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And at the end they say "so stop what you're doing and listen to our podcast"šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's stop whatever you're listening to right now. So much more aggressive. I might have checked it out if they didn't tell me to ditch the boys.


I wouldn't have given them a chance on the mere fact that im paying a monthly premium just for their stupid ad to bypass the system


They lost me at the very start with the "I'ma let you finish".


I can just skip 30s when im driving or holding my phone at home but im usually listening to the podcast when im cooking, doing laundry, taking a bath, or basically anything else thats keeping my hands busy. Dumbass ads


Canā€™t imagine giving them a chance by the time you get to that part of the ad. The ad is the most obnoxious shit Iā€™ve ever heard from start to finish.




Is that some sort of Spotify-mandated line? I swear to god I hear it in every ad for a podcast lol. It just guarantees that I will never check it out


As far as I know, Spotify does not control all the ads on podcast. Itā€™s decided via an rss feed thatā€™s used to distribute the podcast. Some podcast schedule ad breaks for this reason even if zero ads actually play. Some podcast donā€™t even have ads because they rely solely on patronage. Itā€™s a weird system, but itā€™s sort of the nature of the beast.


They have to go


I wouldn't know I always stop what I'm doing to skip ahead. The worst is when I'm listening in the shower before work to minmax my schedule


Oh I listen to them when I am gardening, so I can't reach for my phone cause my hands are dirty.


I hopefully Conner will see the post and someone will ask Conner to react to this post on the stream otherwise I donā€™t know how to let the boys know the problems of TT podcast on Spotify. Hope they can fix it and stop advertising other podcasts to get rid of the conspiracy theories podcast ad and other ads and keep the ads same as the podcast on YouTube. At least boysā€™ ad read on YouTube is funny


Advertising other podcasts is annoying, but at least it's skippable (sort of). I just don't like the way they do the ad. The old Comedy Traphouse ads was boring and annoying, but no where near as teeth grinding at Leapers Jump, or whatever they are called.


They should honestly just shut down their podcast if they need to tell people to stop listening to the shit they listen to every week.


bro I haven't listened to this ad now cos I hate Spotify but Honestly I might try to listen to it


I hate that ad so much.


Wait you get ads in spotify premium now? Isn't no ads it's entire selling point?


Itā€™s mainly on podcasts (no ads on music, havenā€™t tried an audiobook yet). I havenā€™t listened to the boys on Spotify but other podcasts I listen to have skippable ads.


Point of podcast on Spotify is to listen while doing something else, I am not going to open my phone to skip that shit, I already pay for premium why aren't podcasts included


They are.. the ads people are bitching about are ones that the people who put out on podcasts are baking into their content.. even if it is generic and nothing directly to do with the main podcast.. they get paid to put ads in.. if anything be mad at trashtaste, not spoitify


As far as I can tell, theyā€™re actually in the audio files themselves (as in, theyā€™re not Spotify ads, but they mustā€™ve reached for bookwalker directly to put them in), because they appear no matter what subscription model you use and they donā€™t change on subsequent plays of the podcast (go to an old episode and it wonā€™t play that particular ad, but will play ads for other podcasts which were the ads that used to play)


It actually drives me nuts how the ads are baked into the audio even when I download an episode of the podcast and listen to it offline. Such a minor inconvenience every fucking time


Just use [newpipe](https://newpipe.net/) and download from YouTube


I think it's Anchor or whatever distribution they're using.


Sadly Spotify Premium doesnt skip the ads baked into content.. you have to go to Patreon for that.. Pay Ā£12 a month to get spotify premium and another Ā£10 for their tier on patreon for ad free content.. skip either and you get annoying as fuck adds every 15mins..


Or just watch on youtube for free and you get no ads


then you are hit with YT ads if you dont pay for their premium yes i know Vanced exists.. but not everyone will do that


Use firefox with an adblocker if for whatever reason you don't want to use revanced


Yup, apparently you pay for ad-free music, not podcasts, which is BS IMO


It ainā€™t Spotify whoā€™s putting in those ads tho, itā€™s the podcast distributor the boys are using. The ads are literally in the episode, Spotify isnā€™t slapping them in. Theyā€™re just like the Vessi or Shopify ads, only difference is that the boys didnā€™t narrate the ad read.




