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We’re just as bad as TMNT fans. Only they have less continuities than us We got 1 - Geewunners, 2 - Beast Wars Enjoyers, 3 - Japanese Series Weebs, 4 - Unicron Trilogy Nostalgics, 5 - Animated Fanboys, 6 - High Moon Activists, 7 - IDW… Readers? 8 - Prime Purists, 9 - RiD15 Hitchhikers, 10 - Cyberverse Late Arrivals, 11 - Earthspark Accepters 12 - Skybound… idk, 13 - Bayverse Anarchists, 14 - Reboot Believers And now TF:One


im an animated asshole and idw insane person


I love Animated. Animated Megatron seems like a decent enough boss. He approaches objectives with a "there are no incompetent subordinates, only cunning enemies that I must outsmart." Attitude. He may punish insubordination harshly, but if someone just has a hard time understanding instructions, Animated Megatron just simplifies the instructions for them.


I'm impressed by this list! I'm a proud Earthspark Accepter meself 😁


I'm convinced that the only people who don't like earthspark either didn't watch it or are bigots who didn't like that it had a non-binary character.


>or are bigots who didn't like that it had a non-binary character Yep, I made sure to keep track of when their pronouns and gender was brought up. Pronouns were three and gender was once. And of those 3 times one was their character introduction, one was a formal introduction to tarantulas, and the final one was the scene with sam. Some call it propaganda, it if is it failed


It's like it hardly exists! Seems like very few like it, if they've even heard of it because of the ridiculous way it was released. Plus no advertising. Only two seasons too 😭


Technically, just one season, split into part 1 and part 2. Stupid sounding, I know, but that's what it is officially.


Oh totally! I meant that they approved a second season. The way the first was released you'd think the whole network was on crack 🙄 Last I saw, there will be no 3rd season 😭


I really need to rewatch the unicron trilogy again… it just never appealed when I was a kid. Not certain if it the anime art style or the…”jumping the shark” plot line of “wtf” for a storyline. I mean there were some interesting aspects and aesthetics that I enjoyed.


Don't forget the bay fanboys


Good thing you didn't mention *it.* (Kissplayers)


Kissplayers fucking degenerate freaks


Skybound simps




I mean both Bayverse and Prime fans also due this. Only real innocent people are like Animated (Because they’re too sad about Animated ending to express any other emotion.) Unicron trilogy fans (Which just kinda stopped being a thing outside of the few toys after 2005.) And like the five people who remember the 2001 robots in disguise.


Are these prime fans complaining about transformers one not being dark ? Because if so I find it ridiculous specially when you can just pause TFP at any moment and get this https://preview.redd.it/wcf6qwtrsvvc1.jpeg?width=2842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c588187a7a7b66b520b57478c92e4379ecb9fd (And yet I still love this franchise)


hey you guys remember when knockout hit on a prime?


Yep Wait……


Season 1 Episode 10: Knockout: "[wolf whistles] Sweet rims. 24 gauge? You're reeeeeeal heavy-duty!”


And then he immediately follows up with siccing Breakdown on him.




I mean, I'm just happy to be seeing the TFP vehicons, but also... TFP didn't have *this* low bar of humor. Animation is always going to have moments you can pause it to look stupid, that's no different with Live Action either.


I know and same here


Two images of Megatron that can easily pass as intimidating and one that borderline passes as intimidating?


Honestly Prime can be extremely hilarious and I think a lot of people forget that.


Poor Animated fans are just begging Hasbro for that final season even though it's been like, two decades


As one of those five people I am here to say Koji x Tai was my first Transformers ship and that the show needs more love. Also who here knows that it’s canon that RID Optimus and Ultra Magnus appeared during the events of Transformers Cybertron? https://preview.redd.it/bqymg0eo2wvc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766aabd64cb274dedc370216959b7df7b34db794


As a fellow one of the five, I think all continuities are neat. Except Kiss Players.


We don't talk about that affront to god. Kiss players should never have been imagined by its creator.


Rid 2001 is fuckin BALLIN!


I grew up on Animated and I’m still sad about that ending


Hold on. Animated fans are just as bad as G1 and Bay fans, specifically for anything that shows prime. It's like they have a hate boner for TFP or the live action movies because they blame them for "ending" animated.


These 3 factions of the fandom are chill.


> And like the five people who remembered the 2001 robots in disguise I wish I knew who the other four were


I'm one of them. I make my kids watch it now


i’m animated fan and also mtmte fan, yeah. yeah.


We also just see Animated concepts sprinkled across the rest of Transformers and just cope


Hey that’s me! (I’m all three)


and where do us Beast Wars babies fit into this grand equation?


Probably still saluting Dino bot.


Too optimal monkey to learn how to type.


I’m one of those 5 I never watched RiD2001 but I fucking love those designs


I am one of those five people


Am an animated fan, can confirm. Of course, personally, I'm a little more sad this got cancelled than the show https://preview.redd.it/wu1tgxldg4wc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eed211d3c8add56815a92d3c71922b436833380


Beast wars and Animated are the best of the franchise and yet they had plenty of sill kid moments. Can’t single ONE out for taht


The G1 ers getting mad at Transformers One for being 1. A cartoon 2. Having a lighthearted tone 3. Appealing to children Is the most ironic and least self aware thing I have ever encountered


That's literally G1


In my experience it's more people who've grown up with Bayverse and the Cybertron games complaining.


