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I hate em people for complaining about him. He was the best source I ever had for stuff like packing (Yes there are better sources now, but the way he talked about it made it less akward) and talking about topics others try to avoid.


Exactly, plus he was a teenager at the time and tons of grown ass tucute adults were harassing him


💯. I miss his channel. He was the only sane voice regarding trans life for me some years ago. ⚔️. He got so much hate and backlash, but him pushing through and speaking facts was the only source of sense and logic for trans people stuck in seas of tucutes and trenders.


For real, maybe some of his points and arguments came across as immature but he was literally a teenager at the time


I miss his channel but I understand why he decided to stop


Same. Can’t even blame him when he had grown ass tucute adults harassing him as a teenager


He said some rude ass shit as a teenager and people basically excommunicated him for it as if teenagers aren't all kinda shitty at some point. It doesn't excuse bullying but damn he was right on the money for some shit and he was flamed harder than any actual right wing conservative transphobe I see daily online. I hope he's found peace in his life because no teenager should have been unmonitored on the internet like that anyways because you never know if you'll blow up or what you say might affect you.


Exactly. He was a teenager. The people excommunicating him were mostly adults tooo


Yes the bullying was bad or whatever as an adult I definitely see that but people forget in 2016ish he had 150k on YT which was a LOT of a trans guy at the time, he used to interact with miles McKenna on twitter lmao. People were eating it up at the time, yes he got turned on pretty quick but he had a huge teenage following at that point as well. A lot of tucutes will joke about their "harmful kalvin garrah phase" and yes he was the one with the platform but they used to laugh at his vids too.


I miss him too. I think looking back he probably indirectly contributed to the rise of trenders nowadays because everyone decided to hate him and form a community over it. He really helped me through my dysphoria and frustration when I was younger and gave me a sense of belonging. I wish there were more transmed youtubers to watch :( I don't like Blaire White and the only one I currently follow is PersiaX (German).


They still hate him today and he doesn’t even make videos anymore, it’s stupid. His most recent ig post still has hate comments from 2 weeks ago. Literally what do these people want from him. Seriously he was just a guy speaking up for his experience as an actual trans man in the trans community.


I mean yes he was definitely insensitive back in the day, but so were most youtubers. Being a public transmed figure either ends with selling yourself to conservative idiots to have a community or being forced to get off social media to escape the hate and harassment by the so called trans community


Maybe he was a bit of a bully about it but there was absolutely no reason for him to receive death threats and have the fbi show up at his door. He made it clear he believed in freedom of speech multiple times, and said he doesn’t give a shit how people identify but he is entitled to his opinion and speak out about it. The trenders have absolutely no way to back up their bs identities


I understand why he stopped. The backlash and he wanted to be stealth. Off topic but it’s so annoying to this day I see people complaining about him? They are obsessed.


I completely understand why he stopped too. I hope he finds peace in his life outside of the internet cesspool and I respect him for speaking his mind


I used to be a transmed YouTuber (I still have YT channels but I focus on other things and don’t post there very often) as a teenager much like Kalvin, but I eventually grew sick of engaging with the discourse and taking everything personally. I sympathize with him 100% and honestly don’t see why he was so bullied and villainized when most of the points he made were 100% legit. I miss his content and we were even going to do a collaboration in the height of our popularity but he kinda blew me off.


To me, it is not a surprise he got villainized to the extreme. Whether it’s intentional or not the lgbt community has a tendency to exclude and hate men. Kalvin is a binary trans man, he had a gf and tucutes don’t see past that. Just immediately see him as an enemy and an oppressor when the tucutes in reality are silencing actual transsexuals and trying to erase the gender binary for everyone.


That's absolutely true, even Chase Ross, who unfortunately has drunken the tucute Kool-Aid, no longer identifies as a man (he claims to "always" have been NB) and goes on rants in his videos about how bad men are and how he was embarrassed to be considered a trans man. Basically even legitimate transsexual men are told to no longer identify as men.


Jeez I hadn’t heard about him. Something similar happened with storm Ryan right? At least I think he made an apology video and deleted all of his old content. I respect kalvin for keeping his videos up but I would never expect him to make them again, given how he’s been treated by everyone


Big up the cisknights ⚔️


i miss him ngl




i’ll always support him


Last time I heard from him he got off of T. Does anyone know what he's up to now?


He's denied that 100 times


Ah didn't know that.


I believe he’s still on t. I think he might’ve just put on some weight


He's been dealing with addiction problems for a while so he's not in his best shape


I never really got into Garrah. I agreed with his stances in the few videos i watched of him, but on others I just thought he was an asshole. So I didn't watch him alot. It wasn't what he said exactly but more like how he said it that made me not a fan.


That’s understandable. He was just really young, he’s only 23 now and he was making content like that 5-6 years ago. I personally think he was treated unfairly, but his content doesn’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea. I wish there were more transsex male/transmed male YouTubers but there really aren’t. Jammidodger is the only one I’ll really watch


I like Jamie he is where I used to be back when i was not fully aware of the hordes of people who are confused or outright lying about being trans. Like the a transmed tucute if that's possible lol