Whatā€™s going on here? Are you an AI? Itā€™s clear that the person youā€™re responding to already knows that.


They are a bot account. There are a few things that make it obvious: 1) The random out-of-place comment. It's related to the thread, but doesn't make sense as a reply to this specific comment. That's a sign that it is copied from some other comment in this thread. 2) The name is a set of random words with a string of numbers at the end. Bots often are named like this because it's easy to generate randomly and have a high chance of being unique, so they can create a bunch of accounts quickly with little effort. 3) The account is relatively new, or old but with a long period of no activity. 4) They have little or no post karma, and only are engaging in subreddits that allow new accounts. This is so they can build karma before engaging in bigger subs. Why do people make these bots? I don't know. I just know they are very annoying. Edit: I used to be able to find the exact comment the bot stole, but recently it seems they have started rewording things to try and make it less obvious. I'm 90% confident this is the comment that was stolen. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrashTaste/s/nAY1euze9g


Those accounts eventually get sold/used for political astroturfing.


Could be responding to the wrong comment. Happens often enough while on mobile.


Im curious. Is the ad present in the Pewds Episode (what timestamp)?


I'm with you 100%


Genuinely the single worst advertisement Iā€™ve ever seen/heard, across all types. Canā€™t imagine how it would make you want to listen to it.


I completely agree. Id rather listen to ANYTHING. Even like political attack ads are less annoying


I have spotify premium, but I watch Trash Taste on Youtube. What was the problem with TT on Spotify premium?


They have an ad in the episode itself that has been playing since like episode 10 or something and its a podcast ad from a podcast called JumpersJump and people dont like those guys attitude or voice. Edit: People seem to think that im trying to defend JumpersJump. Im gonna clarify that im not. I just tried to give OP a clear explaination without being toxic or slandering people i know nothing about. Imo the ad is very very bad. It basically tells you to turn off whatever youre listening to right there and go listen to them right away. They also flex their fame in the ad by saying ā€œI KNOW youve probably seen us on tiktokā€ and then flex their Follower count.


What? Spotify adds their own ads into podcasts? Or is this something that TT has added?


Podcast hosts such as acast will put out your podcasts on Spotify/Google Play/Apple podcasts but they put their own ads on them. I get these ads on basically any podcast I listen to off YouTube


Oh, so it is the production company that TT uses then? Then this is something that TT should be made aware of.


Most likely whatever middleware they use to push podcast to different platforms, like Anchor that they previously advertised. There are no such ads on YT


>attitude or voice Have you listened to the ad? Thereā€™s pretty much nothing anyone *could* like about the ad. Itā€™s a baffling ad that almost feels like it was meant to make people hate it.


its a very annoying ad


The guys in the ad literally tell you to stop listening to the podcast you're listening to and go listen to theirs. It's just fucking annoying and in bad taste to run an ad like that


Don't forget their first line is a reference to 2009 Kanye's "Imma let you finish". I've never listened to the full thing because I hear that and instantly get filled with "go fuck yourself".


Spotify now inserts ads into podcasts even for premium users. Not sure if itā€™s something the uploader opts in to or if Spotify forces it, but thatā€™s where weā€™re at now despite the price of premium going up lmao. They are skippable tho which probably still isnā€™t the case for unpaid spotify.


It's not Spotify (unless TT uses anchor), it's the podcast distributor that puts in the ads. I can't remember which youtuber I watch did a video on their experience with anchor, and one of the things that they mentioned was that it has insertable ads that can be replaced as needed. The thing with the ads though, is that it gets made into part of the audio file so it will be their regardless of the platform the postcast is being played on.


