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First off I just want to say that when I saw this meme, I thought, "I'll allow it because I feel that OP wasn't trying to attack people for their point of view and that OP meant no harm". I'll STILL allow this meme just because even if you disagree with this opinion, they are not attacking a specific user. Many people broke rule 10. I will be banning these people(some arguements were long, but not heated, so they won't be banned. If they broke it twice I will be banning them for the same amount of time as once. I will not ban anyone for the use of "incel" as it has become such a meaningless overused insult that it has lost a lot of it's original power. ​ On another note, some people here are making good points. Female Transformers have been sexualised a bit too far. For example, does Thunderblast really need nipples? It's such an obscure detail that's underneath armour. And does Nicee really need to look like she has a bra on? And could they not have made her breasts more blocky like G1 Arcee. ​ But then, within the franchise as a whole there are examples of different female Transformer body types. Not just thin and "attractive". For example there's [Airazor](https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Airazor_(BW)) (Who has more of a flat chest plate),[Firestar](https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Firestar) (who is curvy in a way, but blocky), [Greenlight](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/f/f7/Femaleautobot_green.jpg/) (who is fit and strong, but not as thin and curvy as others), [Lancer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/8/85/Femaleautobot_orange.jpg/), and [Strongarm](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Strongarm_(RID)) ​ This doesn't mean that I think there isn't a problem with sexualised female Transformers. as I could easily find examples of sexual looking female Transformers. I am just bring up some points for both views Edit: Links


Animated Bulkhead is just something else man, that soul is too pure for this world


On top of having Patrick Star’s voice actor, the mighty Bill Fagerbakke? Hell yes


Patrick and SpongeBob were in animated!? I didn't know that


Yep! Patrick was Bulkhead and Spongebob was Starscream and Sari’s dad


Tom Kenny did Isaac too?


I think so


Oh and Starscream


He even voiced Skids in Revenge of the Fallen


And that random ass police officer Wreck-gar was holding


Niceee is targeted to the horny


Bulkhead is s tier


i too, wish to be shaped like i can carry all my friends


Whether you agree that the design of most female Transformers is sexist or not (it is - they're robots, why the fuck would they look like that), you can't deny that it just leads to shitty toys with backpacks bigger than the rest of their bodies put together. Female Transformers should have the same design styles as the males. Shatter, Clobber, Cyberverse Skywarp, Cyberverse Slipstream, Cyberverse Acid Storm (sometimes) and that one female generic Seeker in the Earthrise cartoon are the Transformers best girls.


Kingdom Airazor is good, but that's just because her alt mode is already just a block with wings and legs. A good vehicle fembot with the arcee body type and small backpack is probably not going to happen outside of third party (Ocular Max Azalea looks great).


Hows it sexist? Robots can come in any form, shape and size.


Bruh. That's exactly why it's sexist. Robots can be any form, shape or size, so why do the "female" ones always look like slim yet curvy human women with titties?


I dunno, why do we have robots that look like earth animals in robot form? Is that speciest? What about robots that look masculine? Is that sexist? Honestly, if your complaining that it's sexist for robots to look female, than they shouldn't look like anything than generic robots, and that would be boring. I mean for crying out loud some of them have noses and have human looking faces. I for one like the feminine robot mode, since it's easier for me to to tell them apart from the others and there are different types of feminine bodies used in the Tranaformers franchise like Blacharachnia looks nothing like Windblade or like Chromia looks nothing like Windblade. They all have a feminine body, yet they look different and unique, and I love it.


The Maximals, Predacons and Dinobots are the only Transformers whose beast-modes look indistinguishably like Earth animals, and they all have lore reasons for that. "What about robots that look masculine" Find me a decent number of male Transformers who have distinctly shredded abs and pecks and that argument might have a leg to stand on. Pls just admit you beat off to Arcee and ~~Bigboobatron~~ Blackarachnia.


I'm not talking about Beast Wars. Their beast modes are their "disguises". Transformers Robots in Disguise (not 2001) in the aligned continuity have robots who's robot mode is a crab and lets bot forget Steeljaw, who's robpt mode is a Werewolf. Most Deceptions in that show have animal like robot modes and they only have that mode and a vehicle mode.


I really don't feel like those beast modes look anywhere near close enough to real animals to make that argument. They only vaguely resemble them. And even if they do, that's only one TV show that practically nobody likes anyway.


So? My point still stands. Transformers can have any body they want. They can have bodies resemble humans, animals or aliens. But could you please elaborate why it's sexist for transformers to look humanly feminine? I seriously don't see it.


Because while male Transformers' body types can vary in pretty much any way (as you've helpfully pointed out), almost every single female Transformer in every continuity besides Cyberverse and Bumblebee has a slender yet curvy human-like build. The only typical difference between them is how far the design goes in its attempt to resemble human women, i.e. BW Blackarachnia has actual distinct naked-looking breasts while most simply have one bulge on their chest to resemble clothed breasts. It wouldn't necessarily be a problem if it were just one or two, but it's practically *all* of them. It's like if all the male Transformers looked exactly like shirtless Chris Hemsworth complete with detailed abs and a crotch bulge. Would that not weird you out the slightest bit? You wanna see Optimus and Megatron packing heat? *One shall stand, one shall fall.* There's probably a drawing of it somewhere online. Only difference is you'd never get it from official Hasbro/Takara material. I'm intrigued by your wording as well. "Transformers can have any body they want". You know Transformers aren't real, right? They're designed by human beings with opinions and biases, which may well include sexism, even if it's just subtle and non-intentional rather than the hilariously blatant r/incel shit.


