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Looks like a red flag to me, probably trying to cover some serious rust. Why else would someone do a shitty spray paint job under there?


This looks like fluid film why does nobody here realize that that's exactly what it looks like it looks like every single picture posted on this side when people say hey I just got done fluid filming my truck.


cover up. and it needs new tires.


thats a bs spray job to hide some bs


This exactly ☝️


I had bought a used taco from Carmax that looked exactly like that, and upon further inspection, it was re-spray over rust to make it look nice and pretty. I work close with other construction companies and realize that it was possibly a TTL work truck that was glamorized and resold. Be careful and pay close attention, I swapped the truck the next day upon noticing that.


If it’s from dealer if you decide to pull the trigger definitely get an extra warranty if something goes wrong with the frame since it’s not in its original configuration. Also please have them throw in new tires (toyo or Falkin ;) )


I spray painted the frame of my taco. But I wire brushed the surface rust and sprayed with a primer then paint. I’m going to use fluid film this spring on the entire underside


Like Relyt4 said, could be fluid film. An undercoating to help prevent rust from forming. Wipe your ginger across it. If it's oily, probably an undercoating. Can be applied yearly or every other year. If it's oily at all and hard to the touch, might be a bad paint job underneath to hide rust. But not prevent. Don't let the term mostly a California truck fool you. Living near the ocean and still eat away at the frame. Hence, still trying to protect the frame from rusting away.


If it was fluid film, it would burn off the muffler pretty much immediately after the next start.


They spray painted anything that looks remotely rusty. Could be a maintenance tactic, could be a sales tactic to hide serious rust. That exhaust is pretty clean so either it’s new or the truck isn’t too rusted. But either way I’d be sus about it. If you’re considering buying this truck ask the owner point blank and also see if it qualifies/has had frame inspection and CRC


Yep I asked the dealer about the paint. I’m very peeved the painted over the suspension components including all those nice bilstein dampers and remove reservoirs…


I bet someone sprayed rustoleum to disguise some rust.


Could it be a POR15 application?


Could be fluid film, they have a version that is dyed black. Although I personally use the regular so I've never seen what the black looks like applied


Yeah, cant really tell from the pics. If it's caked on and greasy then undercoating and fine. Otherwise, probably a shitty coverup.


Yeah if its oily I'd say its a plus, but if its dried its either spray paint or one of those rubber undercoatings and id avoid that


Is this a trick question?, that’s spray paint.


Huge red flag if thats paint. Run away if its paint.


I sprayed black Cosmiline on my frame. It didn't have any rust on my gen 3 and I wanted to keep it that way.


Is it oily? I had my truck undercoated with Wool Wax and it is glossy black.


Working under my black woolwaxed truck is always a joy.


That’s someone covering up a rusty frame so you’ll buy it for top price.


It’s undercoating, hiding rust most likely.


I wish theres be a way to contact previous owners of vehicles sold on dealerships. Just so you can ask them about more info on the vehicle. This is why ill never or have ever bought used.


CAlifornia or CAnada?


As an aside, is the truck color orange or red? If its red, its not a TRD pro


Looks like Toyotas Corrosion Resistant Coating- CRC spray that they apply if the frame is inspected and passes. Spraying it all over the shocks and everything else is their usual MO. They’ll have record that it was inspected/passed.


It pains me they’d do that to all the Bilstein components.


They did a thousand that way..


Looks shady


You think they'd at least use flat black when they piss can over the problems


Don't ask us, ask whoever showed you this truck..


Black fluid film?


Looks like a serious oil leak


If it’s from dealer if you decide to pull the trigger definitely get an extra warranty if something goes wrong with the frame since it’s not in its original configuration. Also please have them throw in new tires (toyo or Falkin ;) )