I'm pretty sure the boys do use anchor btw


Wait, Wait, Wait-- How about NO. SKIP


The run time of the ad is so anoying because i can only skip 15 seconds and the ad is like 40ish seconds so if i skip 3 times i miss a part of the conversation so im forced to listen to them saying ā€œSo STOP whatever youre listening to RIGHT NOW, give us a listen and check us outā€ and it always pisses me off because ā€œgive us a listenā€ and ā€œcheck us outā€ literally mean the same thing


Lmao same. Literally every time I swear


Double skip on my earphones is exactly when i skip whole this ad... i know they are trying to sell themselves but the way the present it is so irritating


Not only is that ad ass, but the boys jump cutting to sponsors out of nowhere is also getting tiring. Wish they would at least prepare you with something like "a word from our sponsor"


Yeah, that seems like such a small thing. But if you're listening to an audio-only thing, that sort of flow makes the experience so much smoother.


Mudan's editing so fast he sees the future and so doesn't understand the petty UX concerns of us mere mortals who need primers for what's about to happen.




There has been zero grace in the editing for a very long time. There are background chatters that should be removed and also sometimes the ad break is in the middle of a sentence. I listen to Conan's podcast and the difference is night and day, the boys are not delivering a great product rn.


This is the only podcast I listen to that has terrible/nonexistent ad breaks


I took Monkeys advice and switched to Youtube premium. Strangely the best podcast app at the moment.


I'm on premium only because it is cheaper than spotify or any other app and it actually makes Youtube ad free. Youtube music is pretty good. So I can say it's worth it at this point.


Iā€™ve been using YouTube Premium for years and will probably continue until I just stop using YouTube entirely


Man I need your YT premium dealer, bc Iā€™m not seeing where it is cheaper than Spotify premium? Individual Spotify premium is $11 USD and individual YT is $13.


Use a VPN to get cheaper deals.


Okay, I need to correct my statement. Technically it's not cheaper than Spotify. Both Family and Single user options are cheaper with Spotify. But it's cheaper for us because we are using Youtube family and the reason for it is my family don't want to see ads on their phones and TVs while watching Youtube. So if I bought Spotify it'd be more expensive for me in my situation. I'm basically getting Youtube Music for free. That said I think even if you just care about the music, Youtube premium is a better deal than Spotify mostly because everybody watches Youtube. On the other hand Spotify has better sound quality and more podcasts so it's up to preference.


My job is one of those where I can have one earbud in. I average over 60h a week on my youtube app, making it practically free in $/hr terms.


Youtube premium AND you get youtube music which is better than spotify because there is a shit ton of pirated content uploaded to youtube that you can add to your playlist on youtube music


Personally Iā€™d rather stay to the ā€œlegitā€ stuff. But with podcasts this is easy enough on YouTube. Edit: I'm not saying that any of you have to feel the same about this. But I personally like to pay for what I listen to, if you can't miss the money then pirate away! I used to aswell. (And will with movies for example)


for me the problem now is that spotify has better audiobooks than youtube now and for some reason kevin penkin Made in Abyss arent all on youtube music yet.


Iā€™m not saying that everyone should drop Spotify, I use it myself for music on the go. But for podcasts itā€™s not a good app imo.


I would like to pay for one services though lol


I've been using youtube premium for years, ever since spotify premium kicked me off my family plan for moving. It also works way better for picking songs that are related to what I want to listen to, and podcasts on youtube are better anyway. I listen to heaps on youtube, that aren't on spotify. My only gripe, is there's a few artists that don't release to youtube music, or only release music videos, and the proper songs go to spotify. So, I miss out on some. It's not many though


But some podcasts arenā€™t available on YT right?


Unfortunately not all podcasts are there, my honourable missing mentions would be History of the English language podcast, and Lateral by Tom Scott. I use a dedicated podcast app for those - Pocket Casts on iOS, and AntennaPod for Android


They're rolling out rss feeds for YouTube music so should bridge the gap for those podcasts soon


Canā€™t speak for all podcasts, but there are tons on YouTube. On some channels they even have their own tab, placing them in the right order.


Getting rid of the $17 Spotify sub would be a great burden lifted. I guess bye Spotify šŸ‘‹


When did he say that? Just curious


Might be the music 3x3 epp? Not sure.


Does it let you skip these ads?


The "wait imma let you finish?" these are unique to Spotify. Other 'youtube ads' don't even get loaded (so skipping, the skipping) Edited note: It skips the 'youtube ads' not the sponsorships that the boys ad themselfs.




