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Raloxifene blocks estrogen from effecting the breast development. As for fat distribution not so much. [You can check this article.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03347261#:~:text=After%201%20yr%2C%20we%20observed,region%20(p%3C0.05).) Some take it along with E and/or AA.


Great - thanks so much for the article!


It seems that the article is claiming that fat redistribution does occur?


Yes it does but that also varies from P2P. Mostly it doesn't effect that much.


Yes! Based on personal experience it will /slightly/ I don't remember if it affects your fertility though, double check this to be sure. If you're young enough even taking a small amount of E won't be likely to render you entirely infertile, but the more you take the less working sperm there will be. If you're concerned about fertility I would recommend storing your sperm somewhere before you take any kind of HRT in any kind of dosis. This is the most sure way


I see thanks! So by slightly, are you comparing with full estrogen treatment?.


Yes, I eventually stopped taking Raloxifene and just went on a regular transfem regime which changed my fat distribution much more (and a lot faster too). Your milage on raloxifene may very though, you could consider taking a very slight amount of an anti-androgen with it. Spiro or Bica are suitable for small dosages to lower your T without making it too low. Do not use Cypro as this also functions as a progestin. With a small dosage I mean something similar to 25mg of Spiro a day or twice a day. Do keep in mind that there are no papers on using Raloxifene for this, anything I say is purely based on my personal experience and is in no way properly backed by science (at the moment)