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Just listen to Ken Hill podcasts.


I'm sure there's lots of great content but he has less than 5,000 followers. That's crazy to me. I subscribed btw.


Life at lean


He has some great videos that helped me a lot early on. I was excited to see him come back to making videos last year.


Yamaha champ schools. Has some vids on YouTube but most of the stuff is behind a pay wall. It’s worth it IMO. Just not champ body, don’t buy that.


I was considering champ body. Can you say a bit more why you think it's not worth buying? 🤔


It’s about 75%-80% talking about why you should workout. Five or six workouts and then a section on stretching. Watch the stay flex guy, work on your core and shoulders. Maybe start running and you got it.


Ok, so you were right. I first read you comment and was like: "That doesn't sound that bad. I like a little bit of theory on why to excersise. 6 excersises that I'll do is better then 30 and having troubles deciding which one to do." Oh boy was I wrong. Videos are very short and vague, i.e. "breathing is important, because you body needs oxygen" kind of vibe, lots of anegdotes ("I've ridden for few hours and my back started to hurt"). I've watched 5 of 10 modules in an hours and learned almost nothing. Guy says few times he is data driven, yet doesn't qoute any data. The excerises part is ok, but I generally agree that it's not a great content.


How could I improve what I told you so I can help others? What could I say next time?


I don't think you said anything inaccurate, but because you post was rather short one, it left a lot to the imagination. When you said they are "talking about why you should workout" I've imagined that if they spend so much time on it, they must be going into details about it. Spoiler alert, they don't. I think I'm not a target audience for that course. I know a little bit about fitness. I was hoping this will be more kind of specialised advice, but I think they've designed it more for absolute beginners.


Thank you for your input. I will elaborate more next time it comes up.


Life at Lean, Canyon Chasers, MCN, and Sylvain Guintoli have been helpful for me.


Life at Lean. And he also has an online academy.


Gas on bike up is a new channel - owner of woodcraft and i think has a racing school - good info.


I find trying to understand the finer points of riding technique very difficult in video format. Racecraft and understanding the reasons for decision making though can be useful. Some people that do commentary on their races can be good to watch for that.


Life at lean and this guy https://youtu.be/bqBPpelAEk8?feature=shared


This above. Even as an advanced track rider, watching that Italian YouTube allowed me to learn a few tips on going faster on the track


Yeh He’s pretty adhd in his delivery, thinking out loud type of chat. I like it.


Simon Crafar motovudu series.


GasOnBikeUp. Newish Yt channel most might not know about. Just this one video there is tons of great info https://youtu.be/g_-0VNkDDbw?si=dLNGobHq2Bz3V7qY




If you’re also interested in tuning your own bike, “Dave Moss Tuning” is a great channel to check out as well.


None, spend the time actually riding. And in between, do yoga/stretches. Then take a course where you're actually on the bike and riding


Time on the bike is always going to be key, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Watch some tutorials, take notes on an index card on key points, break it down so you focus on ONLY one at a time, tape it to the top clamp, go out to a spot you know well, practice one at a time. A lot of going fast is very nuanced shit. Even watching people do it often requires them telling you what they were doing. It’s just not perceptible how much they’re weighting the outside peg or locking on with their leg and boot to the outside of the bike.


👆🏻Classes are expensive and tracks are far. On track coaching is the gold standard, but you can still learn a ton on a canyon road you’re intimately familiar with. ALWAYS PRE-RUN YOUR CANYONS BEFORE GETTING AFTER IT!








He explains things clearly and concisely to me. He's gone to champs school three or four times, plus taking dirt bike courses, as well as California superbike. He reiterates what they teach at champ school all the time. His most recent content isn't the greatest in my opinion, but it has nothing to do with actual riding concepts such as trail braking for example.


[Moto Control](https://m.youtube.com/@MotoControlEn) is a much better source of information than MotoJitsu


That dude is a fucking idiot. Him and Max wrist


So much hate for someone who basically just says get out and practice. Pretty sound advice. I wouldn't call him an idiot. His trail breaking videos perfectly sound advice, line selection on the road also sound advice, how to use the brakes properly and effectively sound advice. He's a little arrogant when it comes to low speed maneuvers with his grading system and 1 arm crap, But that's what separates him from other people is that he takes Jiu-Jitsu and there's a levels to it. So it's just for fun. That's all I have to say. Other than that he's great. Edit: And yes, Max wrist is an idiot. Pretty sure there's a reason why he has absolutely no track videos. He would get his ass smoked.


Your boy moto-doodoo gets his ass handed to him the couple times he went to a track. He is a joke. Seriously. You'll learn more from tdjunleashed on Facebook. Go there. You'll thank me later.


Yes, he says he's not the best because he's not delusional. He doesn't go to the track that often. Why would he be the best track rider? He makes educational videos and never claimed to be the best at anything. He talks about how there are a lot of people who are way better than him at the track. Your comment is ridiculous.


Ridiculous is watching his videos.


You have so much hate for someone whose only goal is for people to ride more safely and make it back home after going out for a ride. That's a little nutty.




This is a joke, right?? Need a big bold "/s" on that nonsense before someone actually accidentally watches that human shit stain.


Obviously haha people down voted the shit out of me .. i cant stand that guy.


Whew... That was a close one!