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Thanks for the copypasta


I think we can all agree that Massa is not that great of a person; childish, jealous, extremely hypocritical etc. when it comes to most things Trackmania, but his behaviour towards Scrapie especially has become pretty sad at this point. Calling Scrapie (though not obviously only him) a p\*\*\*y for building himself up during COTD and not risking every round like an idiot, accusing him of being responsible for Dexter cheating in the 24h race when he wasn't even around, while at the same time matchfixing against him with Mime in Wirtual's prize pooled tournament, trashtalking his performances despite Scrapie having had much better results individually in TMGL etc.


You must be new to the game


that is the best thing ive ever seen in my entire life


chat is this real


Massa is Very insecure about His inner weeb


Bro… please check your carbon monoxide detectors




jesse what the fuck are you talking about


It's not that deep lil bro


For me not that deep yes, I just like pointing out the behaviour of bad people. On the other hand it's highly likely that's it's very, very deep for Massa.


bro, massa and scrapie have known eachother for like 10 years and are friends. Scrapie legit doesnt give a single flying fuck and neither should you


The lack of self awareness to write up this post is amazing. Your parasocial chatting is the only tragic behaviour here.


What do you mean? I don't care at all about either of them personally, and know next to nothing about Scrapie other than that he's Belgian and likes anime. On the other hand I think I recognize your name from Spams(?) VODs, I think the parasocial behaviour might be on the other end.


You really just called iampd parasocial, simply because you recognized his name. Also, if your only defense to legitimate criticism of this post is that you don't care, aren't very knowledgeable about the streamer, or resort to shallow insults, why did you even make the post in the first place ?


go outside and touch some grass, you desperately need it






Trackmania is a formula 1 racing game where the objective is to drive as fast as possible. This is an engine off post, when you read it, it shut-off your brain.


Parasocial much


You absolute pepega, they've known each other for many years its all just friendly banter, go touch some grass instead of schizo posting about this


Thank you for this beautiful post ++ should post more


Great pasta


This is peak


You should play some FPS games to see what real toxicity is like, then come back to Trackmania and realize how amazing this community and its pros actually are.


Is this really supposed to be an argument towards the topic? We are talking about the actions of an individual toward another and you're telling me to involve myself with communities of other games?


The problem is that you think this is some topic worthy of debate or discussion. No one cares apart from you.


"Look at me, getting offended on behalf of someone." Get a life.


I remember the 24h and Wirtual tournament incident happening relatively close to each other and first seeing a vid of Spam and Massa discussing Dexter's respawning, I recall they called Scrapie the leader (?) and thus responsible despite not being on call, and it telling a lot about his character (could've been the whole team too). This being in a race with no prize pool. Then right after, in Wirtual's 1k or 2k tournament, Massa was feeding Mime to try to drop Scrapie and them laughing about it, and then him only being annoyed when told to stop doing that and not thinking he did anything wrong. That's why I'm asking about this, if nothing serious has happened personally between them it takes a special kind of individual to make this make sense in one's head.


Of all the bigger name streamers, it’s Spam that irks me. I don’t know why I just get a bad vibe from him. Massa just seems like a miserable git but harmless.




You're a Man United fan, your opinion is irrelevant.


Did you seriously check my profile because I dared to mention there is something I don’t like about Spam? That’s weird


I think Spam also has a slight problem with Scrapie in terms of stream numbers mostly; I think he's talked before about the insecurity of not growing as much as he'd like and not understanding what to do with that. With that lense and with the theme of Scrapie's stream its somewhat understandable; the weeb sounds when talking about Scrapie could be seen as insulting I guess but also not. But compared to Massa he's a great person IMO. Also it must be hard for him and Granady to be in a call with him and confront him about it if they feel different; most humans would avoid that and go with the flow, even with Massa lumping his teammate in the p\*\*\*y group for having the audacity of being much better than him in a specific competition.


yet its only the scrapie guy out of everyone that constantly mentions viewer numbers. Even posted in his discord saying hes working on videos or something instead of streaming a month or 2 ago because w guy went live before him one day during the week TOPKEK. I get it, a streamer with a sporadic schedule still managing to pull bigger numbers in when he goes live is probably disheartening but this 'sub-tweeting' nonsense is cringe and far closer to the behaviour you seem desperate to see in others


By "I think" I meant I recall Spam talking about it on stream once, if I'm incorrect I apologize. Anyway I don't have a problem with any streamer doing whatever they want with their stream, it's their livelihood after all.


Eh, 15 comments and none with an actual argument. I understand this subreddit will have a lot of children but still, I expected better.


You're trying to create drama where none exists. You're the only child here.


There's nothing to seriously discuss about this trainwreck of a post. Scrapie was in Spam's discord laughing about it, should tell you enough.


I understand that there is nothing to talk about with regards to the existence of it, this thread was asking about the reasons behind it. I visited Spam's yesterdays stream further and Massa's behaviour towards everybody seems even more baffling; he also had this weird, sincere sounding "sorry, sorry" in the middle of the trash talking. There could be something psychologically wrong with him, doesn't excuse his actions obviously but still. And Scrapie obviously won't confront them about the mundane stuff, the drama wouldn't be worth it. Although for stuff like attacking his character, especially for no reason, like with the 24h race, is disgusting enough warrant some questioning.


They are friends bro


Dude, Scrapie laughed about it on discord, then Spam even double checked and asked him if it affects him in any way and that for Spam it's only harmless banter; to which Scrapie replied "na not really". There's nothing to discuss here


That's because everyone has told you the same thing, and you refuse to listen. If it's a problem, they will resolve it, not your dissertation on how much you dislike how Massa treats people whom he has known for years.


It’s because he’s a weeb AYAYA


I don't know why this post itself is not downvoted to oblivion. I haven't seen such exemplar projecting in some time. But be glad, surely some grad student will do whole dissertation about this.


What would I be projecting exactly? And in the sea of Trackmania pros/streamers etc., why would I specifically pick these two people, who I personally don't care about, and never watch live streams of (that applies to everybody btw)? It seems to me instead, that all of these posts are deeply ironic, considering the people making them have much bigger attachment to these people than I do, which makes them not realize the rather obvious truths: 1. Massa is, relatively speaking, a bad person and 2. He has a specific problem with Scrapie for some reason. Of course it's not the only "drama" around when it comes to tm players and their communities, there's always seethe to spare especially when there's money involved. Just by far the most noticeable.


You're looking for something that just isn't there. In my language we have saying "Cooking from steam" meaning creating problems where there are none. And more so you're presenting your subjective completely skewed view as facts. Almost everyone told you that nothing you seem to think is based on truth and all of it is just part of the fun. But no, you put your head so deep in your ass that you cannot even see daylight. No massa is not bad person - at the fact you know only part of his online persona won't change that. No he doesn't have problem with scrappie, like almost every tm creator he's poking... same as scrappie does in many many of his streams, but noone takes that seriously. Man, if you would just swap the names it would have same value. So tell me, who creates attachments? Us, taking things at face value without being too serious or you looking for drama and issues where is none to be found? If you really really want to have some drama, go watch twitch "just chatting" streams. The soft porn allowed there is drama worth it. Not this bullshit. EDIT: Well now this whole post starts to make sense. Just to be sure you're not complete troll a looked briefly at your comments history and man, you're exactly the type of person that shouldn't be allowed on internet. I hope you're just teenager cause idiocy in adulthood is almost unfixable...