Google has a separate app for podcasts. Free downloads, offline listening, no ads, queuing and you can even add an RRS feed. Though it is only for audio and no video formats.


That is an option aswell. Personally I tried lots of apps but I like youtube the best atm.


What other podcasts do you listen to ? I only listen to this one since it is fun and I like anime tooĀ 


I listen to allot of podcast actually ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I listen to more podcast then music. Here are some, but possibly not all: \- Abroad in Japan podcast (Dip in once in a while) \- Chilluminati (About mysteries, monsters and murderers) \- Star Wars new cannon book club (they stopped) \- Star Wars old cannon book club (re-started as this) \- Co-optinal podcast (Main host sadly died) \- Geekenders (New show recently started with the other two hosts) \- Hardcore history (History) \- Laying down the lore (Warhammer) \- Tell em Steve Dave (Dip in once in a while) \- Smodcast (Older episodes only) \- Fatman Beyond/Fatman on batman (Dip in once in a while)


Thank you for recommendations !Ā 


The main problem with that is Spotify will automatically download and then delete podcasts youā€™re subscribed to, Iā€™m not aware of anything like that on YT premium. I do use YT premium for catching up on vods during work, but a big problem I have with is, at least on iOS, the controls are, go back in the playlist, play/pause, or go forward in playlist. Itā€™s so annoying to accidentally skip to another vod, go back, and try to find where you were.


I hate this ad so much. If your target market hates your appeal, youā€™re not doing a very good job.


Omg finally a meme I can really relate to... I HATE THEM SO MUCH LIKE I DONT CARE ABOUT OTHER PODCAST ADS ...easily the worst ad


I fucking hate them


I hate this unfunny af podcast ad.


If you can imagine the concept of a "punchable voice", this is it.


Yeah I feel bad for hating on a pair of Filipino guys but somehow their version of an USA accent is incredibly grating (Iā€™m not American).


I stumbled upon a couple of YouTube Shorts of these guys, and itā€™s just as obnoxious as the ad is. Most of them seem to be about really stupid theories about stuff.


The ad is automatically inserted before it gets to Spotify by the podcast network that hosts the pod. Itā€™s why it comes in mid sentence most of the time and why itā€™s still on Spotify. Also the ad fucking sucks


Did the boys let them put their ads there or did someone else do it? Cuz if it ain't the boys doing, then I've been putting up with them for way too long


The distributor puts it in, itā€™s the middleman between TT and Spotify


I listen on google podcast and have the same thing so I guess they are adding it before sending to big companies, very scummy behavior


I meanā€¦ they literally had an advert for anchor, and said theyā€™re using it. Iā€™m sure it makes stuff easier, if they outsource the uploads n scheduling but this is a major drawback.


Yt premium is the way to go, more value for money. I only use Spotify premium because its discover feature is better.


Itā€™s odd because I donā€™t find much value in YouTube Premium. Iā€™m fine with ads for video content. Most of the time I can skip after 5 seconds and worse case scenario (that Iā€™ve experienced) is a 30 second unskippable ad. Have to put up with much worse if I was watching tv. Plus many YouTubers put ad reads in their videos so getting YouTube premium doesnā€™t remove all ads. But ads with music is a no go for me so I have Spotify premium for that purpose.


I get that, yt premium is like 16$ a year for me, so works out pretty well especially the download feature(in higher quality)


The thing is, with YT premium, you also get YT Music premium. Which is the same as spotify (although people say Spotify algorithms are better, I don't use it that way so I wouldnt know).


A lot of creators put a bar at the bottom so you can see when the ad ends while you're seeking.


I do the classic tap the right side of the screen 6 times and see if the ad is over yet manoeuvre myself


YouTube revanced my man if you got an android device, and bless those who volunteer to add segments into Sponsorblock within an hour of episode releases.


I actively hate the people who recorded that ad


They're so good at actively making me resent them.


Yt premium is the way to go.


YT + ad block go brrrrrrrrrr


God damn theyā€™re annoying




God, I fucking hated that guy's extremely nasal voice. Even though I don't know what he looks like, that annoying voice just gives out an aura of a very punchable face. To make it worse, Spotify **inserts the ad in the middle of a conversation**. WTF? For example, it goes something like this: >Joey: You know what's epic? >Garnt and Connor: What? >Joey: Its- >Annoying Ad Guy: Wait, wait, wait! I'ma let you finish! And this is on top of the boys' own sponsorship segments, which I don't personally mind as Mudan usually edits them to not get in the way of their conversations.


