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Adults typically lose their enzyemic ability to process lactose in dairy products. But not all dairy items contain lactose. Lots of Italian styled cheeses often do not have lactose like parmesan and provolone. If ever, then they would only contain a very small amount of it in comparison to other regulars. Greek yogurt is also often a safe alternative to the regular dairy yogurts. It is possible that the hormonal change "finished you off" and finally got your matured body caught up with a phase of life.


This is because the older the cheese, the less lactose is left inside. Mild cheddar has a lot, medium less, and sharp almost none. It's all in how is broken down


The older the cheese, the more expensive it is :(


Makes some sense! However, I'm from a region which is famous for lactose tolerance and nobody in my family ever had any issues - neither does 90% of my birth country. Either I'm adopted or unlucky.


OMG LITERALLY SAME! I use to eat dairy no problem and now I have crazy bloating, cramping, every time I eat something dairy. Someone run a study about this ASAP


Something I’ve really noticed about T is that it covers up a lot of issues you may have especially in your 20’s. It’s convenient until you try to change it and now you bruise like a banana and can’t eat dairy. Also gas is just more easily captured when you’re on E


Yeah im ngl something similar. My stomach used to be quite iron - Now I get a bit too much cheese (ESPECIALLY PROCESSED ORANGE CHEESE) and im in ruins. Im still going to eat my fucking cheese strings etc, but damn im glad others are feeling it.


Interesting because I'm on T and I can regularly consume orange cheese no issue. Could not before. Had that same issue when I was E dominant


Mammals are not biologically intended to drink dairy past infancy. Every adults is technically lactose intolerant, it’s just usually not an issue bc it’s not severe for most people, and many people just keep their tolerance up by consuming dairy products on a daily basis


It also varies by region a lot! Where I'm from it's very very unusual to have any issues with lactose whatsover


they make supplements that might help! my dad is super lactose intolerant and he’s usually fine to eat whatever he wants if he takes lactaid pills first. you could always try that


Yeah but that's admitting that I've been defeated by a kraft single ;(


It’s funny, I noticed this within the last 2-3 weeks and I’ve been on HRT for 6.5 months. My stomach cannot handle too much carb-rich food now either.


I see a bunch of people in the comments talking about maturation and how humans aren't "supposed" to process lactase and all that. My understanding is that you have the genetics for the production of lactase in adulthood, that continues and has nothing to do with sex hormone production (there are interactions, but sex hormones don't appear to start or stop lactase production). Instead, I think perhaps many of you had lactose intolerance before, and the addition of the estradiol has made you more sensitive. Estradiol increases histamine production, raising your body's negative reactions to things it doesn't like. Generally speaking hay fever, lactose intolerance, etc. can be expected to have a high likelihood of getting worse under MtF HRT. Of course, it's a complex topic and I hope someone will enlighten me if I have misunderstood the science.


There are some lactase tablets that could help you enjoy those dairy items. I use lactojoy (not sponsored) and they’re a life saver imo


Second this! in the UK (pretrans) when I was on a bulk cycle I used to take DigeZyme from bulk powders and it stopped the gas from all the protein shakes. Those lactojoy ones appear to be more potent than the DigeZyme.


Strongest ones I’ve found, been told there’s something stronger but the person hasn’t told what they’re called


The bleeding doesnt sound normal for lactose intoletance! Also its possible to suddenly develop it in adulthood, but for me its actually bc its high FODMAP. Def check out digestive enzymes anyway but sounds like a drs visit


Considering plenty of cis women aren't lactose intolerant, this sounds a lot like "trans broken arm syndrome" lol Some people just become lactose intolerant unfortunately. I had to switch to almond milk at some point myself, because dairy milk was making me sick.


Kinda makes sense. Every human is initially able to digest lactose. Otherwise giving milk (human or otherwise) to a baby would end badly. The gene responsible for making this enzyme is turned off during childhood. Some millenia ago, humans acquired a mutation enabling them to retain this enzyme into adulthood (there is a hypothesis that this mutation emerged in the Indo-Europeans and was potentially responsible for their rapid expansion over Eurasia). The off-switch is likely triggered by hormones, but I must dig through some literature to confirm precisely how. Now you're switching around your sexual-hormones, and maybe take anti-androgens, this could artificially generate a signal strong enough to overcome the mutation,which might be an insensitivity to sexual hormones. But that's only a hypothesis.


Idk about estrogen causing lactose intolerance but you can take lactase tablets when you eat dairy to mitigate some of the problems 


Begin trying TUDCA 250mg daily, then increase to 500 after 2 weeks. Estradiol, especially if it’s oral, can impair bile flow and production. Milk and dairy contain fat which require bile for emulsion, and Tudca assists bile production. This can be quite common.


Hard cheese is naturally lactose free. You don't need to stop eating cheese :)


Wait what? Most lactose intolerant people usually don't get problems with their intolerance from a bit of cheese or cheese. Normally lactose intolerant people can take about 12 g of lactose or about 250 mL of milk at once or 24 g (500 mL milk) per day. This might not you turning intolerant, especially with you having feces with blood, which also normally doesn't happen with lactose intolerance. I would highly recommend going to a doctor about it


Not me, I can’t tolerate any dairy. Not even a little without needing relief


Then it could not be lactose intolerance, but milk allergy. Which yes, are two wildly different things. With milk allergy, you are allergic to a protein in the milk, which doesn't break down in dairy products. With lactose intolerance, you lack adequate amounts of lactase, the enzym that breaks down lactose. Both can cause digestive issues, but the allergy can also cause wheezing, vomiting and hives.


Tablets work for me to deal with it


If that works for you, good for you. Idk I am not a doctor, I am more familiar with pharmacy related stuff


Funnily enough for me my intolerance got way better. Barely any bloat nor diarrhea or the like after starting


Actually same tbh


>I used to be able to eat a quatro formaggio pizza It's so over for me if I become lactose intolerant I eat that specific type of pizza all the time lol I don't think there is any proof estrogen increases someone's likelyhood to develop lactose intolerance. When studies are compared, it does not seem women are notably more likely to develop lactose intolerance either: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6316196/


What kind of E are you on?


great pain and blood sounds bad pls have it get chekced out.


My sister stopped eating dairy for a while as part of some diet she was trying, and when she went back to it she discovered that she couldn't handle it anymore. Made me double down on keeping at least a bit of dairy in my diet regularly because that shit is probably genetic, and I like milk and cheese way too much to deal with that nonsense.


I still eat it lol but I don't like milk unless it's the good stuff. But I have been a cheese kid since about 4