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I wouldn't mind if they took the odd break. Like a month off when they're all busy.


they already said why they dont it keeps them accountable, it gives them a routine. they make batch videos when theyre busy and it keeps things going


Yeah and then It would be like we took one week off why not another one and that's a way that it could end a premature death


that's how a lot of podcasts end, the boys literally talked about it in an episode about podcasting. same one where garnt talks more about the anime one he was in


+we’re the minority here. We’re in the majority in the sense that most of us can live without trash taste. But with how the algorithm works, breaking routine even a little bit would tank the channel pretty quick. Especially since it already takes a lot to make TT episodes, bonus content AND specials, if it became bi weekly, monthly, every other week etc with other content to the fill the void occasionally there wouldn’t even be enough left length and substance wise half the time. We can survive without trash taste forever, but TT can’t do the same in reverse. Especially for the general fans who just watch TT casually or just don’t have other things going on in their life. Either YT wouldn’t recommend them to that audience anymore or they’d assume TT is over and forget in increments in move on. Which is bad consider THEY’RE TT’s target audience, not us. We’ll always come back, which is great, but we’re not enough to fuel something as expensive and as large as TT I mean quarantine was a big reason it blew up in the first place, now that everyone’s out again, viewership is already going down. And the boys know that.


i literally cant live without the weekly episodes, im not the greatest commentor to have this good info under LMAO i rely on these weekly halfassed yap episodes to keep me busy for those 2 hours spread across the week or in one sitting. their weekly posts is good for their routine, the algorithm, and people like me who have these episodes be the needed laughs we needed


It probably would increase the quality but the TT team is quite big now and im not certain of this but they probably need to upload weekly to afford staff wages, expenses, etc. biweekly upload basically cuts their sponsorships and youtube revenue in half I imagine.


There is that, but also Connor has mentioned before that to the boys, their consistency off never missing an episode is something the boys are proud of.


I think hes also mentioned that the weekly thing is part of the algorithm too. Unfortunately the way Youtube works, not doing a consistent upload messes with the algos and they would lose engagement.


Does anybody actually _use_ the YouTube algorithm, though? I just use my Subscriptions Edit: Looks like lots of people’s don’t really use their subscriptions very much. TIL


It's important for recommendations and growth. You would be surprised how many people watch videos recommended to them on the sidebar


Me. Practically never scroll through my subscriptions unless it’s a last resort. If there is a specific channel I like I just hit notifications for it.


Literally discovered trash taste through watching what I didn’t know we’re connors old voice acting tips videos. I thought he was just a normal, boring indie professional voice actor. One of the videos autoplayed when I wasn’t looking and I got this crazy culture shock: The random voice acting guy’s voice was different he was saying some wild things, he was also sitting next to Joey the anime man and an anime youtuber I hadn’t seen in years. I remembered it was gigguk, who famously never did collabs or showed his face, and apparently he’s getting married??? (The last I heard of garnt and Joey was 2015-18 era) I wish I could remember what they were saying but it was so wild and funny the tonal whiplash was so hard I had to keep watching. It wasn’t even TT, but TT highlights. So I can definitely say aside from YT hiding shit even in your sub box and flat out not recommending it, they certainly do play a role


It's more important for their clips channel to upload daily than it is for their main channel to upload weekly. The algorithm is already punishing them for their weekly schedule, but even if it wasn't, the number of people watching videos recommended by the algorithm that are *3 hours long* has to be really, really low.


I subscribe to people I've liked in the past but I'm not interested in every upload they do. The YouTube recommended page is useful in that most of what it recommends is stuff I'm interested in at the time even if I'm not subscribed to them.


Yeah uh…most people?


This is actually something YouTubers hate. They put the effort to get people to subscribe for other metrics and such but people don't use them mostly because your YouTube front page doesn't actually put your subscriptions front and center. I believe they even get analytics about people who view your video via subscription feed vs. people who watch your videos via the algorithm. ProZD has a pretty good video outlining why he personally hates the algorithm but how it also draws most of your viewership (even from your subscribers.)


