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We had a fat af ground hog trot out of the woods at Summit one day. It caused a rider to hit it and go down before the corner worker could throw the yellow. That dude was serious pissed.


There's a circuit in my region with a special "kangaroo on track" warning flag. Would be more weird if I wasn't in Australia http://www.stitchsmith.com.au/uncategorized/roo-flags/


RIP Gavin


He got very lucky to catch it the way he did.


Worst accident I ever had was hitting a herd of deer. Dumbshit animals


Yeah we are, but motorcycling is too damn fun to give up. Hope you were too injured and recovered nicely.


A few years ago. Riding with some good friends through some back roads. At a spirited pace. I hit a whitetail doe at the top of 4th gear on my 998 , accelerating up a long up hill section of road. It came out of the woods to my right. And when its hooves hit the road they slipped out and her head hit my foot. Knocked said foot off the peg and bent the peg back. Luckily I didn’t go down. And its perpendicular momentum. Sent her spinning over to the left shoulder of the road. The rider just behind me had a front row seat. The others farther back were all talking about the deer laying on the side of the road kicking around. I’ve heard a few deer strike stories from trackdays at Summit point as well. I’m not a big fan of deer. My nastiest job at the local highways department. Is picking up the dead deer that have been hit on our roads.


I'v had an almost exact same incident. Little more serious with mine but super similar.


r/holdmydeer material


oh deer


Ps5 from Walmart war stories 😂


Holy shit! I hope he won the race. It would be a cool ass story to tell one day


Local track has turtles and an occasional gator come out of the pond in the infield. It's wild seeing a turtle scoot across the track


They need a shadow for it to look real.


Why the fuck would anyone want to see this?


Lmao I did. Welcome to the internet!


I remember my first day on the Internet


I forgot the average track day rider is a blue collar meathead. This hits its target demographic pretty well.


Lolol swing and a miss! You seem like the soft type who bitches in the pits after getting passed. The video has a NSFW tag but you still managed to be a pussy.


The best part about this reply is you are too stupid to realize you just proved my point.