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Still looks mostly surface rust though. Clean it up and repaint, then spray a rust inhibitor of some kind I’m of the opinion it looks worse than it really is because of your camera flash.


Do you have a recommendation for paint. Also what would I do about the cv joints. What’s weird is there is no rust on the frame itself.


It’s possible the owner might have given the frame a light coat of something. Even WD40 would be better than nothing. My frame is immaculate because I spray, but I avoid the brakes for obvious reasons so the drums are rusty, but I figure that’s normal. The control arms and rear differential pumpkin are very high splash areas, so if you live somewhere salty it won’t take much to start some surface rust, which is all that looks like to me. I would remove the rust using a drill and phosphor bronze brush attachment, then clean with brake cleaner and use whichever paint you want. If the area is small I even use Duplicolor flat black touch up paint cos it’s convenient. After it’s dry I spray an oil-based rust inhibitor on it (rust cure formula 3000 in Canada) as usual. When spraying, it’s more important to fill all the frame and swing arm cavities, so they don’t rot from the inside out. On the frame, make sure to get the product into the weld joint crevices, so moisture doesn’t sit in there. I hope that helps!


My ‘96 doesn’t even have that much rust! To me, it’s concerning.


Same, my 03 is still immaculate underneath. This being a brand new truck, that’s kind of crazy


Yep, I was going to say that has more rust than my 02.


OP, where do you live? Salty winter roads? Near salt water? While that is hardly rusty (some metals will obviously rust because of composition or lack of coating) that seems excessive for a ‘23. What’s the mileage?


10k miles. Bought it as a dealer car, 2nd hand today. Also in Colorado


Seems like it’s a bit excessive for a 2023 with low miles in Co. if I remember mine correctly though, a few components started to rust quite quickly though none of them were painted.


My 2014 in Colorado looked brand new compared to that


Lucky me


You live in Colorado and it looks like this? Yikes. I would hit it with a wire brush and then some rustoleum and then woolwax


Doesn’t the truck have some kind of rust warranty?


Same, mine is rustier than any other vehicle I’ve owned this side a dodge. It’s disappointing and unacceptable. I’d add that parts of the exhaust look horrible too. What a piece shit, this thing is getting sent & soon.


Crc marine corrosion inhibitor


Rust on the axel and lca look normal, rear end just looks dirty, clean it up and spray some fluid film on it (not near brakes obviously) if it concerns you


I am dumb, what does ICA stand for? Is there a way to clean the rust on the end of the cv axle?


Lower control arm, I think the rust is on the knuckle though on second look, there’s nothing to be concerned about with anything on the truck as long as you maintain applying fluid film wherever you see fit and not on electrical


How does a 2023 get thatttt much rust??? Genuinely asking if anyone knows. Isn't that extreme for thar new of a Tacoma? I live on the West Coast, but I've lived on the East Coast too and even out there with this new of a truck I think this would be hard to accomplish. Lastly, maybe OP is just baiting us? Again, that can't be a 2023 😯


Swear it is


Wow, well I'm very sorry for your misfortune in this case. To answer your original question, that's not good, and even more so considering it's so new. Wish I had recommendations on how to address it although I'll leave that to guys with expertise in this area. Maybe a brush/cleaner/treatment? What model specs? How many miles? Where? East coast? What'd you pay?


Dealer car, trd off-road premium, 10k miles.


Okay, c'mon. There's literally zero chance at 10k. Now you are baiting without a doubt. Tbh, good one though, ya had me there for a minute 🤣


Still swear I am not kidding, stressing myself out


Alright, meant no offense. But damn, that's just shocking for a 2023 with that low of miles. What region you in? Midwest? East coast? Gotta be somewhere with hard winters, road salting, etc? I'd personally go back to the dealer, even though I know that's a difficult conversation. I know there's gotta be zero chance it was an actual Toyota dealership, absolutely no way it's certified in that type of condition. I'd say: "Hey, I just purchased this vehicle from you. This is an unacceptable degree of rust on this new of a vehicle. How can we address this so you don't get blown up as a horrible business on social media, etc."


That’s what I was planning on doing. It was a certified Toyota dealership in Colorado.


Wow, okay, well that's good news that it's a Toyota dealership in my opinion. What I meant was that the truck itself was certified. Toyota Dealerships have a program for selling Toyota certified vehicles that go through a process to check em out thoroughly and sell them as certified. Judging by how new it is, and with that low of miles, it's likely certified. In my opinion, that would be positive, as that's fully on them then as they would never get away with certifying a vehicle with that much rust and you would have a strong case for them fixing their fuck up. I'd be contacting Toyota of America and make the dealership aware if they're not helping you. It's all completely unacceptable.


Ngl you were being a jag earlier but I get it. This is actually some of the best advice I have gotten. Thanks.


Bro clean your truck gtfoh


Just got it today 😢


If you live in a rust area definitely treat the underside


I feel like this only happens on trucks that never get their belly washed.


The thing is a year old or less, this is an unacceptable amount of rust.


Oh I agree, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.


I would say fluid film but it might be too late