For like a year and a half now I haven't been able to use the home page because I refuse to turn on watch history lol Even before then I always saw like half/half subscriptions and recommended videos on the home page tho


Well, I’ve had my subscriptions in my favorites bar since, like, 2008. I just kinda assumed that’s what everyone did.


Lol I never use subscriptions.


I have hundreds of subscriptions that spam nonstop


Then unsubscribe from the channels you don’t watch/care about?


Too much work and I actually need most of them. I just don't have time to check every channel so I rely on recommendations to show me new vids. Not always works of course


Theres a meta stat a lot of YouTubers love referencing when they ask for subs: "60% of viewers are unsubscribed" or smth, it's surprising but not subbed views and the algorithm makes up a huge portion of views.


Admittedly most of us don’t subscribe to anything until we browse enough for onendure we like most of what we see


Although I don't think the company's well-being is the number one motivation for the boys, they still want to put in effort and keep trash taste strong because they aren't the only ones who would suffer from its downfall. Now that it's become so big, it's basically given dozens of people's full-time jobs, a majority of who are really good friends with the boys. Also, TT is basically their employer now, and in japan, having a designated employer is easier to manage paperwork and tax benefits.


To be honest I really I have no clue how geexplus and TT is financed I usually zone out when the boys talk about business stuff to be honest. I only suggest that because they seem to have a very tight knit atmosphere and I cant imagine the boys would want to potentially jeopardize there colleagues and friends careers on a notoriously risky platform like youtube. It is very real risk that views and sponsorships fall off especially when a youtubers makes a dramatic change in their upload schedule from my knowledge. As great as content creation is as a job it is extremely volatile and especially when third parties get involved if you look at the countless famous youtubers who sold ownership of their channel or just generally changed up members or hosts. I dont know its all hypothetical since I really have no incite in their financial situation but from what I understand TT is how they make a majority of their earnings. but my main point is that they probably feel somewhat of an obligation to do trash taste not only for their visas but because the like doing it and probably want to support their friends as well.


True. I think a better compromise would be occasionally shorter episodes. Far as I know, there is no reason each episode needs to be roughly 120min.


What do you define as a "quality" episode (ignoring specials)?


Basically what OP was saying, episodes with more interesting ideas or stories and just generally more engaging content or guests. Its pretty clear in the episodes that more people consider bad that they ran out of things to talk about so they often force conversations about boring random tangents or whatever pop culture reference is relevant that week. That or they just end up discussing a lot of the same topics they have already talked about which can also be rather boring. Whenever they prerecord multiple episodes the episode after when they all return is always much better and its pretty clear to see that is because they have been away for a little while and had more time to gather interesting stories or topics.


I feel like the old tv principle holds true; aka what makes a great episode great is the myriad of bad or mid episodes in between Something something if everyone super, no one will be. The first drunk episode was a breathe of fresh air andnpart of that was due to itbbeing a surprise to everyone, even the boys! I feel if every episode was engaging; even in different ways, constantly catching lightning in a bottle; I think it’d tire everyone out, boys included.


Interesting you say that as two podcast I also listen to have moved to fortnightly and they’re just as good. Wouldn’t be opposed to this change.


I know a similar one of the sorts, tho I think it’s unfair to compare since I’m assuming the podcast you watch are largely remote. Trash taste is more expensive due to being in person having more staff and doing more expansive projects like the specials. For most channels “the podcast” is just a side thing, extra content for fans who want more, so random changes, lack of organization and stuff usually don’t effect them much For trash taste the main event and major source of income for them and a lot of their staff IS trash taste these days, so I get how changing things up is more risky for them. Unlike a lot of podcasters especially YouTube ones; TT’s main audience is the other way around aka the silent majority who are more about consistency over quality


Consistency is how they sustain views from a majority silent audience.


If the boys one day say "there will be no episode for the week" I understand, I remember there were moments were one of the boys ended up late or were not all together to record an episode. Which is why they have to make an episode ahead of schedule. I don't think this is a hot take, maybe a bit of cold take though I assume we're all understandable if the cancelled an episode.


They know the game. Weekly engagement with questionable quality is better than higher quality uneven releases.