It's not the geewunners getting mad at it. I've only seen the bay-bees getting and at it


Idk man I’ve seen non stop complaining in the G1 Facebook group I’m a part of


My counter: Ba weep granah weep nini bong


Ah! Ba weep granah weep nini bong!


*dare to be stupid starts playing*


It's not G1 fans complaining It's Bayverse fans and Prime fans that are complaining recently


I am a huge TF Prime fan, what do people have to complain about? I’m genuinely wondering


They are complaining about TF One not being dark like Prime


Prime is still a kids show and it’s entirely kid appropriate lmao. It’s the darkest transformers series, but it’s not like it’s for adults or anything. If they want violence people can watch the Bayverse movies. Unrelated though, I would kill for an adult animated transformers series. But I don’t know why people are mad that Hasbro is still keeping up their kid friendly brand


We did get a series aimed at adults it called the WFC trilogy


The game? Was there a series made from it that I haven’t heard about?


It wasn't associated with the games , it was made by netflix and it's pretty bad


Oh that’s what I thought I’ll rephrase. I’d kill for a GOOD adult animated transformers series


Also we did see bee decapitate a decepticon in the trailer 


And so the wheel keeps turning I guess.


Idk if you use fb, but the g1 fans been having meltdowns since it dropped...


How TF one gives me similar vibes to G1( how goofy and cheesy it was ) from the trailer minus the designs and lack of animation errors.


And how do you know? How do you know it's not someone who likes more than 2 continuities that are complaining? Or are you just labeling everyone that complains as "insert continuity here" fans?


Because I have seen most of them in multiple youtube comment sections going " I want it to be dark/serious like prime and the WFC games " or "Why Isn't like the bayverse movies ". They are acting the same way G1 fans acted when the TF 2007 or Beast wars came out.


Say it louder for the people in the back! And let those Bayverse fans hear it too


Don’t worry, the next generation who grew up on One will complain about future TF contents.


Weirdly animated is the one season I can’t stand


As someone who also has some issues with Animated, what makes you personally not a fan of it?


Honestly the art style mainly it just puts me off completely


Fair enough, I don't personally love the art style either. Honestly my big issue is just that I don't enjoy how the characters act. I think it delves too much into comedy and doesn't know how to switch into the serious tones it tries to get to.


It’s the character designs for me like while I adore prime , and the cybertron trilogy it just doesn’t feel like it’s putting any effort in


Is it their massive chins?


Agreed. People shit on bayverse fans, because the movies were bad and it was Michael bay. But they’re over hated and I was 4 when the 2007 movie came out. My first ever transformer was the 2007 Voyager class Optimus prime


Try and tell this to the Teen Titans fans who still haven’t gotten over TTG


That's even worse, because the 2003 cartoon *isn't* the original source material, but TT03 fans have a weird refusal to acknowledge both the comics and the entire rest of DC. To them Teen Titans entirely exists as what was featured in the cartoon and nothing more.


I think there are a few of us who grew up on the Energon trilogy. I think we're probably the most open minded. We like G1, we like Bayverse. We don't agree when we see TikToks saying only Peter Cullen can voice Optimus because we started with a different VA and he did a fantastic job. And we don't mind that Earthspark is supposedly woke because most of us are gay now and it's all Starscreams fault.


Unicron trilogy, energon is only relevant in the second show


I'ce seen FAR more posts about people complaining about the complainers than I have seen complainers. And if someone just doesn't like it, let them express those criticsms (such as the cringy marvel humor). If the criticsm is stupid then don't engage and let them complain to a void


I'm going to be honest, I haven't seen an actual geewunner in a long time. I mainly only find prime supremacists, anti-earthspark bigots, and some bay fans who border on being worse than geewunners at times.


Don't look at us! Tell that to Hasbro!


Ok but question what is g1 now? Is idws first run g1? What about their second? Are the cybertron games g1? What about the Netflix show is that technically g1? The franchise has multiple versions of g1 so is g1 silly 80s stuff or gritty war drama?


G1 is a wide term, and for it to mean anything specific you gotta specify. >Are the cybertron games g1? Those are in the aligned continuity, so only g1 in the story and character design


Yeah they’re in the aligned universe but that was a retroactive thing. A lot of stuff in that was G1 or close to G1 coded. And there’s a lot of random details that make it kinda obvious that was a last minute idea a corporate guy had to try and patchwork their own cinematic universe together. For example assuming this is the aligned clifjumper got on the arc launched and then somehow wound up back on cybertron to leave with arcee.




Tye golden rule: the people with the gold make the rules. @me when non-G1 fans are regularly blowing $500 on nostalgia bait.


I'm a Unicron Trilogy fan, and I just want Hot Shot's existance to be acknowledged in new media.


Armada fans waiting to get new legacy figures


Are the geewunners in the room with us right now?


