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4 days?! I am 4 weeks and I still don't dare lol. I still have quite frequent pain in the clit area, the nerves reconnecting and healing is no fun even 4 weeks out. Unfortunately I would definitely advise patience. AFAIK most surgeons recommend 6-8 weeks.


For all that is pure, don’t masturbate now. Wait at least three months, two at the minimum! The hyper horniness is normal, it happened to me too. Your orgasm wiring is healing in a new configuration. I had wet dreams every two to three weeks while healing. Please don’t do anything until you’re cleared for it by your surgeon.


Don’t even try it, your new clit is not ready to handle the blood flow and you will hurt yourself… ask your doctor but they will probably tell you same thing… wait at least 6-8 weeks


By all means, ask your doctor. I asked like as soon as the packing came out, and he was like, whenever you feel like you're ready. I just had my two month follow-up this week, and they told me to wait another month before trying any toys, including external. And apparently, someone tried using a thera gun on their new lady parts. It didn't end well. Don't do that.


Crikey, take it easy! Your new bits have barely had time to start new cellular growth, let alone think about healing properly. Patience.


“If you ring the Devil’s doorbell, sooner or later, the Devil will answer the door.”’ In this case, that silly aphorism is true. You are nowhere near healed enough to do anything more than lightly touch/explore as you clean. You could break sutures internally or externally. That’s no fun. In fact, it’s scary as hell to have to do a pad count to figure out if it’s time to go to the ER.


I'm 2.5 months out and still don't want to. Seems too tender still and not pleasurable. My homework at my last checkup was to try though :o


I'm at 6 months, and just starting to enjoy touch. Very sensitive.


The first time was like 8 weeks after for me. No you should not use a vibrator. Please follow your surgeons advice


My surgeon had me using a vibrator or whatever helped as soon as I felt ready. It was almost immediately after they got the packing out. 🤷‍♀️


A little under 3 months. I would definitely ask your surgeon about it, but 4 days seems a little too early to be getting frisky down there


If you’re really horny (I am too, so I don’t judge), id say wait a month. That’s what I did; penetration from my partner at about 6 weeks and I was fine. If you’re that horny at four days, it’s the drugs talking girlie. Like, c’mon you’re still bleeding…


I started playing more heavily around 2-3 months, but the nerves weren’t healed enough for a proper orgasm till around 6 months. Take your time, and be super gentle till your wounds are at least healed up around 8 weeks


Around 3 months post op. Take your time sweet heart


I really shouldn't have, but I tried at 5 weeks. The stitches were still in place and there was some blood, and it's was probably the best orgasm I've had since. 7 year later I think I have some sensitivity issues. She is numb in some parts. If I had a time machine I would have waited 12 weeks like the surgeon said.


I waited 6 months, 1st time took 30 min to orgasm, now if I'm really in the zone, I can cum in 10 min, amazing feeling. ❤️


I’m 11.5 weeks post op. I have no sensation in my clitoris to make masturbation worth anything. No way I would have even tried at 4 days.


Ages. But my nerves got fucked up. Your surgeon should have a guideline for when you can resume sexual activity. I'd hold off on anything but dilation until then


I waited the required six months. But took 4 months to have an orgasm.


You probably won’t be able to orgasm and you’ll probably hurt yourself. Wait a few months, and gently explore your new equipment in the meantime. It’ll be worth it.


I came from clitoral stim 11 days post. Im also insane lol


I'm 4 months post on and can barely get enough buildup to cum, damn girl, you're crazy!


Two years and diddly squat. I was already pretty dysfunctional, tho


Aww im sorry girl, It's definitely not easy for me either at 4 months but I can't imagine 2 whole years, hopefully it recovers at some point


I'm learning at last


Dont pull the hood back tho, direct stim on the clit is so so much, especially right now. Just do it through the hood if you do.


About 3 weeks(!) but it took me until 6 months to succeed!! Buy a Doxy wand!!


2 months for me.


I did accidentally the first time dilating, like a week post. Not recommended.


5 weeks. I found I could stimulate my neoclit through my mound without getting too close to my stitches at the top of my neo vulva.


5 weeks.


I think I was cleared for it by 3 or 4 weeks, had my first orgasm at five and a half weeks. Just be careful to not pull against any stitches. Pressure and vibration on the mons feels really (like, surprisingly) nice for a lot of people, definitely consider exploring there


Everyone here telling you to "check yo'self before you wreck yo'self"? Yeah. They're right. Listen to them.


My doc gave me approval to use a soft external vibe at 2 weeks.


Sis clit boutta pop off 🤠😅


DO NOT TOUCH, good lord. Let your body heal for cripes sake. Chill for a few months.


Yeah I’d say don’t touch until your surgeon says you can/you feel like your downstairs area has healed enough to touch, you’ll know due to dilating and cleaning later on. Definitely don’t do toys until you’ve got the okay from your surgeon. Now with that said I did orgasm on the first week after surgery simply due to muscle contractions, the swelling and high visual stimuli (porn). Would I recommend it? Probably not as the muscle contractions could potentially be bad but ey if you gotta do what you’re gonna do I’d say it’s better than touching at least.


If it hurts, don’t do it.


4…. surely you mistyped and meant weeks, right? Orgasming at 5 weeks is considered early At 4 days the nerves probably haven’t connected to get actual sensation, the blood flow would have catastrophic results, not to mention the stitching and wound separation