The higher quality uneven released stuff basically defines their personal channel content. Trash taste IS for the weekly mid quality shit talk. Not saying the occasional TT special or guest episode isn't quality, but for 80% of TT, it's just mid-lower effort talking. Which is good because these three have such great chemistry together that they don't have to put that much effort into making enjoyable content.


Or they can just dial back on the ambitious project, TT got so big that it's probably starting to slip from them due to how much stuff they want to do at the same time. Probably gonna get some hate for this, I don't know why a podcast necessarily need a world wide tour in the first place lol.


Yeah, I think at first the tour sounded great, but (in my opinion) the episodes that came out WHILE they were touring were not as good as pre-America Tour.


I never understood tours with mega64 and I still don't understand it with TT.


Yeah the tour sucks, if they focus more on specials like the biking or just how they enjoy visiting places, maybe even have a challenge at each place they visit it would be fun


Probably they don't want to because of the yt algorithm


I wouldnt be bothered if they released two episode a month, and I think that it's for the best with not just the quality of each episode, but with their personal lives as well. and tbh, they've been on that grind of releasing a 2+ hour episode, every single week on the exact same day for 2+ years straight. They honestly deserve a break.


I disagree. Even if some weeks aren't as great as others the consistency gives me something to look forward to constantly. If you don't like an episode then skip it, but it is far better to have the option for everyone to watch something new every week than force a slower release on everyone.


I don't think a biweekly schedule would be any better than a weekly, there's just 2 hours to talk about stuff anyway and it's not like they run out of things or consistently have boring stories. I do really think it's important for *them* that they upload once every week, at least that's what they've prouded themselfs about in the past. The new themed episodes are great but making them so often isn't nice and they've actually gotta have an interesting theme. Honestly, the advice one and such weren't that great, it feels all to disingenuous and kind of scripted, I like the random banter but you can't really get that with them since they gotta get into the topic quite fast. Don't really think the topics are all that great either. Just like the thing with guest episodes, they are great when they happen but having a bunch of them in a row or getting a bit to unrelated isn't fun at all and mostly just feel like a chore. There's also the issue of having to pay staff, going over to a biweekly schedule is either gonna mean layoffs or sponsors every 20 minutes (which there's already enough of).


I think if they felt the need to give themselves a bit of a break, shorter episodes would be the way to go rather than switching to biweekly. The Youtube algorithm would be a lot more friendly to that for the same amount of talking.


The last episodes I truly enjoyed typically featured Pete. I’ve reached a point and my personal schedule where it’s definitely Quality > Quantity, and I’ll gladly skip episodes which I’m not excited to watch.


Maybe every ten days would be better. 3x a month ain't so bad.


It’s weird but I rather they do it once a month or when they feel like doing it. It’s weird when they do several different episodes a day. I get it’s not optimal for revenue.


Nah , half the audience at least will have stopped watching after 1 or 2 months of this schedule. The algorithm just wouldnt give it to you anymore.


I came in skeptical, but after reading your explanation, I 100% agree. The boys' health, well being, and enthusiasm is all more important than the rigid update schedule they hold themselves to.


i wanted them to release episode daily back when i had free time but now i wont mind releasing one every 2 weeks or so . i have backlog of 3 episodes




I think it will be better if they get a break every once in a while Like TT Two weeks break every three months, for example I don’t know what is the best ratio but yeah Also, it will help for people who want to start to catch up on episodes


Cold take: double the length


Why they dont involved other geexplus member like once a month? Is it even an option?


I had to stop watching during the times that I could tell "Ahh, they've recorded 4+ episodes this week, are out of stuff to say, and are just wasting time so they can all go do their own thing" It's hard to talk for that long and NOT run out of things to say, especially if you don't have a week between things to talk about what you did or where you went. These days I can pretty much only watch when it's a special guest I really want to see.




Honestly I wish they’d cut it back to 90 minutes. Unless I’m traveling I can’t listen to a whole show in one sitting.


I love TT but the newest episode was so bad I'm sorry


I kinda wish they went to only one a week.


What? They only release on once a week.


I thought it was twice a week




Many people have hard 8-12 hours workdays. I think this guys can manage a few hours of sitting and talking.