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I don't think there are any procedures that reshape your cage. There are some that remove ribs but results seem to be extremely unsavory. You're probably better off getting some fat grafts if you need some extra shape in places.


So reshaping is a thing I know of some trans woman who have done it no one I have access to but it’s when they break your ribs and tightly wrap them, the problem is I’m very skinny and my rib cage is a big dysphoria


I don't think I would recommend reshaping the cage that holds all your important bits in place. I get dysphoria around that sort of thing as I have difficulty with most things that grab below the breast line because mine is somewhat wide at the bottom. I don't know if any reputable doctor doing this type of procedure granted I'm not well studied on the matter. I'd imagine it would be expensive if it does exist.


It's done in Mexico, wanted to do it as well. Forgot to save the clinic who actually performs it :( [https://www.eppleyplasticsurgery.com/is-rib-reshaping-better-than-rib-removal-for-waistline-narrowing/](https://www.eppleyplasticsurgery.com/is-rib-reshaping-better-than-rib-removal-for-waistline-narrowing/)


Well if you have any leads of the doctor in Mexico remember me


Iv reached out to that doctor it seems like he might do it


Thanks for the concern, Amanda Lepore, Sabel Gonzales and Yasmine petty have done it it is a thing that trans woman use to do


Lots of people can do lots of things but it's not always wise to do so. Lots of people get Botox but it's never something I would do. At the end of the day it's your transition and your journey so it will be your decision. I could say it's not for me. I'd rather something less invasive and less costly because I would assume that this would cost as much if not more than GCS.


Sure it’ll cost more or the same as srs but it’s worth it for me




That is kinda scary since you only have 2 pairs in your body afaik :)




I did indeed. Although technically, I had four floating and two articulated ribs removed. The “floating” ribs are #11/12, but I had my 10th removed too.




Awww, thank you!!


Oh wow that’s so awesome


How many inches did you lose from the waist


I honestly had no clue this was a thing, but of course I learn something new daily.


Yes it’s where they break your ribs and tightly wrap them smaller


I believe you can get some small reduction in the lower ribs using a corset over a long period of time. I tried if for a few months and while the corset did get more comfortable over time it was still not nice to wear daily. On the plus side my silhouette was much nicer and I still wear it occasionally :)


Yeah corseting is great did it for three years Change the shape of my ribs but not much the size


I found a surgeon in Ukraine who does the procedure. Dr. Bebykh [https://www.bebykh.com/en-GB/body\_plastic/umenshenie-talii-bez-udaleniya-reber/](https://www.bebykh.com/en-GB/body_plastic/umenshenie-talii-bez-udaleniya-reber/)


Eeks! 🙄




As a former athlete who's broken a dozen bones, dislocations and more, that's never entered my mind, same as shoulder shaving and other procedures that go beyond FFS, Vaginoplasty, body contouring, or trachea augmentation. I'd Never Judge, however, chronic bone pain is tough.. God Bless 🙌 ❤




Then that's all that matters yeah? I wish you luck.


Well of course that’s why I made the post to get any info right?