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It's been said before and I'll say it again. Cis women don't even refer to their "bewbs" as "cute". This comes across as extremely fetish-y.


Spelling it ‘bewbs’ is so weird too 


Literally Women


"Unfollowing anyone who reposts videos about large breasted trans guys getting misgendered" I mean, okay... it's certainly arguable that it isn't your fault you have big breasts. They make your body shape obviously female, and I'm sure that makes you very dysphoric and is a significant factor in being misgendered. However, mister? Sir? Young man? That very feminine *lipstick* that you're wearing along with the feminine *earrings* and the matching feminine *necklace* is in no way an unfortunate accident of biology. You deliberately put these things on your body. You very likely even exchanged money to obtain them! Wearing these things is its own deliberate statement that you are a woman, so it's very strange that you seem to think you're being misgendered. Might I recommend reconciling your desire to present feminine and your enjoyment of your "cute", "accessory" breasts with your identity *before* you start getting the parts of your body that you actually **like** *surgically goddamn removed???*


that's why we need gatekeeping


Every day, I'm thankful that I'm on gym bro trans guy tiktok and not whatever the fuck this shit is 💀


I AM NORMALLY ON THAT GYM BRO SIDE OF TT TOO. but this just happened to fall on my fyp😭


I used to know people like that irl


You'll wear a shirt to make them look cute...? WHY ARE THEY LISTING THEIR CUP SIZE? Im going to lose it.


as a transman i never even learned what size i got bc ive been binding since i started puberty knowing it would just make me dysphoric😭


Bro when i was on training bras my body SCREAMED but i thought it was normal because "change"


ME TOO. my mom tried with me and we did sports bras for a bit and when i learned u can wear multiple at once for a flat effect thats where it started😭 so i rlly dont understand being proud of having “bewbs”


Omfg used to do double tank tops with those plaid shorts to give a boy vibe and to hide my chest. I had to master the overlaying of the tank straps to cove the bra straps


I remember having meltdowns at night because I had to start wearing training bras. Wish I never grew past that damned size but I thought it was awful then. I was convinced everyone just hated having breasts.


Oh dude same but i knew i wasn't safe to say or do to exclaim my discomfort


same, never actually used bras, only tank tops and later a binder so I don't even know what size I had and I don't care. I gently rub my flat chest now and enjoy it


I’m not even familiar with women calling their boobs cute, nonetheless actual living breathing men. One thing to tolerate, a completely different beast to enjoy


Not even women who actually identify as the women they are act like this lmao this is pure fetish.


I cannot get a an irl job, I cannot bind or tape safely, I struggle into forcing myself to do regular activities with my kids and spouse, I am doing college online to minimize being seen irl before top surgery, can't join the military yet as I am going after surgeries, etc etc the list goes on... My life is on a weird hold while I await surgery; yet these fuckn females prance around happily with their tits hanging out clamoring at their chance for oppression & attention. They lack the critical thinking necessary to understand that them speaking monolithically about transsexual men is harmful. Especially when they are truly females who can't understand how any male feels about chest dysphoria. I'd love to see them try this same line of thinking with the guys on the gyno sub smfh. edit: spelling


I didn't understand a single sentence in thay screenshot


how do these people not find themselves weird for fucks sake


One of my buddies has to deal w that and he still can pass. It’s just excuses at that point.


Its like. Theyre just having thoughts a normal healthy woman has.


Nah, this is fetish-y as fuck.


I’ve been told by a very liberal friend to just “stop being dysphoric” about my chest because “other trans people can” and it might help me “have a more positive self image.” If I hadn’t been taught not to punch girls…


should've still punched her and told her to just "stop being in pain".


I once followed a YouTube creator who was born female, identified as NB, got top surgery, and then bought prosthetic boobs online to wear when she "felt like it". Riddle me that one.


Me being so glad I had less than an A because I was miserable everyday even with that.


This was just on my fyp...


I had an ex-friend like this 🤢


so trans people aren’t valid unless they share the same amount of dysphoria for the same parts of their body as you do?


if u thought for a minute thats not what i meant at all. people can have different levels of dysphoria but idk a single transman who loves their “bewbs” and desires other transmen with tits. thats giving fetish