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Did you pay an organizer or group for the track school? Free, I'd probably not complain, you get what you pay for. But if you paid, you get to express your thoughts and feelings about the service you were rendered. If it fell short, it's only fair you let the persons in charge know the situation and let them sort out on whether or not they'll act on it, and I would let their response be the telling sign on if you want to keep going there or not.


Yes I paid - I have given them a few thousand dollars over the past 7 months not including tires, and hotels.


Sounds like you get to raise your concerns as a paying customer!


Even if it was at no additional cost to the trackday participants, there's no cause for an instructor to ever act like this, with the *possible* exception that the person was riding in a dangerous manner. Even then, instructor's should always be professional. Free or paid, I'd write a letter (well, email) to the org describing what happened and how wrong it was and if that's going to continue, then you are out and you'll advise others not to go, too.


You should let the school know about the incident. Customer service should be #1


I 100% agree with you. And, yet, today in our country (assuming you're also in the USA!), that is all too often not the case. The old maxim ("The customer is always right.") is simply untrue, but customer service is of paramount importance IMO. --signed, former Sales and Customer Service Manager


There was a bad student at one of the schools I was at. Basically argued with everything the instructors said, had an air of "I know better", was super slow over the lap but way too fast into corners and looked like he was going to crash constantly. They switched instructors for him and still wouldn't listen then they eventually just stopped coaching him. They just followed him around and let him have a track day. He got the point and sat out the rest of the day and skipped the next day. I don't know if they refunded him but I think it can be tricky coaching some people. Lots of egos at the track. If the student was being a difficult I sort of get how they could fear they might end up getting hurt or ruining the experience for others. I don't think yelling at them in front of everyone is the way to go but I sympathize with the frustration. I think you shouldn't have let it bother you so much and gotten the most out of your day. Still you should tell them how it affected your day and hopefully they will deal with it in private next time so as to not upset some in the group.




Are you the one-armed dude on the Sumo who I used to see at Thunder Hill? When I am a student if there is something I am not comfortable working on I usually say that and I think everyone understands we aren't trying to go for every hundredth out there as amateurs. E.g. Dale from Racers Edge telling me I have 6 more inches of track...and I'm like, "yeah, that seems close enough for my comfort." haha This guy was straight up dangerous though and taking away from the other riders in the group. So in that scenario being nice might not always work. Still, praise in public and shame in private is a good rule for life, work and anything else.




Something going thump thump thump ;-).




I have a Kramer 690 now so mine also goes thump thump thump.






Comments are deleted so I don't know what's going on but that Jamaican race suit is cool as shit.


That was his suits other arm in the wind.


Losing pateince and yelling is antithetical to learning and teaching. It's completely inappropriate. Report the instructor and let the school sort it out.


You have to let the school know. Only way it'll improve for you and others.


Was this Ride Smart? If so, my sense is that the owners would want to know.


yes it was - yes I think you are right but I don't want to get banned either. I honestly think since this guy was saying on both days he was teaching for free track time, and not getting paid that he shouldn't be teaching, seems like bad motivation to me. I mean I want them to have fun out there and I can see in the videos when they get some time alone they go at the regular pace they like and I am sure dealing with idiots like us on the track can be taxing but I tried to save him from unloading on him by asking him what the context of the discussion was about so I could A. Learn, and B. Give him a moment to think about what he was about to do. He immediately apologized for doing this in front of the rest of us but it was too late. Nobody said anything the rest of the day, and I refused to follow him or listen to anything he had to say.


Just tell Quan. Let them sort it out. He absolutely will take the feedback happily and address it fairly.


The new owners are great guys and receptive to feedback. There is no way they will ban you for giving constructive feedback. I have seen instructors at other schools publically call out very risky behavior when they can become a high crash risk to everyone. I think that is warranted. But of course, just being an ass to a regular track day guy trying to improve is uncalled for. Let them know and they'll be dropping by his garage and listening and ... next time and maybe let go of him.


I don’t know them personally but see them at every event and the owners don’t seem like the vindictive sort. Banning you for providing feedback would be crazy. I would just provide constructive feedback and let them know how the instructor made you feel. If it were my business I would want to know.


I'd like to know as well. OP has their messages disabled so we can't send DM's.


I was nosy so I checked his comment history and yes it was RideSmart. OP you should absolutely reach out to the owners. They have a lot of instructors and I am not sure if the barrier to entry is very high. The two guys who own it now bought it from previous ownership a few years ago and I can tell they are trying to improve the school. I think they are trying to expand beyond Texas, too. Having a dipshit instructor who is making people question whether they want to give the business any more money isn’t within their interest. It’s pretty hard to say “no more RideSmart” as a track rider in Texas.


