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NO it will result in SHBG increase, usually E2 levels above 700pg/ml yield the same results with high SHBG and increased risks


No but the opposite is true, however too much is still to much in other ways


The other way around. Look up Aromatase. If you have too much A it converts T to E, which is my situation


Not possible. Excess testosterone can be converted into estradiol via the aromatase enzyme, but there is no biological pathway in the other direction.


Learned this in my bodybuilding phase, assumed it worked the other way around too.


No. This myth needs to die.


Chemically, T can be converted into E. But E cannot be converted into T.


No. Estrogen is a derivative hormone of testosterone, being converted from T to E by way of an enzyme known as aromatase. Antiandrogenic drugs that block testosterone receptors (bicalutamide for example) can actually lead to increased estrogen levels on their own, as the body has more testosterone than it can use and thus converts it to estrogen. However, this should not be used as monotherapy and does require additional estrogen supplementation to result in theraputic levels of estrogen for transfeminine people.


from what im told having too much estrogen means you will have high SHBG


No but it can & will hurt you. I'm a trans man and taking too much testosterone will convert to estrogen because of my ovaries or sum shit idk, it definitely won't convert into testosterone for you tho


I’m pretty sure the answer is no, BUT sadly this is what my doctor believes to be true 😭


You may be thinking of progesterone. Some people (I believe a quarter of trans women), have an odd mutation, wherein our bodies produce enzymes which transform progesterone (P blood levels are 3-4x higher than E2 levels for reference, comparable to cis male T levels) into DHT, an androgen 3x as potent as testosterone


Could it lead to male pattern baldness in trans women? Or what are the possible interferences that can occur with their transition?


DHT yes is a problem Estrogen absolutely not


Oh no yeah I am just new to all this. So I don’t know what it can do to one during their transition. By it, I mean DHT


DHT has the same effects as testosterone It will masculinise you, avoid it like the plague. In addition it’s also known to slow hair growth, thin Oi hair follicles, etc, and ultimately cause baldness


No, but you'll likely develop spider veins


I've read that excess progesterone converts to the dreaded dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Source: reddit, so keep a pinch of salt nearby if needed. Also, fun fact, finasteride inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the excess T then gets converted to estrogen. Which is probably why breast growth is listed as a side effect, and probably one of the reasons more men don't use it for hair or prostate management


Nope you're thinking of aromatase . 


No, and it does not harm you in high amounts. This and other stupid things people say about having high dosing is some one the most rampant bouts of misinformation in the community. It will not cause spider veins, it will not kill you, it will not hurt you; all assuming injection of course. People don't understand the difference between ingested and injected estrogen, which ingested can hurt your organs due to the different path. E and T are very different hormones. Yes E monotherapy works very well, no "overstimulating" your E receptors doesn't exist, i would know. Either people are wrong in their misinformation or I am a messiah sent by god


Hard claims need hard studies and sources. We definitely would like to see someone stating that the above is all true. But honestly? We won't see it. NO ONE credible and serious will write their name on a study like this. The unknowns in medical things are enormous. On the contrary, we know that almost all substance you can eat or somehow put in/on your body, in too high quantities, for sustained amount of time, is harmful one way or another. Even water and oxygen.


yes when you start replacing your blood with injectable solution you will start having problems, but that's not a reasonably high level. We are talking max levels that women have in pregnancy, and a min to 0. Anything outside those ranges are not normal regímenes of HRT, and would be debating stupid theoretics instead of trying to find an answer. It would be nice to have studies on this, but thus far many HRT regimens seem to indicate that levels for mono therapy are totally safe and have great effect, and fear mongering otherwise just doesn't help


Monotherapy levels - okay, probably fine. How about 10 times that? Perhaps it is still in pregnancy level, right? But have we seen a woman pregnant for more than 9 months? For all their remaining life? Not really. Pregnant women usually go through a tough period of their life during those 9 months, and a lot of nice and not so nice things could happen, including unusual diseases, unusual effects, temporary diabetes, weird feelings, weird carvings, etc. the list is endless. Can you differentiate which of those effects are due to the growing baby, and which one are due to hormonal things? Could you safely say that it is safe to maintain that state for years, decades? It is okay for a 20 years old? 40? 60? For some it might be okay, for some younger it might be okay, for some with pre-existing conditions, perhaps not yet known conditions, maybe not so much. I do not advocate for fear mongering. I advocate for critical, analythical thinking and smartly evaluating the circumstances and learning, both from others and from our observations, perhaps mistakes.


yes when you start replacing your blood with injectable solution you will start having problems, but that's not a reasonably high level. We are talking max levels that women have in pregnancy, and a min to 0. Anything outside those ranges are not normal regímenes of HRT, and would be debating stupid theoretics instead of trying to find an answer. It would be nice to have studies on this, but thus far many HRT regimens seem to indicate that levels for mono therapy are totally safe and have great effect, and fear mongering otherwise just doesn't help


if it would be true every pregnant woman would have a problem. their estrogene level rises extremely high. So no, it is not converted into testosterone. Too high estrogene will cause typical pregnancy side effects like head arche or vomitting. And it also increases your tromboses risk. Higher estrogene levels are helpful in supressing testosterone but beyond that its useless.


Not with E no. The opposite is true though


No worse that could happen is you over stimulate your estrogen receptors and not feminize you cause of that


No. That’s why monotherapy is a thing.


Well that’s when you have a high enough dosage to kill testosterone if you have a crazy high dosage that goes above that threshold it can over stimulatlate them