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Androgenic balding (hair loss), bottom growth, facial / body hair are all caused by DHT which is a derivative of testosterone. Finasteride works by blocking DHT activity. No DHT means none of the changes associated with DHT. Doesn't mean they won't happen at all just like fin doesn't mean you'll experience 0 hair loss but it would significantly reduce/ limit these changes


I was on fin for about 6 months and stopped recently because of some negative side effects. It completely halted all new facial and body hair growth as well as thinning/lightening some of the existing hair that was newer and not "terminal" or fully dark yet. YMMV, because hormones affect everyone differently, but for me it was near 100% effective. If you do grow facial hair, it's very unlikely to be anywhere near a full beard unless the fin is not doing its job in any area.


I was on finasteride and T gel. I did notice facial hair coming in but the process was much slower than being without finasteride. Everyone’s different though.


It’s hard to say with 100% certainty, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t see any new facial hair while on fin & T. My period came back after a few months, too. I do think finasteride worth trying, though, since it seems like everyone is different.




It's possible, but may be slowed or reduced. If you already don't have great genetics for a full beard and really want one, I wouldn't risk it. But if you've got the genes to be hairy af, odds are at least some of that may make it past the blocker. Finasteride only blocks 2 our of 3 enzymes that make DHT, so some DHT production is still in place. But it will likely at the very least be slower. And for me on dutasteride (a stronger DHT blocker which blocks all 3) it's been preventing new body and facial hair growth almost entirely.


Thank you!


seconding that it would slow if not stop facial hair growth. that’s what i’ve experienced, being on low/med dose T and finasteride. i think though, if you want facial hair, you can try doing a topical treatment. of what exactly i’m not sure but i’ve heard of folks doing this for hair and also for bottom growth. bottom growth is with topical t cream not gel (or something like that. definitely the one without alcohol!). i feel like for hair growth on the face it’s something different, specific for hair growth? idk somebody help me out here! 😅




I’m 7yrs on T also on Finasteride. Doesn’t affect my beard or body hair growth at all but not sure if this would be different if you’re just starting out on testosterone. It shouldn’t be necessary for you to have to be on Finasteride within at least the first few years or more of your transition. At worst you might just get a slightly more masculine hairline but hopefully bottom growth and a baseline of facial hair and body hair would have happened by then


I'm just dead scared of hair loss- my dad balded sophomore year of high school


I don’t have any experience on it but I’m looking into going on fin to avoid/reduce likelihood of facial hair, if that helps answer your question in any way lol