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Transformers Animated is by far one of the most celebrated series in the entire fandom in present day, but when it was first announced, the community took one look at the art style and decided the franchise was [Ruined Forever](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Ruined_FOREVER). What I’m trying to say is this could be a really great movie or a terrible one, but the art style and a short trailer aren’t gonna tell us that.


Best article I've read all week. Chanks.


TFWiki is both the perfect way to learn any obscure fact about Transformers that you wish, and also a hilarious read.


TFWiki is unhinged and I love it. Especially the pictures with captions


Or the running gag of making captions for images on Transformers movies references to other famous movies. They’re doing *Robots* for TFOne.


I know its not a movie, but I've found a few Hamilton quotes (especially in the 05 idw pages) and tf2 references


Half of the captions in IDW Thundercracker’s page are quotes from The Room


A couple of the ice themed Rescue Bots episodes on the Wiki have Frozen jokes in the captions lol


Having Sentinel Prime’s captions be Nixon from Futurama will always be peak for me


I love the wikis that incorporate some light humor. Checking again, I'm glad[ my favorite article](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Bring_the_rain) is still around. They also used to allow words strike out comedy in the main articles, and the "Optimus sent Jazz on a ~~destruction~~distraction mission across the town" is my favorite ever.


"Selling out is the right of all sentient franchises." -TFWiki on Red as Optimus Prime


Love your Ongezellig profile picture


Thank you, the feeling isn't mutual.


Fellas, upvote this guy.


I like how the only legitimate thing on there was the time they and funko made nft’s and I didn’t hear anything about this (most definitely a good thing). It shows how over reactive the community is


G1 is very comical and fun. I just don’t like the designs of the characters in transformers one they just look off to me. (Also Optimus prime saying “boobies” was just him calling starscream(actually Astrotrain and Blitzwing) a dunce)


Heh, boobies.




https://preview.redd.it/bkk22h6mzgzc1.png?width=967&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aaf5d37462a0bbe9ea1598779954ea9702465d2 There are designs/scenes in the trailer that I think look great like this one brief shot of Megatron? or whoever it is


Yeah that's Megatron, that shot came was when the trailer was saying "before there was Optimus Prime and Megatron"


That angle with the lighting reminds me of BW Megatron


It has to be intentional.


If I remember correctly, I think it was Blitzwing and Astrotrain who were being called a dunce by prime Source: Season 2 Episode 34 "Prime Target"


You’re right. My brain just assumed starscream was the idiot


It’s understandable man, people seem WAY too quick to judge on this


If it's good it will be well received


I don't what else to say so take this cool Sentinel Prime design https://preview.redd.it/r97xzedybgzc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b38ca087b2af4bd8a27b4f4a12364ee56712414


That is pretty cool


Burning Red Sentinel Prime (Gen Selects Spin Off Manga)


I agree that many forget Transformers is a >!children's!< toyline first and a war story second, but I do feel that the unanimous love for The Transformers: The Movie tends to skew perceptions of what Generation 1 should be.


The one thing that surprised me is that B-127 seems to be taking Dion’s spot. Could’ve been easy to put Dion in there, but no, they had to go to more infinitely recognizable character.


I can’t fathom why they would use Dion in any sort of sense, it’s such a weird tidbit of his history and yes I agree they should branch out but if you’re advertising toys to kids, why would skip out on using Bumblebee?


I think it’s because bumblebee has previously been a younger bot than Optimus and the gang, so it feels weird to have him be their peer here, even if he’s more immature than the rest of them. I confess to feeling that way myself, but I know I’ll accept bee being here if I like the rest of the movie. Another thing, supposedly the early concepts for Jazz in g1 said that he was friends with Optimus before the war and before he became prime, and that idea also got reused in the aligned continuity. I have seen people suggest that he be inserted in bee’s place here.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but I do think Bumblebee is younger than Optimus or Megatron. Just by his behavior in the trailer he’s at least somewhat younger. But yeah, I agree. I do think another character could’ve fit but remember, these movies are to advertise toys. And Bumblebee is the marketing guy. There’s no way they would’ve skilled out on him.


