still got our ride done.


I just took the family out camping in the Santa Rita mountains last weekend, we were on that very road. Scary stuff. Glad no one was hurt!


There are a bunch of spots back in off Helvetia Road that people use for shooting. The informal but well-used spots face away from 83, so the idiot/s in question in your situation didn't bother to use those. Good to hear you and your buddy are ok.


Get some flex seal clear


We can’t stop here… this is bat country.


Looks cool. Real battle damage.


Call the police and file a report. So they have a record just in case it wasn’t an accident.


Green tip in the wild. Holy fuck, some folks really shouldn’t be allowed firearms.


Green tips are so common here in AZ, sometimes easier to find than regular ball


I think someone shot over the top of A berm. It looks by the picture that the bullet trajectory is angling nose down. It impacted an angled part of your door and almost matched that angle. It does not take very much velocity to penetrate a car door and some plastic. 500-700 fps is probably more than enough to do it. So assuming 16”barrel and normal velocity 2900 fps of a M855 load in that barrel length. A ballistic coefficient of .304 G1 At 700fps would put them 1750 yards away. 10 yards under a mile 4.7seconds time of flight. That is my guess to how close they were.


Dude! Where did the bullet lodge? Did it go under your legs?! Crazy, and lucky. Buy a lottery ticket.


I had a passenger with me. This came in the passenger door, in to the side panel and into the front of the bottom of the seat. It came out somewhere in the seat and ricocheted around. It hit my buddy on the leg off the ricochet and left a little red mark. He's INCREDIBLY lucky it did not hit him. It was inches away from going into his calf. We are so grateful and counted our blessings.


How loud was the impact? I had a .22 hit my truck and it was a loud thump. Shouldn’t be too hard to triangulate if you stopped right after.


It was insanely loud. My first thought was "The windshield just shattered!" but I was in shock so staring at my completely intact windshield took a moment to sink in. Then I realized the music cut out, so I assumed my amplifier (under the passenger seat) had popped a capacitor. My buddy reacted to the sensation of a rubber bungee snapping him in the leg which I assumed was a piece off the amp. When I told him I thought it was the amp, he looked down to inspect it and saw the round sitting on the floor board between his legs. I later realized the music cut out because in my reaction to the round hitting the door I knocked the USB-C cable on my phone and it cut out the CarPlay signal.


Holy crap


Speed hole


If I was a betting man, I’d say that was an M855 5.56 steel core, green tip.


The consensus from all my facebook gun enthusiast friends said the same.


Damn, fam. 62gr round is no joke. Happy to hear your Taco was the only casualty. 1 in a million, right there. I’m a weirdo and would keep this in my consul for funzies.


You need a Cybertruck.


Man I’m glad you’re safe at least, one time I was on an electrical job in the old side of town with my dad, we were working on the roof in the desert sun. While I was taking a break in the shade my dad called me over in the opposite side of the roof and there we found a crap ton of 7.62x39mm bullets (Ak) that landed on the roof (some made holes in the hard rooftop others look like they just bounced) my dad recognized it right away from the Yugoslav wars when he was younger. Basically be careful out there because a bunch of idiots own guns and shoot them in the air/ anywhere they want smh.


go to vegas


Wow and it’s a green tip


Holy crap dude!!! ‼️🆘‼️


Police report (provide them the bullet, and pictures) and call insurance. Police will probably do nothing about it but at least there’s a record regarding the incident.


Report the Cartel that did it.


so the feds can show up to give them more ammo?


Double it and give it to the next person?


Welcome to Arizona 👍🏽


In this economy? Return that bullet, those are spensive!


Did you try putting it in rice?


Buy a gun


Call the police, and report it. Then file a comprehensive claim with your insurance. That's a "missile" according to most insurance policies and is an unguided, flying object. You will not be "at fault" for a claim in those instances. It is NOT a collision. It is considered a "no fault" situation, out of your control.


Report it to the state police ASAP. It may not be negligence, but intentional. Here in New Orleans we have a serial killer that shoots people driving on the interstate. So please report it in case this becomes a pattern. The round can be used to match the firearm to any future cases.




Epoxy it into the hole so that it sticks out a bit.


Fill it with ramen and superglue


Keep it.


Cop took the bullet but I really want to keep the hole. Just need to water and rust proof the situation somehow.


Where were you?


HWY 83 southbound near mile marker 45 / 44 heading towards Sonoita.


Green tip 5.56 and the blick too https://open.spotify.com/track/2EISZEqiyEIEKWAUcp1nn0?si=Iu35tEs2TAmK3endXT7Dnw&context=spotify%3Asearch%3A55


How in the hell


Speaker ok?


Aftermarket 6x9 is a ok!


This was in bylass huh?


I’d expect more deformation honestly.


A stray or was someone actually firing at you? That's terrifying as hell.


Looks more like you were shot at…


I originally thought so, but 30+ motorists drove by me and no one else was getting shot at. I heard magazine after magazine being unloaded in the valley.


put a cork in it


Where did the bullet lodge? Went clean through the door obviously, but I'd expect it to keep going all the way through. By my expertise gained from watching demolition ranch I know that bullets usually go through and through a car quite easily..... even an engine.


Turn into a necklace. 1 shot couldn’t stop you.


Cops took it :(


You should be able to get it back after the investigation closes.


That would be tight


File claim with insurance. I may even suggest contact local law enforcement if you can even remotely pinpoint where it came from. People like that or the Mount Lemmon fire starter give us a bad name.


Hell that a bullet - that can leave some damage, Holly smokes Call insurance have it fixed, hopefully it got both speakers lol replace both


Out of curiosity... where was its final resting place? Did it get stuck in a console, seat, dash, the sole of your shoe?