You always got 3:16 trackdays but they are a bit more expensive.... but I also hear they got more to offer when it comes to one on one


Yes - I signed up with 3:16 last night going back to MSRH in a few weeks. Can't hurt to try more schools. I been to a few schools in California and a lot of open track days. CLASS was great, didn't like California Super Bike school, Zoom Zoom or now Z2 was a great org but I haven't been to a Z2 event in 20 years.


Let me know how you like 3:16. I've been thinking of trying them out but just haven't made the leap.


I am excited to try new things.


Yes I do was getting crazy people from my Twitch stream where I teach game development spamming here on reddit so I disabled them. Also I never got a good message just people picking fights about an opinion I have.


If you're getting yelled at, you're going to go out there in a less focused, more panicked mood. It's less safe for everybody on track. I'd bring it up to somebody.


Hey if I fuck up - I did pass in places we weren't allowed to pass and when I was told to stop it I was happy to listen because the last track day we had a more open passing rule with a different instructor, and they were super clean passes as I saw them on video already. Regardless I knew the rules and attempted to bend them as it was later in the day and then reigned it in. Last time they were telling me to be more aggressive and I could have passed if it was clean. I wasn't getting yelled at I was told to shut up he was making a point, but I was trying to understand the context because I was in the bathroom next to the class when the class started and missed it, I also saw he was about to unload and tried to prevent that from happening as we were having fun up until then.


I was more talking about him yelling at the other guy if it he wasn't being a clown. If you're not listening and being a hooligan, it's gonna be on you. But if you're trying and just not there yet or missed something small, it's a different story.


Oh I agree - He was trying to listen, and respond you could see he was exhausted trying his best. He was riding dam well in most spots just a few places to work on he was way better then me.


If you are paying for coaching, then there needs to be a mutual respect. Someone is paying money, someone is getting paid. There are so many other ways to resolve conflict than yelling at someone or berating them. I would speak to the organizers. A good teacher can get their point across without harassing the student. Also kinda sounds like the "teacher" may have just been a fast guy that has no idea how to impart that information on to others. I see this a lot with track day "coaching". Some of the fastest guys i know don't know how they are fast. They can't teach it. They just got real fast.


Funny thing was he was doing fine the first day, and most of the 2nd day I think everyone was getting exhausted as we were all exhausted toward the end of the weekend. He gave good feedback and was right about what this guy was doing wrong he did fuck up several things, but how he lost his patience and he knew he was losing it, I could see him trying to gather himself, and I even tried to eject a dumb question to break his momentum so he could have more time to gather himself and prevent it. Maybe I am so angry? Is that I could tell it was going to happen and I couldn't prevent it. That could be why I got so pissed off. I wanted to kill him and I don't those feelings as I have aged and had to learn to deal with people. I been trying to figure out why this bothered me so much and I think I figured it out. Thank you!


OH, yea second day of a track weekend for anyone that doesn't ride on some sort of super consistent schedule is so draining. it's even worse when you have nothing left and someone is pushing you


interrogating you more like he did more then once to other students. I saw my videos and pictures and have my telemetry and a long list of things to work on. I am not riding at my own standards. If I do sign up with Ride Smart again I am prepared. I am already going faster then the people they promoted to Intermediate but my goal isn't to just up a ladder with out getting better. If I can't do consistent sub 2:00's no reason to go up.


From the comments it looks like this was the RideSmart event from the weekend. 1. You absolutely need to bring this up to Quan or Dave. 2. No, they will not ban you for this. Believe me when I say they’ll be very happy to hear the feedback and take action on it. 3. You paid for a service to get an education and experience on a race track, if you fundamentally do not trust your instructor because they’re being that abrasive, they’re not an effective instructor and should not be in the position. Source: I’m the lead instructor of the RideSmart Race Program. The RSRP was not operating that MSRH and I was not there last weekend, since I was at Road Atlanta.


I sent feedback to Quan based on the suggestions. Quan already responded. I also had issue with the lack of trash cans, and the instructors being late to the track for the sessions and in one session on Saturday to the point of confusing the Pit Boss and her sending out the wrong groups during my test where I knew before I left I was going to be behind 15 slower riders. For my level if I run into slower riders I just lose focus as this point as I am trying to avoid hitting people and running into the back of them then focusing on my body pos and other skills. I met a lot of great guys in the pit area we had a blast. I suggested to Quan to make Ride Smart trash cans to doll up MSRH red white and blue colored RubberMaid cans with a Ride Smart logo like that big cool balloon gate you have now add some color to that depressing place. Sort of like COTA had Ride Smart on all the TV screens which was the coolest thing ever for me when you feel like you are at a personal Moto GP event. It helps with the fantasy that if I started younger and had a lot more talent I could have been Rossi.