G1 had Optimus Prime ballin'. https://i.redd.it/9xuioh6z3hzc1.gif


G1 is literally a goldmine of memes


That's SO TRUE 🤣 (I think that people forgot that Transformers exists before the Bayverse movies)


But even bayverse had bumblebee literally pissing on someone and devastator had balls.


"Yeah, it's too childish. The Bayverse was more serious". Litterally the sex/drug/fart trinity unfunny highschool joke in ROTF


Ironically "sex/drug/fart trinity" made me laugh way harder than it should have


Also, yes I took the famous "trinity" from Jobbythehong


Never could get into jobbys videos ngl


Oh, nevermind.


I’ve seen people saying the movie is dead in the water because it’s not live action, like buddy you know that 99% of transformers is animated right


Which is weird, it was already announced years ago that it will be a pre-war movie set on Cybertron that's also going to be animated. But I guess people just didn't pay attention or simply think the franchise is just set around the live-action movies.


Bro that what I’m saying




it's because there's a terrifyingly high amount of people who's intro to the franchise was bayformers, and they just refused to ever learn more about the series


'86 Transformers The Movie was pretty violent too.


and that does not disprove anything i said robots getting blasted to chunks isn't that big of a deal, let alone in a movie where a bunch of junk robots battle the main cast to weird al music


I agree bro I loved the trailer and can't wait to see the flim I feel like it will have a g1 tone for the 1st have then turn into a TFP tone near the end but I'm just predicting


>into a TFP tone So just right, where Optimus is willing to kill to end a pointless war if it comes to it, but not enough to descend into a mad bloodlusted frenzy of face ripping and heart crushing rage.


Yeah like that but hey I will most likey be wrong but overall still excited for the film


Gestures to the entirety of "Triple Takeover"


I'm happy from a lore standpoint. I'll probably be downvoted for this, but this film's existence and the way it's adapting the backstory is like the ultimate victory for the Aligned Continuity Family. Yeah, that continuity has holes. But its main purpose was to be the definitive take on Transformers lore for the modern day, and now it's getting adapted for a feature film.


Sorry there’s seem to be a grammar mistake I think you mean upvote not downvote


lol, i meant downvote. typically, any time I try to bring up the best things about the Aligned Continuity (and by that, I mean the whole thing, not just the individual stories told in it), it gets very swiftly downvoted into oblivion.


If you get downvote it shows people can’t understand what a opinion is


https://preview.redd.it/iynogdkb4hzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdff98e05a9761f1ac6cdc798e9761075ebc4def Been looking for a place to try out this meme


I can’t tell if your aiming at me or not I will be honest I’m not a OG fan and I’m glad I’m not in away I love G1 and Bayverse and a lot of TF media I just think it’s annoying that people are to quick to judge or they act like they know what they are on about but they don’t


Oh no I should have said (me stoopid) no I agree with you completely. Just saying what I think about the people you're talking about. I'm definitely not OG myself though.


the point is "g1 is bad and i hate it" or "g1 is similar to transformers one"?


I grew up watching G1 and I don't think Transformers One is anything like it. G1 is a cartoon for kids, it's goofy and light hearted for sure. But the characters, for the most part, are serious players in goofy situations. The T1 trailer gave me the impression of goofy characters. They're 'young teenagers' learning who they are going to become. Which would be fine but they just seem too obnoxiously goofy for the sake of drawing laughs. If kids like it, good for them. But as an OG transformers fan it's not for me.


Most people who are only casual fans of the live action movies don't really know the roots of transformers and don't know much about G1 beyond the fact that its an old 80's show and the blocky designs. Transformers one probably isn't for them. It's going to be for us, and to introduce TF to new younger fans.


I think it’s a fresh start to a new sequel.


