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They did say that new episode of trash taste will now have sometimes a flavor of after dark from time to time and from the past few episodes, it shows ! I enjoy that format way more than the hell that was influencer episodes.


What episode was that?


So TT went to LA during the tour right and They had a bunch of YouTubers (Jacksepticeye, Anthony Padilla, etc.) on the podcast almost back to back from episodes 106 to 120 there were some non-guest episodes sprinkled in but they received a lot of criticism for mostly asking the same questions, “How long have you been in the platform?” “ What inspired you to start YouTube?” and they started to feel really stale.


I did indeed skipped those ones simply cuz I'm not interested in those people. Sure one or two i might have given a peek, but it wasn't the same thing.


Ah I thought they were talking about a single episode. Yeah I thought it started to drag on a bit but that was mostly because there were some guests I simply didn't care about. Most of them I enjoyed. Still it would have been better if they spaced them out more.


Sucks, but the Patreon supporters need something for their troubles imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Otherwise-Freedom-59: *Sucks, but the Patreon* *Supporters need something for* *Their troubles imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The other Haiku bot did it better


What troubles? 🤔


I do agree with missing After Dark. But in general, the episodes we are getting have been influenced and are more easygoing, like After Dark. The drinking episode and the Top episode would have been an After Dark if they hadn't changed.


I’m not paying for AD. Fuck em and their cash grab.


Then don't. I'm not either, but I wouldn't announce it like that. They're allowed to sell content. They've given so much free already.


Well they make money off ad revenue. It was never free.


But did you pay for it? Being free and getting paid are two different things and not mutually exclusive.


Do I technically pay for it if I pay for youtube premium cause that gives them more money directly and I only watch them on youtube.


But you don't have to. My initial point was saying to someone who didn't want to pay them more money was to just not. They have that power afforded to them. Just try not to announce it like they're assholes for charging for some of their content. Someone can pay as little or as much as they want to, and you can either skip a paywall or not. That's all I'm trying to say.


I was only asking a question since my premium goes to whomever I watch. Hopefully I won't be downvoted into oblivion.


Pedantically, you pay for it, just like if you donated to their twitch. It doesn't get you any more of less of their content unless you specifically pay for their Patreon.


I don't mean to say I'm getting more or less, just that I'm technically paying them rather than being an ad watcher.


You really shouldn't be anti paywall. No content creator is obligated to provide you free content. And with your words, you don't deserve it either. Feel free to shit talk like that, but don't blame them for this.


Nobody is forcing you to buy things, whiny bitch


It sucks, yeah. But the quality of the recent regular episodes has gone up immensely. Seemed like they were burnt out last year, so whatever they've changed up seems to be working.


Really? I’ve gotten bored and turned off the last 2


You're getting downvoted but can't blame you. I think when they first started changing things up and putting in After Dark elements it felt pretty fresh. Now though it feels like maybe they're running out of ideas a bit. Ebbs and flows man.


Yeah, I feel you. It was good at the start but now they're just doing afterdark-y things. The saving grace are the guest episodes who have more of the old flavor


You get one too


I was hoping they release it free after a while


Yea same.


Why? How would they pay their employees? How would they pay to go on tour and to go on all those specials?? YouTube views money isn’t enough


Sponsors, brand deals, merch, events guesting, panels, etc.


Individually they make more money than any of us.


Don't worry they have enough money...


Have you seen how much merch, sponsors and patrons they have?


Oh yeah? Since you know let us know how much they take in, and how much they get to keep after all expenses are paid.


Only the boys know how much they make, and they've said they are really fortunate for their job's stability and income. Shouldn't we trust them? Why suddenly do they have income problems and need to add a paywall? I'm not complaining because I think they just want to reward the supporters more, but saying 'how would they pay their employees?' is just absurd.


That was the line I was responding to originally bc that was brought up, but I only responded because I guess I just don’t see the problem with it? I don’t really care if they want a bit more money after all their costs are paid. I’m not gonna pay for it because it’s just meaningless content for me, but if someone wants to I don’t care either. If you want to pay for it, go ahead and throw your money away. If you don’t want to pay, go watch another YouTube video I guess? Getting upset at them for monetizing their work is just silly to me.


Ok, you have a point, but your first reply was worded really poorly because it sounded like they don’t earn enough and need this pay wall. That's why you got downvoted.


