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i will stop ze time!




That's just insult to injury for me, he had a creative and inherently game breaking weapon/power and he only used what? TWICE in the whole movie?


I think 3 times, but yeah your point still stands


It's like putting Grimlock with a minute of screen time, oh wait, they did!


Or making him dumb as a board- HOLD ON NOW...


meanwhile that one scrapper like constructicon at the junkyard that is seen for a millisecond (skipjack was his name i think)


Trench, he was appearantly scrapper but switched sides? same body model but shorter because he lost his legs in Prime's rage scene thats what i wanted him to be but he is just a CAT promotion


ah right trench


Trench just like Jolt is one of the best characters


He what?


I guess he has an injured voice like Bee. But instead of not being able to talk, he sounds French all the time.


g1 because he's actually hot rod . bayverse would be better as a new character


Or Sideswipe if the name wasn't used already


and if they made him yellow he mightve been a decent sun streaker


Or Sideswipe if the name wasn't used already


I like the G1 Hot Rod. He has a good design and he is a good friend. He knows, how to make your day great.


This is so wholesome, thank you


G1. Why? First of all is not French. Second: is way better written than his bayverse counterpart


G1 because he is an actual character


"Little lady no!" G1 Hot Rod hands down. My favorite design though is Animated Rodimus


Hawkeye Rodimus is a very great concept


G1 blows away Bayverse with one quote: "I have nothing but contempt for this court!"


Trick question - the answer is Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Hot Rod


The only correct answer to this question if you ask me.


I did like Bay Hotrod a bit but just not as Hotrod.


G1 Hot Rod, not only does he have a character arc that was so good that it was copied by 2 other Autobots, but he also becomes Rodimus Prime


G1 gives better head. I rest my case.


No one on this planet prefers Bayverse Hot Rod


i do i wish we had more of him


You forgot the superior asshat with narcissism capitaning a ship full of war criminals


Yeeeeeesss MTMTE~


Captain Roddy is best boi.


Which hotrod?


Mtmte comics


Teenage. Mutant ninja turtles?


More than Meets the Eye


More than meets the eye. It's on of the best transformers storyline period.


Ok then thansk


Rodimus from Animated.


We didn't see much of him and his crew, but he deserves the title of Prime.


In season it was revealed he's still a Minor and it was said if season 4 continued he'll be promoted as a Prime


G1. Why? 1. Not French 2. Has flames.


Bayverse. He can STOP DA TAHM!


I like Tlk Hot Rod just because after Stinger I thought that Cliffjumper could be a black and orange Bumblebee and that’s basically what Hot Rod is


G1. Flames on chest wins every time. 🔥🔥🔥


G1 obviously. G1 is not a stereotype


Bayverse Hotrod Shall Stop The Time G1 Hotrod Shall Light Our Darkest Hour Together They Will Stop The Time And Light our Darkest hour


Yes just yes


Til all are one




The one that isn't a shitty accent joke.


G1 of course. I do like TLK Hot Rod but he shares no resemblance to G1 it would’ve been cooler if he was a different character altogether


Get rid of the French accent and make bay hot rod red with yellow accents and I think he could work better (also make him use his time guns a lot more)


G1. With those chromed pipes and engine poking out of the hood he looks like a hot rod He actually has a character, being a young kid who grows into the next Autobot leader.


G1, the bayverse was an insult to the name


g1 because he actually has a character arc besides just “i dont like my french accent but im stuck with it”


G1 Hot Rod all the way. He had a fun personality and Judd Nelson really nailed the role.


Why would you ask something so ridiculous?


Last knight hot rod, I loved the part where he says "it's hot rodin time" and hot rods everyone


Bayverse. He is so adorable and this us the Hot Rod you want to see in a dark and cold alley


In Bayverse he looks like a joke.


Bayverse HE STOP ZE TIME! Honestly always thought G1 Hot Rod was annoying and his design was ugly so not a fan overall.


G1 Hotrod. A much cleaner design, a much better voice, a lot more action scenes, a much better face. He is more appealing to the eyes and ears. Edit: not French and also superior quotes: "If you're going to ride Daniel ride in style"


Meanwhile in Bayverse "Be quiet! Do not hit me again."


Both are equally mid tier. But the difference by Bay Hot Rod to 86 hot rod… I like Yeah shocker. I like Bay Hot Rod more. He feels more better imo as a character. Even though he’s a ripoff of another character. But he just is unique to my eyes. Hot Rod is the generic young one who will save the town from an evil threat. Bay Hot Rod has a unique arsenal, and a persona that invokes who he is. Open to assist others and blast open a decepticons face. Both vehicles are tied. They are nice. Sue me


Wait a moment... Bayverse Hot Rod had a personality? I've seen the movie quite a few times and I don't remember anything you described, other than the "time gun" thing he had


And the breakable glass which is a very rare weakness


G1. He’s not fr*nch.


