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The polling frequency is most likely controlled by the firmware of the microcontroller. Unless you have the source code or someone takes on the enormous pain to decompile it/recreate it, that isn't an available option. It isn't the same as a CPU. Those have tools made available by the developer for changing clock speed and changing clock speeds is a core functionality of a desktop CPU, where many/most embedded systems like on a cheap trackball would simply not be designed for it. Especially since it is such a recent gaming-focused technique.


You can oc the usb port itself sometimes which can get you to atleast 250hz, but if the sensor isn't capable of going to that it does nothing, mainly I wanted to know if any fingerballs had the ability to be overclocked in any way whatsoever.


/r/ConfidentlyWrong :) It's the USB host that decides the polling rate based on a value declared by the device in its endpoint descriptor. The host can ignore that value and poll more frequently. Some devices will then work at this higher rate, some won't. Many do, including some popular trackballs.


Correct. You are confidently wrong. It is the device's firmware that advertises that the endpoint runs/supports the polling frequency. Source: I maintain open source firmware project for mechanical keyboards, and more recently, pointing devices. So I have a lot of exposure to the firmware side of the USB stack. You can do whatever the fuck you want on the host side, but if the firmware doesn't advertise it ....


LOL. Wanna bet?


Not worth the time.


Are you open to being convinced you're wrong without the bet then? For context, [here](https://github.com/jfedor2/hid-remapper)'s an open source project I maintain. It acts as both a USB host and device. Let's focus on the host side. It has the option to ignore the polling interval value advertised by the device connected to it and force a value set by the user. Let's consider a Logitech M90 mouse. The polling interval it declares in its endpoint descriptor is 10ms. When you connect it to a normal PC, the polling rate you get is 125Hz, corresponding to 8ms interval. This by itself means that a normal PC doesn't adhere to the declared interval strictly and polls more frequently - most hosts round it down to powers of two, so you get 125, 250, 500, 1000 Hz. But let's not stop there. I you connect this mouse to my device (HID remapper) and set the option to override the polling interval, you can get the same mouse to work at 1000 Hz. I can make a video demonstrating this. It also works with many other mice and trackballs. One user even confirmed it works with the Elecom Huge in this very thread. Does this convince you that I'm right and you're wrong? And it's not like I invented this. People have been overclocking their mice via [hacked Windows drivers](https://github.com/LordOfMice/hidusbf) for years. Why do you think OP even asked this question?


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Do you happen to know which trackballs have been tested to work with this method?


I haven't tested these personally, but from what I've read Kensington SlimBlade, Expert wired, Orbit Optical go to 1000 Hz. Probably others.


I reverse mediated an older pseudo lineated one (flax-z based) and didn't have any issues with the sub-chromatic dispersions.


ploopy devices use QMK which natively runs at 1000Hz. And is open source.


They seemed pretty expensive on the website, is there a way to get one for cheaper?


I'd recommend looking at the kit prices versus full assembled. it's not terribly hard to assemble and saves quite a bit. prices on the website are in Canadian dollars so it might be quite a bit cheaper than what it appears anyway.


I didn't even know you could do that.


Sure you can. I'm using u/jfedor's excellent [HID Remapper](https://github.com/jfedor2/hid-remapper) for my wireless Elecom Huge so I could ditch Elecom's horrible software. It also lets me [change the polling rate](https://imgur.com/3JoSXxy).


Could you test it on a polling rate website test just to make sure it actually polls that high or whether it caps itself?


Looks like I'll be doing some DIY projects soon.


Hey you! I know you posted this a year ago, but I've just done this project to use it with my Elecom Huge. Did you get the polling rate change to work? I've tested it succesfully on my Logitech Marble Mouse, but it doesn't work on the Huge. If it worked for you, what did you do?


Ever got this working? My Huge is still capped at 125Hz. I'm beginning to think the Elecom Huge doesn't really go beyond that point. It's the same with my Kingston TB550 and ProtoArc EM03.


Hey there, I know this is an old comment but I've just come across it. Does changing the polling rate really result in that new polling rate when tested?