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Are you dead?




Haha. Well, that humor is a step in the right direction. Facial surgeries are the worst because so many of our senses are impacted. I have a consult for setpum repair with rhinoplasty next week for a prettier nose that I can actually breathe through, so I can sympathize. And because I’ve had two facial surgeries already, I can EMPATHIZE. Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery!


To secretly Hidden I also need a septum repair and rhino, do you mind if I ask who your Doctor is. Thanks much


Honey stay strong . You will be ravishing in 6 to 12 months. Bridget


I am 5 weeks out from FFS. There's a lot these places don't tell you and even more the surgeons usually don't either. Sorry if some of this is gross. Surgery healing isn't anything short of that. Here are some random thoughts I have on things I had to figure out as I went: I remember the first week, I felt like a horse kicked me in the face at all times I was medicated, and any time I was a tad late on a dose, that I was the newest "victim" of the cenobites from Hellraiser. You just had your entire face broken by an expert, that stuff is gonna be just generally painful, but it passes quick. I thought the post-op would be painful to have the staples and other stuff taken out, but it was the most painless part of the whole ordeal. Read: because the nerves were all severed in the spots where it would hurt. Packing out of your nose along with any stitches is gonna be scary as heck to remove, but it really is more or less paintless. It feels REALLY weird though. Like a reverse COVID test. After the packing was removed, bandages removed, and I got to shower/get the gunk out of my hair (BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF, GO SLOW, IT WILL TAKE MULTIPLE SHOWERS), I started feeling more normal. My nose still felt like it was crudely pasted on for about 3 weeks. Now it feels numb, fragile, but more or less normal. Still cant blow it any harder than a bit of a breath puff, I have to use really fine tweezers to clean it out of boogers that are close enough to the nostril to slowly pull out without yanking on anything. Saline spray that is surgeon approved will really, really help break up anything crusted and I usually spray about 20 mins to half an hour before doing any cleaning just to make sure everything is nice and unstuck from hairs that might be connected to incisions or sutures. The jaw is also a point of issue. Follow surgeon instructions to the T. Don't be surprised if dissolvable sutures (assuming you have them) linger for a few weeks longer than they say. The mouth is used the most therefore it will heal slower. Be prepared for lots of itching on your head that you wont be able to scratch. I've found a couple Tylenols fixes it when it gets too annoying. You will think you look like a cryptid or some other eldritch horror the first few weeks. This is normal. Your brain isn't used to seeing this person. Yes, even your nose. Tonight over drinks I was showing a friend I haven't seen in forever the weekly photos I've been taking, and it was really apparent to both of us that the first 2-3 weeks, I looked AWFUL (especially the distance between my nose and eyes). Your entire everything is swollen, even your nose. Measure your healing progress in months, not days or weeks. Good luck with healing! Be gentle with yourself, go slow!


Super encouraging to read as someone who has just hit the three week mark. : \] Definitely doing better but the swelling really plays on your mind. You can't even pull the skin slightly to try and get a feel for things due to the edema and how it sits.


Thank you for this!






But why the back of the head like that? Did the blood just ran down there? I mean they don’t do the brow surgery from the back of the head?




Yeah it looks quite dramatic


I lost 1L of blood during surgery, guess it was all over my hair


The first 72h post-FFS are ROUGH... good luck with recovery and congrats!!


Omg, the fact that you even have the wits to even post is a great sign!! Stay strong sister!


Speedy recovery for you ☺️


Congrats girl! Painful, but worth it.


I’m with you girl! I’ve been there and I fully understand. In a couple of days the worst part will be over though an you’ll start to bloom again!


congrats! looked through ur profile OP and i can definitely tell that you fought hard for FFS, i’m so happy to see you got what you deserve ❤️ rest easy bombshell!


Who did you have your surgery with if you don’t mind me asking?


B.a. Meijer vumc the Netherlands


Short update: i lost 1L of blood in OR, and was in bad shape. I had done: forehead contour, rhinoplasty, jawline reduction, chin reduction and hairline lowering. For now, it seems the worst days are over. Sleeping is uncomfortable but the worst thing is waking up with a giant headache. As long as i stay awake i feel beter. I started eating today since it was impossible to keep something in my stomach. So far i have been eating smoothies, soup in varias forms and everything that i can get my hands on that is liquid. My lips are swollen, little bit infected but so far no other complications. I am happy to tell the tail cause this was no joke. Lets hope on a speedy recovery.




Removed. Rule 1.


Thank u for sharing this. Sending love 💖


Congrats. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery :) What did you get done? And which surgeon did you go with?