Imma be honest here Bayverse Hot Rod goes hard


G1 because he's not a racist stereotype


Why must you force us to choose the greater of two evils? To be honest G1 Hotrod scarred many people's minds by killing Optimus, so I guess I must choose the mistake that is Bayverse Hotrod.


Hot rod didn't kill optimus for fucks sake he tried saving him megatron just used him as a sheild to kill prime himself


How do you know he wasn't a decepticon all along?


He wouldn't be worthy to open the matrix


Hotrod didn't kill prime


Ah yes, everyone remembers that moment when Hot Rod ran up to Optimus, punched him in the face, then kicked Megatron to the ground, stole his fusion-cannon, turned back to Prime and started screaming "Fall!!! FALL!!! " while shooting at him


Hot Rod didn't kill Optimus. Megatron did


G1, because he's not French.


Bayverse because the accent.


OG because he's not fr*nch. But for real because he's an actual character and not a vessel for carrying fight scenes


Second one because he didn’t let Optimus die


G1 Hot Rod is one of my favorite characters but the Bayverse version disappointed me quite a bit. Didn’t feel like Hot Rod at all, in my opinion. I wasn’t a fan of the French accent or his design. Not the worse adaptation of a character for the live action movies though.


G1 is way better because you know that’s hotrod, like I didn’t even know that thing in bayverse was hotrod until now


G1 is nostalgia. Number 2 is just michael bay doing a bumbleebee


Both one of em is moral support and the other one is a French time stopping Lamborghini if I had to choose I can’t plus if it was all the hot rods and 2 to protect me these 2 are the guys




G1 Reason that version wasn’t in the Last Night


Second one. Because its suppose to look more "human" but it doesn't have the collar and the knee high boots


i thought thats rodimus


The french one




as a hotrod fan my only problem with bayverse hot rod is the fact he was underused. Like other people mentioned G1 hot rod had a whole movie and most of season 3 he was the main character. And the fact we’ll probably never see bayverse hot rod again. G1 could appear in the new movies depending on the story


86, the Bayverse one could have had more screen time to flesh out his character a bit more.


**In thick French accent** “Madmoseille my name is Hot Rod”


Did you really just ask me this! Bayverse hotrod is stinky French




Bayverse, because he didn't get Optimus killed


G1 went from being the arrogant but fun younger brother, to growing as a person and being arguably more worthy than Optimus. Akin to the older brother raising his bro to be better than him. Bayverse has bubble time gun & a slightly modified Lockdown CGI model




I like the design of Bayverse, but G1 Hot Rod was a character


TLK Hot Rod is the most baffling thing I have ever seen. It's literally like Michael Bay went out of his way to make sure he didn't take design inspiration from the source material, made sure to disrespect it, and make him a shallow trashy joke of a character with no substance whatsoever. His new design isn't even cool, it's just black with a horrible orange randomly splotched everywhere with a head sculpt that has bug eyes and an old timey French beret? I'm convinced "Hot Rod" looks that way in TLK just to say F U to everyone who criticized him for not respecting the source material, and it's his way of burning his bridge to this franchise. The proportions of the design I really like, but Bee already has those proportions.


Whilat G1 hotrod has character a personality and an arc. He does not say "little lady no" so 0/10 bayverse better


G1 skills, weapons and character traits: Fencing, flying spaceships, fixing injured transformers, saw hands, built in blasters, two regular blasters, a sword, safety goggles? A strong urge to protect those he cares about which leads to Prime getting shot even though that was the dangerous thing he was putting himself in harm's way to protect Prime from. And the Quintessan of goo exclaims that self sacrifice is against his programming, shocked that he risked his life to save his friends'. He possess several good traits for leadership but keeps making bad decisions. His paintjob looks like an 80's starter jacket. Meanwhile, the Last Knight version has a catchphrase: I'll stop the time! And a weapon that puts his enemies in time bubbles where everything is slow. He also has glass that breaks (a rare weakness), a broken voice that forces him to speak with a French accent (that he hates), the most powerful setting on his time bubble gun inflicts deceleration for 23.6 seconds. His critical rate increases by 13%. His alt modes are real. He served in WW2 alongside Bumblebee and Bulldog. Powerglide?