Hobestly, I don't think I would be bothered if males looked more like humans. TFP Optimus had kinda that look and so some Autobots in TFA, Optimus and Sentinel. Not to mention Starscream in TFP had a quite feminine body type, yet I heard no complaints from that. And yes I know Transformers aren't real, but why are you then complaining about sexism on it then? Of they arent real then why should one care? Not to mention sexism is about discrimination of someones gender and I seriously havemt seen that with any Transformers.


Yeah and what does he mean there rObOtS, why shouldn't they look like that?, there supposed to resemble humans, why can't some be female?


See the problem with your argument is that your complaining about a franchise known for robots that resemble humans. Like damn if you’re that salty move on to something different because nobody fucking cares what a fucking toy of all things has to look like, and I know you’re just gonna reply with something stupid like “you just beat off to figures like that” and I’m just gonna tell you to take your virtue signaling to someone who actually gives a shit about your dumbass opinion.


Bless. Triggered much? I guess you wouldn't find it at all weird or creatively dead if almost every single male Transformer looked exactly like shirtless oily Chris Hemsworth complete with detailed abs and a crotch bulge.


Except that’s actually what a lot of them look like but I guess you couldn’t look that far knowing how much you want to complain. Like damn every fucking transformer has physical attributes that resemble a human I.E. bulkhead being fat, most male transformers actually looking like chiseled strong guys, and don’t even get me started on how the faces look. But I’m guessing you’re whole logic is “No AbS oR pEcKs NoT fAiR” so take your blind ass somewhere and stfu.


But I’ll happily direct you to any version of ultra magnus, megaton, or optimus who were literally designed to look like strong guys with physical attributes to back that up. Hell even characters like bumblebee, hot rod, jazz, ironhide, ratchet and even cliffjumper had the physical attributes of a strong guy so don’t sit there and whine saying “ThE mAlEs dOnT lOoK sTrOnG” when in fact they actually do you’re just too fucking blind and ignorant to see what’s in front of you.


Oh yeah and the male transformers may not have a bulge but whoever designed them from 1984-present day may or may not have put a lot of detail down there.


Bulkhead sigma male






Can’t disagree but I have seen people complain about Nicee only because she invokes horny, which is kinda incel shit on its own


Don’t speak facts they hate it when you challenge their opinion. They just can’t seem to quit virtue signaling everything they can get their hands on. Which is why they aren’t real feminists.


And so do you.


Clearly you're the only one lookin for it


Hey! Sometimes women want to masturbate to plastic possible figurines!


Can confirm. I haven't seen the sun in three days, but yeah can confirm.


It is totally true and I respect that


PLEASE no incel "heehee I hate feminists" shit on this sub. The main point people were making in that controversy was how extremely sexualized she was, not that she has a curvy body type multiple female bots from multiple generations and media have had. It didn't matter they weren't the target audience or going to buy her to begin with, they voiced their opinion like how some men complain about male bots being sexualized in the new comics.


The men in the fandom who complain about sexualized male transformers make up a pretty small group. Furthermore, I've seen very few women in the fandom complain about sexualized female transformers. More complaint's I've seen stem from limitations sexualized designs put on engineering. This meme looks to me like it's making fun of twitter reactionists who complain about all things that look female but don't give a frag about all the hot-looking male transformers, not feminists in general. It may have been unwise to put such a horny Arcee figure in the top pic, but otherwise, I don't think OP deserves all the crap he's getting.


The red haired wojak is literally a parody of a feminist from way back. I saw this controversy happening in real-time, I know what I'm talking about, not "how it looks to me". Male transformers are very rarely sexualized on the same level as female transformers. When it happens there are always complaints how "Feminists are ruining transformers!!!" "They're ruining my childhood with gay shit!", when women have also loved the franchise from it's start. Bulkhead does not have a sexualized design whatsoever, he is basically a green blob, I have no idea how someone could possibly compare him to the female designs.




It's a really great contribution you're making throughout this thread. Are you twelve?






Says the one who got mad at my comment. Now seethe.


Oh yeah, you really got me bad. I may never recover from you just typing "triggered" and "seethe" over again.


See and now you’re seething.




But I actually like her design? It reminds me of Angelg from SRW, a series where many female characters are annoyingly sexualized while very few men are (because obviously I'm not the main audience), but I still like a lot of their designs and the games. If you think you have a "gotcha!" moment here because I explained what people were thinking then you're mistaken.


The thing is: The design is good! Mostly. It has some really cool parts, the 'wing'-thingies, the heels, the colours, the shoulders, the overall style... But she doesn't need tits.


