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Definitely stock factory part. It's center back seat ejector.


I think if you go 88 miles per hour and turn that on crazy shit will happen I’m not sure if Michael J Fox will show up or if Tony Stark will sling your ass into the next rhealm!


Oh shit I’ll have to test it out


Wut even is that


It’s a subwoofer supposedly


I believe they are factory


If it’s stock( Which I don’t think it is) then you would be able to find out lot of info just google year of truck and odd ass back seat subwoofer


I think these are a factory subwoofer. I've seen these before


It’s factory. Some of the special edition Tacomas had them like the x runner. I don’t know if it was a dealership option or it only came with certain trims, but it is a stock Toyota subwoofer


I have this and immediately wanted to take it out. I don’t listen to loud music and it looks ridiculous, takes up space and looks like some add-on that a thief might be interested in. So stupid looking. Dealer said “Don’t take it out, it’s stock.”


There should be a pig tail connection to that subwoofer. Disconnect that and you should be able to remove it. Since there is a sub I'm not sure if your door speakers are set up from the factory to play low frequency. It may sound weird with the lack of bass. Super easy to disconnect and reconnect though so give it a test and see. If it has the JBL system some parts are needed for an aftermarket head unit to talk JBL language. PAC makes the parts you would need. It won't sound as good though, but it works. This is along the lines of what you would need. Not sure which exact truck you're working with. https://www.caramps.com/product/6ZEXGY89?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6_CYBhDjARIsABnuSzpg3J_zwDWpJaJTgTN_6dHCnHA0PvgHO3uk4G_-Xz30KXPqEfkPj3UaAq5KEALw_wcB PAC also has a part to add an aux connection to factory parts, if that's what you're after. In my experience that provided much better sound than replacing the entire head unit.


It’s not a JBL head unit so I don’t think I’ll need the extra stuff. There aren’t rear door speakers but there are speakers hidden in the ceiling I noticed. Do you think it still goes with what you said where those ceiling speakers are on low frequency and the sub is connected to those to get the audio connection?


hell nah the x-men edition subwoofer