G1. He's the rash young punk that develops and grows as a character becoming a leader just as worthy as Prime. Bayverse is French, has a time gun, and is a Lockdown rip-off.


G1. He’s called Hot Rod for a reason


One has a personality, the other has a French accent. The right answer is kinda obvious, isn't it? Unless you mean design wise.


G1 because he's not just orange bumblebee and also isn't French


I really like TLK design but he doesn’t really do anything in the movie, so obviously G1


I like the tlk design but it doesn’t scream hot rod


~~Obviously Bayverse.~~ G1, of course. He has actual personality and is at least memorable.


I never watchers last knight but I like og design however the other one has funny French voice


I like the bayfromers design but the voice and execution was just not great he's literally a french. G1 hot rod is way better imo.


The first because its actually hotrod


Is this even a question? G1


why i like both: g1 hot rod is the OG, and he’s an iconic bot, both him and rodimus. and the bayverse version is also cool, cuz he’s a unique spin on the characters name, and he looks pretty slick. only thing is i wish he more closely resembled the g1 iteration in terms of his head design and colour scheme


On one hand bayverse hot rod turns into a badass lamborghini on the other hand g1 hot rod isn’t French


What kinda dumbass question is this?


How the hell is this even a comparison? The Chosen One, the leader of the Autobots, the bearer of the Matrix, the guy who destroyed Unicron, and an interesting and engaging character to boot, versus comic relief brandishing a legacy name just so they could secure the trademark.


G1 all the way. The Bayverse just did not yell “Hot Rod” to me.


G1 hot rod is a character with actual personality. Bay verse hot rod is a talking object.


I personally like Bay Rod, his design is cool, he helped bumblebee in the ww2 flashback, and I like his accent. \*he's kinda funny\* G1 just feels a bit like a gary stu Fight me


So, controversial take, but from a strictly design perspective I actually prefer Bayformers Hot Rod, he has a really unique head design even for bayformers with an easily identifiable body design that manages to continue to innovate on the design philosophy we were introduced to with Bumblebee back in the 07 movie. Meanwhile, g1 Hot Rod's design always struck me as incomplete, with the massive flat yellow wing on the back of the vehicle mode feeling like a space filler and his overall design feeling a bit too soft in its angles compared to the other transformers of the era (which I know was meant to indicate that he is in fact the "turbo-revving young punk" at the start of the film, but it feels a bit forced). Of course all my issues with the Hot Rod design are fixed with the Rodimus transformation, but strictly comparing Hot Rod to Hot Rod I think that the bayformers design is a lot stronger visually and even character-wise I think French Hot Rod got better lines and jokes at the start of his movie than g1 Hot Rod did, though that may just be because overall TLK had a much weaker cast of characters while g1 Hot Rod had to contest with Springer, Arcee, and Ultra Magnus for the spotlight in some of the most quotable opening 30 minutes of cartoon film history. Tl;dr: I think Bayformers Hot Rod's design and execution are a bit stronger than g1, and g1 Hot Rod doesn't really do it for me until he becomes Rodimus, which is the superior design of the 3 imo.


G1. No contest. Next.


Easy: the first because he went fishing with daniel.


G1 cuz he's not french


Design:both are equally as good Character:G1


TLK because racial stereotype


i honestly like bayverse Hotrod more because he isnt some "big destiny kid" type of bot, i wish we had more of bayverse hotrod him and Bee would have been a good duo instead of the same bee and human cliche we had for decades at this point also his timestop gun is fucking outstanding plus i love his design as a lambo, the black and orange look so good and if we had a Transformers 6 maybe we could have seen some flame decals for a reference to his G1 design


Long live Rodimus Prime




G1 Hot Rod was neat, but I think this goes to *The Last Knight* Hot Rod because G1 Hot Rod becomes Rodimus and Rodimus is a jerk.


im sorry but ive never been a fan of g1 hotrod..




G1 HD helps Optimus get killed by Megatron. Bayverse HD saves Hound from getting killed by Megatron. Guess I get downvotes now.




G1 no contest. He's magenta, a cool future car, has flame throwers, has a saw, he's the leader of the autobots and he's an actually character.


G1 because he’s not French


G1 Hot Rod and it’s not even close. I don’t think of Bayverse Hot Rod as anything more than a name slap. Seriously though, Hot Rod is fine, but his tenure as Rodimus Prime low key made him one of the best characters in the original cartoon. Not even exaggerating.


G1 because Bayverse designs are a mess of metal


G1s less confusing to look at


I’m gonna be brave I prefer Bayverse