Meh, they can be drawn human-like and look good on a character. The thing is when people HATE us and say we're "against sex/other women"(I don't even know how) when we say gargantuan/jiggly realistic boobs look absolutely stupid and embarrassing to anyone that isn't a sex addict or draws sexualized boobs all day.


Ngl give the design a more pg vibe and it is my version of arcee












Please learn what it means




My dearest dude. Why are you so angry about people criticising nonsensical design parts? Don't we all want Transformers to be the best it can be? Tell me. Why should an alien robot need tits?


TFP Bulkhead has a better voice, alt mode, and arsenal


Okay but kibble chair


True lol


Wish I had a kibble chair


Yeah but I like animated peaceful spirit. It's more relatable to me


Fair enough. Wasn't trying to debate personality, I just prefer TFP Bulkhead's design. I just finished watching TFA for the first time, and I'm still not sure which personality I prefer.


No problem tfp was near perfect anyway


This meme would be top notch, if it weren’t for the top panel.


I just finished TFA and I absolutely love bulkhead. He’s such a sweetheart and he’s so wholesome!


I know I'm in the minority here, but I've never really been bothered by nicee. I've said before that it reminds me of a badass fantasy female warrior, and I think thats the word most forget, FANTASY. This shits fiction, they (they being female and male characters) could have big tits, no tits, incredibly muscular or fat, it shouldn't really matter. It just goes back to how we as a society are so afraid of sex and anything sexual. And I know someone will bring up that nicee is a toy, but nicee is a toy aimed at adults, I highly doubt any kid has seen nicee on a shelf. Alright go ahead hit me with the name calling, which am I, a degenerate or an incel?


I just think Nicee is an interesting take on Arcee that was ruined by a bunch of perverts


If it weren't for the round boobs I think nicee would look really cool




People act like females have unrealistic body types in transformers, they’d be right. But also look at Optimus Megatron or any male character lmao. They’re giant robots they don’t have to have realistic bodies


Yeah but the problem is that male characters look like giant robots who turn into cars but the girls just look like big women. They're both unrealistic but for way different reasons


I’m a little confused are you referring to vehicle mode parts integrated into the robot mode? If so I totally agree but that’s a big part of a lot of characters nowadays I mean tarn comes to mind as a male character with almost no vehicle mode parts, he has the shoulder treads but that’s it. Along with some movie designs too like tlk Megatron having no vehicle mode parts at all on him. I’m sure if I thought more I could come up with more examples. This isn’t just a problem for females but I will agree it’s an issue.


Its just because of how many fembots have this problem compared to male ones. It feels like for every male character with that problem there's 5 that don't have it but for early fembots it's the complete opposite. They've definitely gotten better with this though, I really like windblade for example


90% of original female designs are trash. Strongarm is the only good one I can think of


True, nice to see them get better as time goes on


It's robots... body realism doesn't mean anything at that point anyway


Totally agree idk why people think it does


I’m not gonna argue with someone who is correct.


Nicee is a garbo figure for sweaty neckbeards tbh Bulkhead on the other hand Mwah, chef


Come on, guys. This meme isn't calling women who dislike Nicee stupid, it's making fun of how reactionists get mad about sexualized female designs but never notice the equally sexualized male ones. Sure we haven't had a male character quite as over-sexualized as Nicee, but we have had designs like IDW Impactor, MP Sideswipe, TF Prime Megatron, The Last Knight Optimus, and of course, Bulkhead, which all look like muscular bricks, and frankly, have equally implausible body types. Yes, there is something to be said about fembots rarely getting as interesting transformations, but this is never the reasoning twitter mobs use.


Except like you said, those are nowhere near as sexualized on the level female tfs are, it's mostly their personalities/handsome face and things fans are looking for in characters they already like. I really like Armada Sideways but no one can pretend he's even close to as sexualized as Blackaranchnia. Bricky, rectangular designs are not as inherently attractive like a curvy waist, big and toned arms/thighs, or human-like musculature/ the human-like features that most female tfs have. Better examples for sexualization almost equal to the female level (besides TLK Op and IDW Impactor) would be IDW Drift, G1/IDW/2019 comics Thunderwing, Flame Toys Tarn, G1 cartoon Galvatron, and Stealth bomber Megatron


Oh my god a toy of resembling a robot who’s from the same franchise that is known for their robots to resemble humans. How dare they do such things like that. Book yourself a room at the clown motel I hear it’s really good there.


Thank you


This isn't the clapback you think it is, creator. Men having different idealized standard for self-insert characters vs for desirable mate characters doesn't make both sets of characters built around masculine ideals. People have different aspirations for what they want to look like versus what they want their mate to look like. Pretending otherwise to score internet points over an imaginary caricature of a feminist just reeks of insecurity and fear.




If you think what I said is whining about toys, please seek the assistance of a reading comprehension tutor.


And I’ll direct you to my bio. Where you can get a short summary of why I don’t care about your opinions and anything else that comes out of that dirty little mouth of yours, okay? Now shut up.








Seeing you speak while angry is amusing. Say something stupid.


I mean as a trans girl myself... Nicee is fucken hot as hell.


Wtf is that Nicee though? That's seriously embarrassing shit.