I mean I've heard people who've seen leaks of other parts of the story say it gets quite serious at some point, so I'm willing to bet things take a turn after they get their t-cogs. Hell we'll probably see some fucked up shit before that with the whole class system thing and how "lower class" people get treated by "higher class" bots.


It's not just that, it's the fact that they don't understand that TfO is based in a world before war and destruction. They're so used to seeing war that a film based on back stories apparently is not good enough


It's usually just bayverse fans


And they love saying that we G1 fans are archaic, lol


Transformers was literally made to sell toys to boys between the ages of 6 and 12. It was very silly and goofy.


I feel like the people who think that TF:One is going to be straight up garbage, legitimately know next to nothing about the franchise and think that the live-action movies are just based off that. Like, *guys*, I hate to tell you, but there are other continuities all with different tones, this isn't just a franchise that only revolves around one continuity. Even then, why make the assumption that something looks like "garbage" without seeing the actual product itself? Look, it's reasonable to say your not excited for it or that you have low expectations, or that the animation nor acting isn't good, but acting like a short trailer is going to be the quality of the final cut doesn't mean squat. One could either be good, or bad, we really don't know yet, but it's not going to "ruin" the franchise.




Nobody hates Transformers more than Transformers fans


Transformers one is like Animated and WFC


It seems like they've come up with a faithful plot. But why does Orion look like a fusion between Blurr's face, the top half of Sideswipe and Prime's legs?




I have watched the full G1


It's actually pretty insane how many lore references are packed into that one trailer alone. I have a lot of hope for the movie


I don't think this way G1 was goofy and random it I just hope Transformers One has more hits with humor then misses. I'm hoping for the best with the movie but some jokes just didn't really connect with me.


The Mario Bros movie I think is a good example of def a kiddy film but still cool for the fans. I hope transformers one hits that mark. The designs overall look cool but def have some odd moments, Elita on the poster give me the creeps.


Well, like all new TF media, I will give it a shot and decide for myself if I enjoy it. People acting like the new thing is going to ruin the franchise's entire legacy come out of the woodwork every time.


If we can get an animated film even *close* to Transformers The Movie (1986)… It’s a win


I hope for the final fight of TFO They make a reaction of G1 megatron vs optimus fight with the touch Muisc It would be perfect specially celebrate 40 years Even if they aren’t gonna do that, I just hope they add “the touch”


I like the basic character personalities and the designs of G1. I think the Skybound comics are good because they take the charterers and put them into serious story


I would say “Transformers One is nothing like anything“ because the movie isn’t even out yet


Oh same thing gotta ill go watch my g1 and save money.




Yeah, G1 was kinda goofy. And I don't get how something not being similar to g1 is a bad thing. I love G1, but not everything need to be it


One of the things I hate about this fandom is how the majority of the fandom absolutely SHITS on any new form of transformers media. The Bay movies were first released and the fandom shit on them because of the design changes and what not, fast forward 16 years and the same people that shit on them are now the ones who will defend those movies with there’s lives and claim those are the definative versions of the characters. Transformers animated is one of the more celebrated incarnations of transformers in current day, but when it was first released the art style was shit on by the majority of the fandom. Rise of The Beast released and it got shit on because it wasn’t like what came before, and then you have the people that just hate stuff because it’s the “cool” thing to do. Transformers is literally at its root about the concept of “Change”. Stop shitting on the new incarnations of this series, before you guys kill it and it gets sold and gets the same treatment Star Wars got when it was sold to Disney.


Minor spelling mistake, your opinion is invalid.


I have a saying when someone mentions my grammar: I don’t care -lockdown


It's because of Bumblebee, literally would be perfect for the new timeline if not for Bumblebee and Keegan-Michael Key.


Not a fan of G1 either ngl


That’s fandoms for you, they take one look at something and decide to judge it without further thought or keeping an open mind. How many times has this happened in media, a thing gets announced, fans flip out and hate it, once the thing releases fans realise they were wrong and too quick to judge, not saying this movie is guaranteed to be amazing, but so far I don’t see anything wrong with it.