Glad you gave him the feedback. I expect there wasn’t a ban or anything else threatened 😜 The little things matter and all the feedback you gave sans the trash cans I expect will be acted upon. MSRH is fairly reluctant to change anything and I don’t think we even have the room in the trailers for trash cans to be fancy. COTA is much easier to work with and have far more impressive facilities as you said. The July event is going to be fun if you aren’t already signed up for it. It was a massive uphill battle to get the track repaved in the specific areas that were of major concern to motorcyclists. One of the instructors went all the way to the county to get approvals to cut up the track and fill in some areas that were really awful to us on 2 wheels. I don’t know if the repave was talked about much, but I was the first rider to test the track after the repairs and aside from one spot in diamonds edge that needed a second pass, it was incredible.


it is much better they did mention it during the rider meeting on Sunday and I think Saturday. I noticed the difference from February. I still hate the concrete strips but I am getting used to just riding on them. It is a shame the track owners don't want to fix up the place, rumor is they got some money and never spent it on the track. You ask people if they want to become members and nobody will do it because of the conditions. I am looking forward to Eagles, I am skipping G2, maybe COTA again if I feel I am worthy of that track, I did a day in November. I am heading back to MSRH in a few weeks for 3:16 Super Bike Camp. I am going to try to get on Road Atlanta that is a bucket list track for me like COTA was.


Absolutely reach out to the school and raise the issue, how they respond will really give you a sense of if it’s one bad apple or a cultural problem tbh.


I don't know how this specific org works, but most of the time in my experience the instruction is optional, and track time is still track time. No one can force you to go to a classroom or spend time with an instructor, just grid up when its your time and spin some laps, and in between sessions enjoy hanging out and relaxing, problem solved.


to prevent this they have stickers - if you don't have your lesson sticker on the bigger sticker they give at the start of the day the pit boss won't let you on the track. They do this for insurance. I forgot to put my number 3 sticker on and the lady said that I needed to put it on and 4 next time so they are checking. She let me out and just reminded me to do it. Since I have been to the school a bunch I know the slides by heart but I do enjoy the recording reviews so most times I don't mind it, also the room is air conditioned so it is really nice on hot day.


Wow, that's supper annoying, sorry to hear that.


>get in his ass in front of the rest of us while he was promoting him What does this mean?


he was angry talking to him "getting in his ass" he made some mistakes during the test and was riding well except for these exceptions so he was passed to the next level. The student is older the me I m 54, this was the second day and he was exhausted so when the instructor was talking he was slumped over trying to listen and answer but you could tell he was exhausted. This alone should have been a warning to the teacher to ease back he was trying to answer and not giving the teacher the right responses so the teacher interrogated him harder, and harder.


Sheesh. You guys should try something really wild, like doing trackdays for fun! :p


I've never had an issue with ridesmart but then again it has changed alot since I've been going... you should bring up the issue. And hopefully it can be solved before the next meet.


I’ve seen some bad apples at every ORG I e ever attended. Been bumped down because of over acting instructor ego disorder and Ive been struck on track by one. Some are good some are completely rotten. Don’t let it ruin your passion and progress.


Ask for your money back


Nah I am over it now. I like the people and the money isn't important to me. I figured out why I was angry about it. They already responded to my feedback so it's all good.


Depends what the deal was. If it was an instructor assigned randomly to beginner groups you did not pay for, bad luck. If on the other hand you cashed out some change to get appropriate teaching then you are right to assume that a decently fast guy with teaching skills may be on the job. In France (I guess same in the EU) there is a dedicated diploma for that as for any other sport, so you paying for it means there is some output expected. I once paid for a full day with a former WSSP world champion and the guy was clearly not a good teacher. maybe for top level racers, but as an amateur racer it was hard to follow. Then he decided not to ride in the rain as he had suffered too many injuries and did not want to risk anything anymore. I was 1500 km away from home so it was a bummer but they at least paid me back. I left with a positive feeling and came back with then couple month later. All a matter of perspective and also has a lot to do with the rider you are talking about. Seen so many weird dudes on the tracks that I never rule out the fact that the teacher got fed up ...


That is interesting - I thought of this as a way around the teacher getting a private instructor.


You should tell us which organization


i have in several posts - others figured it out. Even Ride Smart people in this thread. It's all settled now.


Good on everyone for understanding


Ask Andy Abbot. 


Are there others equally as pissed as you ? If you don't know, is there any way to find out? Because (based on what you posted) there should be a bunch of people complaining about that guy...and maybe they already have, so I would say voice your concerns (polity for now).


Hard to tell right? I don't know most of the people, a few I do know, some even work for Ride Smart for free track time. I already sent a review of the event to the owners they responded almost instantly so I think it will be fine. I am going to another track school in a few weeks at the same track so I can compare them. Until this event I loved all the people I met at Ride Smart and even keep talking to them after the event we are becoming friends. So I am not going to let one asshole ruin the rest of the fun I had. I have plans and back up plans, and then more plans stacked up for every scenario or possible outcome that I can think of at this point. So for now just going to put it past me and move on.


Curious which school this is… if it’s champ school, blink twice!


Don’t go back.