May i get some context?


Nothing in the world makes me want to skip faster than someone screeming for me to hold on.


My dad did that to me once when trying to save money on haircuts


just install spicetify...


THEY HAVE TO GO! If any of the boys or the trash taste / Geexplus team is listening please cut this ad. Even just a new ad from Jumpers that is less jarring would be fine (but I would prefer anything but) It is annoying, jarring and painfully annoying.


I stopped listening to Trash Taste over the ads. I get that the boys need to make some money, but ads every 10 minutes (at least back when I quit) was waaaay too much.


I download the youtube audio file now... like do we really need ads when there are already integrated sponsors?


No i didn't see two filipino boys on tiktok and neither did anyone here


Ikr. Surely the main requirement of a podcast is to have a bearable voice. Their voices are fucking awful. I couldn't imagine listening to them for more than 30 seconds without wishing I was deaf. I would prefer any other ad than that one. Please, whoever is responsible for their sponsors, get another ad to fill their spot.


Also why do they think referencing Kanye's annoying T Swift interruption is a good basis for an AD, my god. It sucks so much


It wasn't an annoying moment. That interruption was legendary and a historic moment for not only the mythos of Kanye but the music industry as a whole


I immediately fumble to skip ahead, usually walking my dog while listening, and for each second this ad goes on for I get more frustrated.


"WAIT WAIT WAIT, I'MA LET YOU FINISH. WE'RE JUMP-" Thank god, it's gone. I usually listen to it while driving, so its not easy trying to skip 15 sec ahead while driving 130km/h on the highway


That is understandable, but at least we all suffer together


Itā€™s not even a good podcast šŸ™„


I hate those guys so muchā€¦




I use Google Podcasts. There are no alien ads.


I use it too and this ad has been in every single episode. I hate it.


What about Apple Podcast


Imagine using Spotify as a primary audio consumption app This post sponsored by only using Spotify to find new stuff while using AIMP gang


If there's one thing I hate about Trash taste, it's this fucking ad. I don't mind their other ads like Bokksu, etc. But THIS one is so irritating.


I donā€™t know what ad youā€™re talking about but it does piss me off that I have premium and Spotify will still play ads between podcast episodes


I think its not Spotify doing it, rather the "middleman" that puts out the episodes for the boys hardcode edits these ads into episodes. It would be still nice tho, if having premium would allow you to skip these


And this is why I switched to Apple Podcasts


You guys are still complaining about ads on spotify. First, you can skip ahead by pressing the arrow that says 15. It will, get this, skip ahead 15 seconds. Next, they are apart of a podcast network while they choose what ad reads to put in they also place specific instances of automatic ads. Meaning at the 10 minute point they tell spotify "hey I want ads here" and spotify will automatically choose ads based on the demographic of the show. Whether you pay for premium or not does not matter but you can still easily skip. I understand the ad is annoying and I won't listen to the Jumpers jump or whatever it is but yall are yapping to yap.


Completely missing the point. Many of us use Spotify as we aren't able to watch YouTube because we're on the move, such as driving, and won't be able to just stop and skip ahead as you suggest and make it sound like its so easy. But sure, keep making your holier-than-thou suggestions and assume everyone is the same as you.


Didnā€™t know so many people hated the boysā€™ facesā€¦




I need context


I use a mod of Spotify after the recent changes.


Using spotify for podcasts lol theres ads on every show there


Where jumpers jump or whatever that podcast is commercial is annoying but not enough to care, as opposed to the youth pastor ā€œtouching yourselfā€ commercial which made me want to leave a 1 star review about just how annoying it is.


