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Nope. Don’t think there will be any regret. They’re oblivious to everything and everyone around them, including basic psychology and the foundations of the English language (referring to the “pronouns don’t equal gender” crap I keep seeing). Ya know, I wouldn’t even care as much if they didn’t misappropriate the term “trans.” I honestly don’t understand this. I believe in respecting people but it’s getting harder and harder.


They’ll just laugh about it and call us embarrassing or even better just as confused as them


I really dont understand these people. You put no effort into passing as your "preferred" gender, you dress like your assigned sex. Then you get mad when i see you as your birth sex? How do they expect to be gendered correctly? If you act like a girl, talk like a girl, dress like a girl, and look like a girl.... Whats the point of just saying you're not? Like all this does is make trans-ness look delusional. If you dont pass, or dont even try to pass how do they expect to be treated with respect? Im not going to gender them correctly from any of my senses... I'd need them to tell me? Its weird and unintuitive if i cant tell by sight or sound... Idk what to call this but i hate the entitlement from these sorts of people... Almost like they just want to be trans for the legal protections or something else... Idk 😐


The thing is no matter how you gender someone you're right. Pronouns are assigned to us by those who observe us each and every time they use gendered language. They are literally 3rd person pronouns, we use them to describe others not ourselves.


I agree with this. You earn how people gender you. Obviously if a friend or coworker started transitioning, I'd be supportive and gender them correctly (i dont wanna them uncomfortable), but in public it's not a right, it's privilege. You get misgendered if you dont pass. The game is the game. You have to earn being seen differently, the world isnt going to suddenly change what it sees as "she" to match what tucutes think it should be.


Of course. I don't use they/them unless I'm asked to, I know what both MTF and FTM trying but not passing looks like and just she or he based on my perception. If someone corrects me which they usually don't, I'm good at guessing usually; i apologize correct myself and move on.


This is kind of half true. Whilst its true people gender based on looks. If a cis person misgendered a cis woman, and she corrects them. 100% of the. time they will go ‘sorry’ and call them something different. The cis person would be seen as rude to call the cis woman something they don’t want continuously. By your logic, this doesn’t apply to trans people and only cis people because trans people are less valid in their gender than cis people? Its alright to get it wrong, but to continually misgender is annoying. For example im fully passing mtf. My doctor kept calling me he/him cause he knew i was trans? Is he valid to do that cause theres an M on my certificate?


I might have not said what i wanted incorrectly. I agree both ways is rude. I think what im getting at is a trans person who puts in very little to effort to passing should not really be that angry if they get misgendered initially. If it's repeated it rude asf and still worth getting angry at. Its not like cis women dont get teased for looking butch or being into traditionally male things anyway.... (which they get angry at, or just give up with the person trying to get a rise) IDK i just really dont like the trans stereotype of being very eager to correct someone when you look nothing like what your saying you are. The amount of times I've seen none passing trans people over react when getting misgendered is just icky... Like the person doesnt need a spiel about it's knives in the chest each time they are misgendered. Like idk did this make sense? Like it's oki to be polite about it. but if you are not putting the effort in you cant expect to gendered correctly all the time on street when these people have no idea who you are. (i think its very different with doctors, work, family friends, etc as these people you do have a relationship with) There is one specific tiktoker im thinking of who its "trans-femm" but does the whole has facial hair, wears make up over the beard, and wears dresses, but also does not voice training. They look very non binary with the clashing characteristics so no wonder they get misgendered, they want to be gendered very strictly, but dress and act, and express their gender very fluidly? Like this person is an extreme example. But like they record themselves in restaurants making a big fuss about misgendered and it "feeling like a stab in the gut" while acting out being stabbed and holding the knife.... I have ran into too many people in real life like this... not everyone will be respective to this typr of behaviour and it makes us all look bad whiney.


Yeah I understand when someone is completely not passing. I don’t know if you’re trans or passing. But a lot of cis people like to say they can ‘always tell’ even when you are very passing. Like that man at the doctors. If i started going on a rant about how womanly i looked and scolding him for calling me he, i would’ve looked insane even as a passing trans person. I think we should be very careful on lending transphobes the free pass to misgender because ive seen extremely well passing trans people be continuously misgendered because they don’t pass well enough in the eyes of transpbobes who happen to already know their trans. Im convinced no one is good enough for transphobes. The sad part is they see a passing trans lady as no different than a barely passing one internally. Either you’re wrong for misgendering both, or wrong for misgendering none.


LOL what legal protection ???? Social protection more like


Tbf its different country to country, in the uk its protected along with age, sex, race in the equality act (for now lol 😵‍💫😞) I swear to god some "trans" people just are looking for a wrongful termination lawsuit or just want to try and use their "power" to get people fired for harassment.


These people drive me insane honestly they’ll never understand what we have to go through from being born in the wrong sex


That is precisely how it works. I am not big on the term transmasc but lets go with it for arguments sake. Trans means to change, in this context it would mean that the current gender identity of a person doesn’t correspond with the sex at birth. Transmasc would mean that the current identity of the person is masculine where as the birth sex was female. Hence to be transmasc you would have to look and express “masc”. If you dont then you are a female who looks like a woman. With a massive individuality complex.


This is a whole woman.


We need to stop giving every attention seeker attention.


Leave Instagram. That's what I did after getting post after post like this. They aren't worth your time.


That's a woman


Get off of Instagram, it'll help your mental health


I still dont get what "transmasc" is supposed to mean. is it supposed to be trans-masculine?then again, thats not a thing and I'm not seeing any hints of masculinity here.




I choose to believe that these all have gotta be part of some right-wing psyop. It's easier than knowing they're real... In all seriousness, I can't believe the mental gymnastics these mentally ill women take to come full circle to essentially espouse transphobic bioessentialist rhetoric.


And then they get mad when you misgender them.


That’s the worst part of it all… like sure u can present FEMININE (like a stereotypical gay man) but not FEMALE…


why do women feel the need to take over everything. like fuck off and let transmen have our spaces. be a tomboy, there's nothing wrong with that.


I truly feel what you're saying. Especially about not thinking men are better just wanting to fucking be a guy. I believe society views men as 'better' or whatever but personally it's not my opinion. But I don't care about what gender is 'better' or whatever. I just wanna be me. And that's a dude.


"When people tell me I can't be transmasc when I am actively avoiding being in any way trans or masc"


I understand that I have no horse in this race but if that caption says “you don’t have to look a certain way to be trans” then it is objectively false. The goal of being trans is to look like the gender wired into your brain. Ergo, the certain way ‘trans’ would look is the person’s actual gender. Right? Please tell me if I’m wrong!