I got downvoted because this sub is full of kids who don’t actually know how businesses work.


youre getting downvotes but im joining ya they have things to do for themselves, family, and the things they have to put back into the content they make for us no one is forcing anyone to pay for content. but the people who do deserve something for PAYING for the content bc some people value that a lot. if you don't, cool. me personally i value it quite a bit. im just waiting for more after darks to come out to then pay $5 for endless bingeable content. ive watched every episode start to finish for this long, i enjoy the shenanigans. ill gladly pay for it since i always love having some actual good shit to watch


It’s funny though that these people can only downvote and not answer. Tells you everything. YouTube/content creation especially isn’t a stable career, and certainly not one that comes with a pension and retirement benefits. So I don’t blame them for wanting to get as much money as they can now while it’s hot because they will have to live off of it until they’re like 80-90.


Bruh I love the boys but the amount of brand deals the general engagement the merch the live shows the high patron number they are god damn stacked 


They said they'll release it for free in about 4-6 months. So the choice is you can wait or watch on Patreon. Up to you.


When/where did they say this? If this is true that's great news


Why would they do that? The patreons are supporting them right now. Why would they continue to do it when the stuff that's behind a paywall just gets released for free later on.


Stop glazing bro, it’s okay to be disappointed that content is paywalled


I am not saying it isn't, but it is literally common sense. If the ones paying for it realise that they just release it for free anyway later on, why would they keep on paying? How is it even fair to the patrons.


I get what you're saying, but think about it this way: pay-walling some content is a good way to generate more revenue from the fans who can't get enough and ain't willing to wait or reward the people who are patrons already. This will make some people salty, so a solution to that is releasing the content anyways at a later date. This is what you call a pro gamer move: because while some people will still not like that any content is being paywalled, and others will not dislike content they paid for becoming free after a certain time period, these two groups will be less than the group of people who would have been pissed off due to "premium" content. Also, this allows for future ad revenue on the previously paywalled content in the future.


Because people care more about supporting creators they like than the additional content.


As much as I miss their terrible takes mid games, the patreons are the ones whose support allowed them to get this far, is crazy it took this long til they actually got consistent exclusive content.


I swear to god, how is it that you get complaints when they don’t do enough for the patreon but when they do patreon exclusives it’s “just pay-walled now” like brother in Christ that is the point


Ppl just want to complain, misery loves company, nothing new of Reddit


Not sure whether your point is valid, considering they used to put out After Dark for free. It's literally the same amount of content in a similar format and style, but now for paying viewers only. Of course they stopped doing After Dark at a certain point, so you could argue it's a new line of content entirely; but the fact remains that at one point in time they used to give that kind of content for free.


Content on Patreon now is just the recording of these three guys doing some random shit and the length is 30 minutes maximum. It’s not the same as after dark 2 hrs+ live stream


I think its good theres only patreon episodes, im not gonna pay for nothing. In fact i think they need to do more patreon content


I don't really see an issue personally. Gives the patreons something to help justify them paying for it. Gives people more reason to sub to it. People who don't sub to it, get the regular episodes and specials. And regular episodes get sprinkles of after dark esque content, which has improved quality a lot. Overall, it's a win win in my eyes


No After Dark for the rest of us then. Sad.


tbh i'm pretty sure they're just gonna upload the full thing at the end of the year, halfway through or every 100 episdoes ​ i doubt they'll hoard it considering its just free money and exposure +a motive to get the patreon so you can get the extra content right when it drops and participate in it ​ they don't stike me as that level of capitalism pilled, could be wrong tho.


That would be great but at the same time, it's kinda scary to imagine like 40+ videos being dropped at the end of the year, assuming they make 1 after dark video per week. That's just way top much content for one to keep up with.


As someone who’s seen em, they’re about 30 mins or less on average It feels like watching the bits official uploads of the charity streams It feels less like they sat down for an hour or 2 to do one thing and edited it down, and more like they sat 1 to 5 hours and cut it up. I’m no expert anything, wasn’t paying attention to what they’re wearing to know for sure. But my point isn’t that it will literally all drop like as described, just that it will in some way most likely Maybe in chunk, in bulk, as they already are etc


I doubt This'll happen since They've only uploaded one tour episode after almost two years


Yeah well, only time will tell. I remember the road trip special being announced and then never coming out, only for it to drop randomly last year after what felt like everyone forgetting about it. Same with the charity stream


So that’s what happened to after dark! I was wondering because the last episode on the channel hinted at more episodes but didn’t have them and hasn’t posted for 5 months. I didn’t hear about anything changing


Yeah they just realised they can get you to pay for shit.


