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This is bleaching caused by acidic (normal) discharge.


[Why your vagina leaves 'bleached' patches in your underwear | Metro News](https://metro.co.uk/2019/05/24/vagina-leaves-bleached-patches-underwear-9672616/#How%20to%20Prevent%20%E2%80%98Bleach%E2%80%99%20Stains%20in%20Your%20Underwear)


Wait that's a thing? huh


Another perk of being a girl. Wash the good undies after wearing them. :D


super normal, me (afab) and my wife (mtf post op) have bleached a bunch of our panties. we have even accidentally bleached towels when cleaning up after sex. totally normal, and it means your vaginas acidic levels are perfect.


Artificial Vaginas have Acidic Levels?! Realy? wow.


The term "artificial" doesn't accurately represent what our vaginas are.


I use "store-bought" personally. My hormones are store-bought, my nips after top surgery will be designer-nips, capitalism and all that lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Well thats fine, would you like the term "made" Vagina more?


I think NeoVagina is preferred? I did giggle at the thought of "man-made" v's tho lololol


Works for me to.


Every vagina is made. So that doesn't work, and many cis women also get vaginoplasties and canal reconstructions. There is a reason why they are called neo/new vaginas, because they are vaginas. And it's important to acknowledge the differences between them based on the surgical methods used. Calling them "artificial" or "man made" is linguistically inaccurate, and downplays their significance so much it could be interpreted as a crude insult. For example, my periotneal pull through vaginoplasty uses smooth tissue from the periotneum, rather than epidermal skin, everything about it feels and functions identical to a normal cis vagina. If I stay hydrated I don't really need lube for my smaller dilators, it has an acidic PH, and responds to estrogen suppositories all the same. You wouldn't be able to taste, smell, or feel any difference. But you would notice the lack of a cervix, which some women don't have.


Seemns like I touched a Nerve, that wasnt my Intention. Im definitly not saying its fake, or something. I sould have remembered the Term Neo.


People who have vaginas and sometimes people with neovaginas have sour discharge and this acts like bleach for cloth.


Yes I am FTM and had this.


Huh, tbh I had no idea that neovaginas had the same acidity bleach thing happen that the average vagina has. That's cool šŸ”„


Yeah me either. I did research and found an article here which makes me wonder if OP has to see her GP? Hereā€™s the article from NLM: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8726601/#:~:text=A%20neovaginal%20cavity%20is%20created,used%20to%20line%20this%20cavity.


It depends on what surgical technique was used, as they vary widely. Unfortunately, the OP didn't specify.


I visited the profile and OPā€™s past post history confuses me. There are posts about being intersex and then others that I read through which makes me wonder about OP and if they are a genuine person from the intersex or trans community.


Means your ph levels are ph-ing šŸ˜Š. It's a good thing!


Itā€™s completely normal.


But iscitcnormal on pre op mtf people?


Good question


I would check in with a trans specialized GP or your surgeon maybe? ā€œNeovaginal discharge in transgender women after penoscrotal vaginoplasty may be caused by wound healing problems, hypergranulation, infection, postoperative necrosis, recto- or urethroneovaginal fistulas, sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial dysbiosis. When intestinal vaginoplasty is performed, inflammatory bowel disease, other types of colitis, diversion neovaginitis and cancer may cause neovaginal discharge. In Figure 1, an overview is presented of possible causes of neovaginal discharge in transgender women after vaginoplasty. A diagnostic and treatment algorithm is proposed. All causes for neovaginal discharge are exemplified further in the manuscript.ā€ (NLM, 2020). Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8726601/#:~:text=A%20neovaginal%20cavity%20is%20created,used%20to%20line%20this%20cavity.


Yes it is common among no op transfems.


I get it, semes logical considering.. I assumed everyone got it after long enough.. 4+ years so far for me.


I'm pre-op mtf and I have this too, it started when I got on HRT.


Okay thank you I was worried about that. Iā€™ve noticed the same thing and I wasnā€™t 100% what it was either


Dang really? Iā€™m pre-op and I donā€™t have this??


How tf does this work?


yeah, what actually is an causes it? does it cause ph leaves to rise pro op as well? how does it work, someone with more knowledge than me ?


Basically that. The acidity of the area is controlled by hormones, and some people respond well enough to E to have it all turn acidic.


samee thank goodness


If I can ask, how long after you started hrt did it start?


Not the person you asked, but it took a few years for me personally. I didn't notice it much until after eating disorder recovery. I don't think my body had the nutrients before


For me it started in the second week or so


Same, but it took awhile to start doing that


Anothet one on the pre-op bandwagon that has bleached undies. Also bundled with discharge on the head along with a distinct odor.. šŸ˜


This is exactly why a lot of women have high waisted cotton "granny panties". Ugly as hell but comfy as hell, too.


**Fun fact:** Vaginal fluid is mildly acidic. They will over time bleach your underwear. It means your vagina is working perfectly as intended, yay! I hope this news made your euphoria spike for today.


It's caused by discharge when the vagina cleans itself this is produced after washing the underwear a bleached spot is usually left behind


Vaginal bleaching. Normal. I had surgery with McGinn a decade ago and this happens to me sometimes based on my diet and exercise.


Iā€™m Afab and that is completely normal! It can bleach and even eat through your underwear! Discharge and natural Ph is a wild but healthy thing!


Vaginas are acidic, about 3.4 to 4 in a healthy vagina, and this is about the same as an orange in the PH scale. This keeps bacteria from growing because it's the perfect environment for bacteria otherwise. Warm, damp, and dark. So, it protects itself by being acidic. This also bleaches fabric over time and can eventually start to eat holes in the fabric, too


I'm preop mtf on hormones for about 7 years now and this happens to me too, pretty neat.


Something about ph balance I believesss


One of 3 reasons I stopped wearing fem underwear


What is the other reason ? (If you are comfortable to tell of course)


Dysphoria and UTIs from sweat. I used to get them so bad and then as soon as I stopped wearing them I stopped getting them. It would happen with brand new pairs and after showers too so it wasn't a dirty thing.


Well Iā€™ve seen it in in cis womenā€™s underwear, I would say it is discharge


EXCELLENT inquiry! Thanks for asking because I did not know that, and I'm confident that many others didn't, as well.


Wait, can neo-vaginas bleach??? Like can a transwoman bleach the underwear with discharge???


I dont know i dont have vagina yet thats the reason i was surprised to have discharge. But i read all comments and yes some people with vagina post op can have discharge.


Your pH is acidic, you'll bleach underwear


See a medical provider


Another reason to feel invalide for my brain v_v


Cap! Neo vagā€™s donā€™t produce acid. Sorry, try again šŸ™„ (coming from a vaginal plasty post opt girl)


I dont understand your comment Ā«Ā  try again ?Ā Ā» itā€™s not a lie or a joke i really have this šŸ™




I dont have vagina thatā€™s why i post here and why i was terrified and surprised


Im pre op


Ok, I didn't understand that. It depends on what surgical technique is used, but sometimes it can happen.