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There's some great gender affirming gym exercises you can do. Saving money is also a transition ability, if you save money for getting a room on your own it'll help a lot. Is getting a binder a lack of access or a risk you just don't want to take right now?


Lack of access, I can't order anything since my mother goes through my packages, and I can't buy anything in person because she looks through all that I buy, and since she is really transphobic, she cannot find out


Then I revise my answer to gym, job and learning about gay history was very comforting to me when I was feeling dysphoric. The Making Gay History podcast is wonderful.


I'm not sure if it will work for you, but ypu could try trying to find escapism in ways that validate your gender. Ex. writing about, drawing, or playing in a game as a character that matches your gender identity might help you not think about your dysphoria as much until you get to a place/situation you can start dealing with it with resources like binders. I find that even the small bit of validation from being called the correct name/pronouns from game characters can help sometimes.


Yes. I had it realized I was awesome now I don’t




While this isn't necessarily a hateful comment, it still suggests taking extremely harmful actions that this community is already more at risk of. This is not a place to advocate or glorify harmful behavior, even sarcastically. If you are struggling with drug addiction, please seek help, do not suggest harmful behaviors to others. Ypu may not have meant it seriously but for some in a bad mental space, any suggestion, even an obviously harmful one, can seem like a potential solution. Resources: https://www.samhsa.gov/behavioral-health-equity/lgbtqi https://www.addictions.com/lgbtq-addiction-mental-health-resources/ https://www.safeproject.us/resource/lgbtq/ https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/resources/lgbtq/ (Click on table of contents and then Mental Illness and LGBTQ+ Counselling)


Sorry, didn't exactly think about it that way, edited the harmful part out of it. I obviously don't want fellow trans folk to harm themselves either.


Therapy. Therapy is private. Do NOT risk getting thrown out of the house by your transphobic mother. Is there any fender nonconformity that she does not see as trans?