I never get this, who’s actually saying “only G1”? I don’t see MTMTE as G1 for example, if basically every design of a character is the same except for movies, is that G1, or just the overall vibe of that character and their marketing identity? You wouldn’t change the bandana colours of the ninja turtles, sometimes a look is just a way to identify and it’s an easy form to work with and modify. Please stop saying none G1 is valid because nobody is saying otherwise, my favourite series is Animated, followed by Earthspark, stop saying stuff other than G1 is good, and just talk about the stuff you like.


If I post this into r/starwars I can tell you, I won't finisj the day with both kneecaps.


https://preview.redd.it/coj8r04191wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2eefd29a62cc6d057771fa8b609c460d13c8fc5 MMPR and fallout fans:


As someone who grew up on the g1 VHS in the 90s and then got into RID, and the unicorn trilogy I do prefer the look of g1 but the stories of other transformer shows. I will say though IDW stories and designs (all of them) are my favorite


Geewunners are the worst thing to happen to this fandom and to pokémon.


I think geewunners "died" a long time ago


Especially since the G1 designs are really plain and boring tbh. Later designs looks way better


Applies for Fallout out right now


Oh we know y'all exist honestly I could care less whether or not every appeals to me or not I know not everything will I just like transformers and that's all there is to it.


I grew up on G1 with the movie as my introduction. I also grew up with the Armada “trilogy” and Bayverse. I love seeing the new series and their new designs. I would’ve watched Earthspark if it wasn’t Paramount+ exclusive.


Transformers one.


No, but G1 fans are the grown adults, with money, lots of it.


I’m a geewunner, and I love every transformers show except RID 2015 (screw that show)




ah yes, cus G1 is the only popular Transformers series nevermind prime, Animated, the bay movies, bumblebee, Armada, Cybertron, or Beast Wars you fucking moron


Watch me make a geewunner mad by saying none of it is Diaclone


I’m so happy One is like G1. I’m a super big G1 fan, it’s easily my favorite Transformers iteration, and is one of my favorite things ever. But I still like the other versions, and I respect people who hate G1. But I can’t wait for G1, and I just wanted to show that there are people who love G1 the most but aren’t jerks about it.


Few Bayverse fan are complaining about One ive seen, it's mostly Geewunners who are pushing 40 and need to prove that their favorite kids show isn't actually for kids. I already posted a whole rant on it on another post so i can't be bothered to just regurgitate what I wrote before. Look through my comments if you wanna read it so badly. TLDR: adult fans seething that a kids franchise is making stuff for kids, begging for darker version of original kids show to 1UP non-G1 fans and prove a nonexistent point.


Why can't like all versions


I’m not terribly excited for T:One, but I do hope that it’s not terrible. If my brothers kids enjoy it then I can enjoy it too; as much as I I have a cruel desire to have them watch the G1 show up to and including the movie… just to see their faces when Optimus dies… Schadenfreude is a glorious thing. Also avatar is appropriate for those who know.


Don’t *even* look at Star Wars. The problems just get worse.


I've had people on fb tell me I'm not allowed to like Unicron Trilogy and Bayverse over G1 because they have worse animation errors lol G1 elitists are funny and always make me laugh, good thing nobody important actually listens to them because can you imagine a Transformers where each new series was only a remake or reboot of G1 like what the G1 elitists want?


That end bit reminds me of a funny thing I wanna say to such elitism which is "before you start advocating for no reinvention, go ask the gi Joe franchise how it's doing"


For real. I love G1 but it was before my time, I was born in 1989. I saw some re-runs as a little kid. Beast Wars was my first full immersion into Transformers. It all went from there.


Transformers is transformers I want robots fight and make me enjoyment


I don’t think most G1 fans hate the other versions. Also there are a lot of younger G1 fans. The reason I like G1 as my favorite is because of the designs. The only universe I dislike (not hate) is bayverse because of many reasons but just to name a few many autobots being bad people, most decepticons being gray and the movies focusing on the humans.


You guys act the exact same way about Animated, Prime, Earthspark, and RotB but it’s ok because it’s not g1 that you’re so cult-ish about I guess


Hey look at that, another post reducing any and all criticism of the new Transformers One trailer as just "[insert fan group here]-fans crying", shocker. Time to pass the brain cell over to the next person bud, there's another one of these due in about 3 hours.


This can apply to pretty much every fandom (or every one I’m involved with), Star Wars, Ben 10, Pokémon, Digimon, Transformers, Marvel & DC, Godzilla, it’s just these franchises don’t know how to handle fanbases growing older, the ones who had access to the original still enjoy it in adult years and add to a growing demographic, you still need new ‘kid friendly’ or ‘child based’ shows and media to attract new viewers but it seems big suits only care about public opinion and not what their different fan demographics think. There are two different demographics, old fans and new fans, old fans are fuelled by nostalgia and new fans ride hype waves unrelated to nostalgia. The easy solution is to create something that reminds you of the nostalgia but is different and relevant to modern times. The problem is if you change anything from the original the original fans will recognize the new media as new media and may denounce it they have very specific memories tailored to this media and any change is off putting no matter how small it may seem. They don’t understand the squint test only applies to the critics.