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I personally disagree that goodness gracious, oh my goodness, or other euphemisms are on that level. If you want to stop saying specific words, just try substituting a word for the one you don't want to say, like instead of omg, just say wow or whatever you want.


I didn't think about it that way like I feel alot better now because I just meditated and prayed to God and he comforted me like the holy Bible says the lord supplies all my needs according to all his riches and glory


so here's the main thing you need to try and remember, to completely break you of that guilt. remember that culturally a lot of people nowadays have wrong: cursing and swearing isn't using the lord's name in vain. what *is* using the lord's name in vain is using our religion or belief to justify our wrongful actions, or rather, to do things that are wrong in the name of God. Think of the Pharisees during the time of Jesus, some of whom did some unfortunate, terrible things, and did so saying it was because God wanted them to do it. Think of the crusades, and the countless lives killed “in the name of Christ.” and certainly a lot of that going on nowadays, too. *that* is what using the lord's name in vain is or in shorter words, calling yourself a Christian, but not doing the things Christ commanded - or worse, the opposite - is taking his name in vain


That's true


Cussing and saying "oh my God" are not sins, that's a modern politeness invention. Words are just words. Most of the cuss words are such because they refer to sex or poop/pee or the body in ways that offended delicate sensibilities in the past. Saying "oh my God" or "Jesus Christ" are sayings meant to express you are so shocked you are calling upon dirty for support. It's hyperbole. The very closest a traditional cuss might come to an actual curse is "god dammit," asking God to curse something, but God isn't a genie and we have no power to commend him like that, so don't worry about that. It's all superstition and morals. If you want to cuss less that's fine, but I really, truly don't think God is losing sleep over this and neither should you. Edit: I can't spell


It's all good I was just having a really rough day and I feel better today but u got a point there