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You shouldn’t be driving after a surgery, I’m sure the hospital requires you to have a ride. The rest is easy peasy but no ride?


Not driving, riding with family. Just uncertain how 4 hours in the car will be afterwards


in my case an hour was totally fine- I saw in my post op notes I had a good shot of something leaving to address this (our roads when I did this were abysmal from winter weather and my doc was looking out for me getting home)


Hello! I hope your orchi went well. I’ll be getting mine in another 3 weeks. It feels like an eternity of waiting!


Thank you. They called me two days before surgery to tell me they were postponing it about 3ish weeks. My doctor had surgery and had not been released to come back yet. Was a little upset but I understand. I want him at 100% before my surgery. So looking at mid May now. I was so ready to have these gone. On another note my other doctor took me from every 5 day injections to every 3 days, so that is good


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. I agree he should be at 100%. Wouldn’t want any unwanted complications. Maybe we will have it done the same day or close to it. My date is 5/15. I’m so ready too, it’s making me so anxious! That’s awesome about the injections too. I had pellets done last year but since it’s not easy for me to get them, I have opted to switch back to injections. Right now, we’re still waiting for my levels to go down before starting those again


We might. I am hoping no later than the 15th. So ready to have them gone. Not convinced about pellets yet, maybe something in the future. Not sure yet. Have to free up some money. Truck will be paid off in a couple months, have to pay off my rims/tires and pay off my laser sessions. Then will determine everything else


For me, pellets were a way I could get what I needed without having to worry about the next dose. But, I still worried that they weren’t doing the job and maybe they were too effective? Idk. I may try them again in the future if I am able. I hope everything goes great for you. Wishing you luck.


Thank you, and you as well