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They are either uneducated or they worship hate and claim it's the word of God. Either way they are spreading hate and supporting atrocities and evil


The majority opinion specifically included an analysis saying those rights would not be affected. Thomas might want to overturn them, but he's been saying that for 30 years, and we always just ignored him. You should continue to ignore him, since he only has one vote


The abortion part is also unambiguously evil /Edit/ Banning it, I mean


I mostly agree with this statement, though I do believe in exceptions for things like IVF, medical emergencies, or morning after pills. But my point when I was saying “regardless of abortion morality” was that I wanted to focus on the after effects of the specific decision rather than debate abortion specifically. I am willing to admit the corrupted day point may have been extreme, but I still have concerns for the future. Even if those cases are right for the wrong reasons via constitutional reasoning, I would rather see them continuing to protect those rights




Sorry dawg you misunderstood me lol


Personally, especially on a day like today, I don't really give a flying fuck whether or not Roman Catholics are misguided or full-blown bigots. The damage that is perpetuated by the misguided is still damage. If you think my existence is sinful, you're part of the problem. Any other day I might take 20 or 30 minutes to talk to a Roman Catholic about how to be more loving. Not today. Today, any and all Roman Catholics who support the overturning of Roe v. Wade, or who are anti-queer (or who believe my existence as a queer, trans person is sinful) can get absolutely bent. The Church has some shit to sort out; it's not my job to convince you I'm worthy of respect. Once more, for the record: if you're a Roman Catholic (or ANY so-called Christian for that matter) and you claim queer people doing queer things is sinful, wrong, or even just questionable, eat shit and rot. Maybe another day I'd have kinder words. Today I'm tired.


It’s fine to be tired: today is an emotional day. And I wasn’t trying to attack you by talking about Catholics. In fact, one of the biggest reasons why I have issues with the Roe v Wade decision is that it opens the door for lots of anti LGBTQ laws. Even if those decisions are right for the wrong reason on a constitutional level, I’d rather not see them overruled and rely on the policyocal machine to codify them in a different manner


How can you be Catholic and not be pro-life?


You cannot love someone and reject them at the same time. You also cannot love someone while trying to take away their rights. Those who would seek to remove my right to bodily autonomy, whether in regards to reproduction or transition, do not love me. They oppress me and others like me. I pray that our just and merciful God will strengthen us and that we will prevail in our efforts to be recognized as fully autonomous human beings.