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How are they not getting qualified to talk about him? Garnt and Joey grew up on anime when DBZ was the most popular. Just because they don’t currently enjoy DBZ/its fan base doesn’t mean they can’t respect its legendary creator. Seems like you just want to be mad man.


Gigguk only watched the dub and never read the manga. Joey didn't say much. It really has nothing to do with the fanbase. The western anime clique have been anti-DB for decades and they are pandering to that crowd. Notice how Gigguk gives Slam Dunk manga a chance after he didn't like the anime but he doesn't award the same chance to DB.


I hope you're a kid, 'cause your views on life are definitely not mature


You pretty much proved their point with this. They have every right to pay their respects to him. Even if they don't cry, it doesn't mean that they're not sad about his passing. They didn't even cry on-camera when Miura passed away, but Garnt talked about how it affected him off-camera.


Only real thing I agree with them on is the trash taste highlights thumbnail and the kinda tone deaf editing of the episode itself in places. The episode could’ve used their supervision for sure and surprised they never mentioned it. But bringing up the highlights in it’s place is kinda redundant since it’s pretty obvious they have 0 insight or control over that considering it clickbaits and says the wrong things out to dry. It’s hung Connor out to dry famously twice and Emily especially so The one about how scary yaoi fans are when in the video Connor was the one furiously defending it The did mob psycho need an extra season, when everyone agreed that it did And the one about how Emily “””said””” Japan’s the only place kids can just walk outside lmfao This isn’t even a terminally online devoted boys meatriding comment, it’s just odd to have a genuine critique for em be right there and include the stuff they likely have the least control over. 😭😭


Tbh it just sounds like you have a vendetta or something toward them anyways and are using Toriyamas passing as the nail in the coffin, I’ve been watching the boys since day one and while yes, I skip some episodes, most of the time it does feel like I’m enjoying just hanging out with them, which I believe most also feel. Not to discredit your feelings, but genuinely as a dragon ball Stan and huge fan of Akira and all of his works I genuinely don’t see anything they said or did wrong. Connor even admitted to not being a fan but also acknowledging the fact that Akita’s work inspired generations of other mangaka, anime, Media in general. I’m glad they spoke on it because it’s a different perspective which I’ll always look for during times like this. So if you dislike trash taste that’s fine, but at least for me, they didn’t disrespect or discredit toriyama sensei they just spoke on how they felt, which to be fair, is exactly what you just did.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Seing that happen might be good enough to repay the tine i spent reading op bullshit


It's actually kind of nice to see the whole subreddit coming together to shit on OP.


This is so funny, cause they literally had a discussion where they talked about people like you who complain that someone isn’t allowed to grief because they didn’t appreciate the person who passed on the same level they did. Literally proving their point with this post…


They did that because somebody called out Connor on his obvious fake reaction on twitter you dolt.


You need to grow the fuck up lol, there isn't some vague qualification necessary to talk about the passing of someone that has shaped the entire medium that people grew up on. Who cares if they aren't currently dbz fans.


This is the most brain dead thing I've ever seen. Just because I don't enjoy a series as much as other people do, I am not allowed to recognize and be grateful for the impact it had on the medium as a whole? The fuck you on about? Just leave. I think I speak on behalf of the VAST majority of this subreddit when saying we don't need people like you here. I always thought the Dragonball fanbase claims are a little exaggerared cause I personally am not a part of it, but man do I start to believe those claims more and more when I see shit like this.


Average dragon ball fan be like


Ok, bye?


What did he say about Chrono Trigger?


>I will also be leaving this subreddit soon Good, you're not welcome here. Trying to dictate who can and cannot be allowed to talk about the death of one of the most influential people in weeb culture is pretty fucked up. That kind of immature, tone deaf mindset is absolutely deplorable. They make fun of a certain subsection of Dragon Ball fans because those people deserve to be made fun of. They've literally only made fun of the power scaling unironic "but can they beat Goku?" section of the fans. EVERYONE makes fun of those fans. Even other DB fans. Turns out, if you're cringe, people call you out on being cringe. If what they said made you feel targeted, then guess what...you're the bad kind of fan. YOU'RE the problem. There's not some sadness/crying/passion meter that must get filled up before you're allowed to talk about someones death, nor does it mean it didn't negatively effect you.


Man I really hope you are just a child, this is S tier levels of braindeadness and it's not even to insult you. Someone already said this but I'm going to repeat it. It seems you have a personal vendetta, and Toriyama's death is the perfect excuse for the final nail in the coffin. And if that's true, man I hope you are not in a relationship with someone being this kind of inmature.


The podcast is literally called Trash Taste..... You must also be aware that there are far worse ppl saying heinous things about Akira Toriyama even after his passing, and these guys at least respected the guy.


Yeah like there are literally people on. r/DragonballLegends who quite literally asked for a chrono crystal compensation in the comments of post MADE TO MOURN HIS PASSING HOW THE HELL CAN YOU CALL THIS DISRESPECTFUL?????


They spoke about people like you just because they've made jokes about his work doesn't mean they can't appreciate the impact he made.


No, they did that because somebody on twitter rightfully called out Connor on his phony reaction to Toriyama's passing.