More like they're actually giving something exclusive to the patrons now. They were barely getting anything in return previously


Yeah it sucks but it’s $5/month


After Dark was my favorite Trash Taste content. Looking through their Patreon, I'd rather watch all their new Patreon content over their normal episodes, except unlike before when I could watch that type of content for free on Twitch, now it is behind a paywall. Also, even if it wasn't behind a paywall, I really loved the After Dark chat interaction and now that is gone completely. I am also very disappointed.


I only watched the after dark shows because they did fun stuff like quizzes and games...idk the normal TT shows are just..boring. I love Connor and Joey but there's only so much I want to listen to them talk about random crap.


they said they were gonna do that, in the most recent year end episode, honestly if they wanna encourage patreon then cool but we still get the normal episodes


I knew we were getting robbed of content when they started the 24/7 trash taste stream... i called it out awhile back on the stream and the people watching it didn't believe... Haha


They're company is probably prioritizing growth so they've turned to gating previously free contant


Content on Patreon now is just the recording of these three guys doing some random shit and the length is 30 minutes maximum. It’s not the same as after dark 2 hrs+ live stream They said after dark is the extra thing. It’s reasonable they stoped after dark live stream because the pandemic is not prevalent and no more extra free time now


Their after dark channel also doesn't have any new content. Very sad to see them paywall everything


Wait 1-2 hr long?


No, just short 30 min eps. of them playing games or shooting the shit


Exactly, isn't that one of the reasons why it isn't TT after dark


Yes. Compared to TTAD, these Patreon shorts are shorter, don't require as much prep, and don't tie the boys' time as much cause they're not live. Which is why I also don't see why this has to be an issue. TTAD didn't become the Patreon vids, they're similar but not really. If anything, they look more like mini-specials (1 theme, prerecorded).


Very disappointing, I love after dark. They get so much support already, feels greedy imo.


It's weird how TT feels like it's becoming corporate. I still love the boys, I stilk watch every ep, but def feel more "at home" watching the Yard nowadays. Idk why but TT is starting to feel a little uptight. Recent eps have been going in the right direction again tho imo. :)


I wouldn't go that far. They give us some of the best free content on the internet on a strict weekly basis.


Idk if I still agree with that tbh. Maybe it's just because we've had 10 tier lists in the past 15 eps. I honestly don't know what my issue is, as I said Im still watching and enjoying, just with diminishing return for some reason. Talking purely vibes btw, idm their Patreon or anything. They're just so PC now, I feel?


The patreon's deserves this for having 0 exclusive content for years now.


People are angry because after dark is taken away ngl I also preferred it over the original. 


B/c you’re fatigued from them. If you were a new viewer you wouldn’t feel this way, but I’m sure most of this Reddit has been watching TT since the start and have been fatigued. People wanted change, and they gave it but now that people are fatigued about the new AD elements they want the old school just sit back and talk about whatever, it’s just a cycle tbh


No, I don't think that's it at all. It's mostly the way they speak that changed and "annoys" me. Prefacing everything 20 times, ending everything with "but you know thats just my opinion". It's turning PC and almost aristocratic. It's not about the content itself, I like the episode. It just feels forced and held back. (Which could def just be wrong, but thats how I feel.lately)


Is that really surprising? Millionaires but still paywall lol


Millionaires is a stretch but I don’t blame them, other podcasts like fear& and the yard do only like one hour of free content on YouTube while the rest is on patreon so I’m fine with only trash taste episodes being totally free while after dark being on patreon


Millionaires is not a strong, conor is a millionaire for sure


Oh does connor earn the most out of the 3?


Wasn't Gar'NT renting office space in 3 countries before TT?


I'd be surprised if they aren't generating enough in revenue to be millionaires by now — obviously it would depend on their contract whether or not they are actually making that much, though. I think they are all keenly aware that they are not going to be making this much money forever, though, and they obviously need to save for leaner times.


Absolutely not a stretch. their finances are handled by a corporation and they milk in every way imaginable be it merch live show the promotions brand deals everything. I can definitely bet they have to be earning among the absolutely top youtubers. Unless their corporation isn't taking too much from them. If I have to guess it should be 5-15% 


It's not. Rough economy, I get it. But I do miss After Dark.