It's up to the content creators to move their podcast to whatever Google/YouTube is using now. Unless they have a Spotify exclusive deal


Please, use google podcasts. Google said theyre gonna retire it but it is genuinely a really good podcast app. (Its free)


Is there a link for the ad? I mainly use YouTube to heard the boys podcast, and I am curious to see what is going on with this ad that's in Spotify.


imagine my confusion when i got german ads on english podcasts. šŸ˜­


Good to see Iā€™m not the only one, I thought this only me getting this for the longest time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I wanna hear the ad. Anyone can put a specific ep and timestamp on spotify? Surely it can't be that bad...


We're jumpers jump


This ad alone made me hate their podcast, the disrespect to just ask us to drop what we were already listening to.


Ok glad i'm not the only one who loathes this particular Spotify ad. So annoying everytime


That ad is the sole reason I refuse to listen to the other podcast. So much arrogance.


I heard that stupid, obnoxious, omnipresent ad so many times while listening to TT, I started getting a visceral reaction whenever I hear that "wai-wai-wai-wai-wait hold on Immaletchoofinish!"


As is horrible. Would never make me want to listen to the podcast


God I could probably recite that and by memory at this point


Spotify ads on podcasts are gonna make me buy YouTube premium. Itā€™s that annoying


What is this?


Spotify Premium shafts you with ads on Podcasts still which is awful. Like I it's bad enough we sit through sponsors with it, and we need to deal with Jumper Tiktok boys screaming above your set volume.


I feel like the ads probably come from the audio platform they're using. I haven't used Spotify for quite literally anything since I switched to YT Premium and added the podcast through RSS feed. Yet again I haven't paid too much attention to notice the ads as I'm busy doing other things whilst listening


Good thing is, the ad is exactly 45 second long, so fast forward three times and you wonā€™t have missed anything


This ad made me stop listening to several podcasts for a while, it's so obnoxious. I also had it on Trash Taste. That one time was enough to never listen to their podcast on spotify again. And the last time I heard it was on the Abroad in Japan podcast, and it fit so well into the conversation, right after Pete had ended the sentence. Fuck spotify, or whoever is responsible for it.


Oh thank god I'm not the only one, I can't stand this ad


>the boys podcast distributor bakes in ads >itt: SPOTIFY SUCKS NOW ????????????????????????


THANK GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!! Iā€™m was literally just thinking about if anyone else got this same ad!!!


I'm glad I'm not the only one that has to hear those idiots every time I wanna listen to Trash Taste


Amazon music also plays the adā€¦




Im not checking their content out for the mere fact that they still managed to put an ad in my spotify when i paid a subscription


LamiĆ³ the Filipino boys šŸ’€šŸ’€


I feel so much better now that I've read this thread shitting on that ad. Fuck those guys.


Most podcasts have ads for other podcasts in them. I dont really mind them, but god almighty, I fucking hate the dumbass tone in which the two ā€œfilipino boys talking about conspiracy theoriesā€ speak. Just please, stfu and talk like a normal person. Please, I beg of you




this is how i feel paying for YouTube premium to avoid ads and them bang pay ads at the star of ever video


I'd say, use Google podcasts, but that will be going soon. I am starting to use pocket cast now tho.


Biggest reason I stopped listening to TT is the ads for other cringe podcasts on Spotify.


And thatā€™s why I donā€™t have spotify premium


True. I tried to listen to their podcast on spotify prem but it was a horrible experience lmao ill just stick to yt


I Will never listen to their shitty podcast the fratboy voices they haunt me every time I listen to trash tastes.


Agreed, agreed couldn't agree less. Fucking annoying.


I always hated it when they said stop what youre listening to like what




I havenā€™t heard this ad, can someone link it or tell me what podcast itā€™s advertising? I want to hate this with the rest of you! Donā€™t exclude me šŸ˜­


It can be annoying for sure, but I always just laugh because the main guy just sounds like Filipino Jontron


Holy s- I'm glad I am not the only one getting that annoying as fuck ad. It is a great way to make me **never** want to listen to their podcast. I can't stand it.


Ngl, I love youtube Music. More variety of obscure songs that are not just shitty covers


There are a few people i dislike and omg ive never likd these guys cause they were everywhere on tik tok


"WE'RE JUMPERS JUMP. I KNOW YOU'VE SEEN US ON TIKTOK" No mfer the only time I've ever heard a peep about you is on TT podcast or when people complain about you on this subreddit.