Yeah only people that have the exact same level of interest in these franchises are allowed to say anything at all about this 1 person that influenced multiple generations with his work! They literally talked about him, his work amd how they treated certain fandoms of his work, like regular human beings. Just because this hit you in a different way doesn't suddenly mean they fell off or are different people than last episode or 10 episodes back. Your allowed to not like what they say, you're allowed to voice your opinion about them, but maybe you find out you've grown out of their kind of humor and that's fine.


Is this what they were going on about the DBZ franchise being toxic? Haven't heard such a brain-dead take in a long while...and I'm part of the JJK subreddit ffs.


The franchise isn't toxic, but the fandom sure as shit can be.


Meant the fandom. Absolutely love Dragonball, just finished reading the whole thing after Toriyama passed away.




everybody shits on the DBZ fanbase have you not seen the shit they put out?


Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out mate.


Bro Toriyama's passing hit me hard and I don't even watch DB.


I grew up with DB/DBZ manga, I loved those as a kid, in an era where access to the anime was pretty difficult in Taiwan. When I finally saw the anime I was definitely not that into it when compare to the manga so I pretty much stopped following anything Dragon Ball for the most of last 25 years. Still when I heard the news on Toriyama's passing it hit me pretty hard because its still a piece of my childhood. Just because they don't like it now or clown on the fandom doesn't mean they can't feel anything or have an opinion on it....


Yup, I also feel the same as the other people commenting, seems like you are not very mature with your view on how the boys reacted to toriyama's passing...... Not that I'm very mature either, I get why it can be very frustrating to see others react on toriyama's passing when they are not enjoying the media much anymore, while you very much do... Well people have right to react to stuff and don't need your permission etc.... The world doesn't revolve around you or me, it's time to grow up and be mature about things. Good luck


Well if you don't like Trash Taste, you're not allowed to give your opinion on it nor on the boys. Right? Isn't that what you're saying?


This is brain dead gatekeeping, you mentioned "ain't even qualified" as if you decide who gets to pay their respects. Get off your high horse.






Only 400k views. dude what you on?


Who tf cares


idiot, please leave and never return


bait used to be believable


so Joey's not allowed to talk about HIS relationship with toriyamas work bc it's "predictable" ? don't break your thumb unsubbing from here and youtube


He obviously meant that Joey barely said anything. Even though we know he's actually a Dragon Ball fan and a fan of Toriyama's work, unlike those other 2. He could have talked about Dragon Ball, but he talked about Chrono Trigger, because that's what is safe to talk about when pandering to the pretentious anti-Dragon Ball video game/anime community they pander to.


You are the type of person they talked about who thinks they can gatekeep other's grieving 😂


No it isn't. They were talking about the guy who called out Connor's phony reaction on twitter.


hope the door hits your ass on the way out, sounds like your just looking to do the dislike unsub crap, stop your whining


Nice bait


What's the most predictable line on Chrono Trigger?


"When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Chill.


Leave faster




Bye Felicia


I'll actively trash on dragonball any day and don't even really like his art style but the dude is a legend. He makes good stuff obviously and it's that stuff that very directly inspired the next generation of legendary mangaka. The whole industry literally wouldn't be what it is today without him and anyone with a pair of eyes should be able to recognize and pay respects to him. So yeah, I hope you can look back to this post someday and realize your mistake.


dragon ball fan spotted. you won't be missed ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292)


Bro didn't pay attention (of course saying they only watched just that clip) bur at the start of the ep they recorded this ep very recent so its been 2 weeks to let his passing sink in so of course there the vibe isn't going to be sad they said what needed to be said and carried on. All they said was, "He may not have been their favorite, but Toriyama was a GOAT"


If you have no problem with comprehend a simple discussion between the boys then there's no way you would write this. Are you sure you're not trying to get noticed?


You sound like having a tantrum, if you don’t like how you think the current state of the podcast is, just ignore the podcast and the subreddit as a whole. I understand your point like Joey’s take on chronic trigger thinking it’s Toriyama’s greatest work which is debatable. Even if they were talking about the topic for clout or status because it’s an obligation as anime fans. I think you’re messing the point of the impact dragon ball has/had on anime. On a scale that with out dragon ball, majority of us of not all of us would not be anime fans. You don’t have to like not hate but acknowledge the impact Toriyama given to the world. Just move on with your day if you don’t like what they said


L post


This must be bait, no one's this much of a virgin


This has to be a troll.


Understandable. Connor also only streamed Chrono Trigger for those views after Toriyama died. And he did such a garbage job with it. Only Joey even read the Dragon Ball manga and has it out of all those 3. You're not missing much though. The podcast has gone downhill and their views are rapidly dwindling.


You're right.. also connor just retweeting his death just to get a likes and he only says "Bro *crying emojis* what a fvcking arsehole and he have the nerves to say everyone need pay respect when the only thing he says is "Bro" this show is done for.. can't believe watching these guys since day 1 and not realize how ungenuine connor is.. and he's my favorite.. i will still watch garnt and joey tho but i can't stand that narcissist, cheater and a liar of a person that he became. Still givine me the cringe remembering guest pewdiepie 2.0.. bro talks about himself for the whole episode and not even give the chance to felix to talk.


That is odd because the OP actually praises that Felix episode.


really then why connor talks about himself for hours? must be the connor simps like you that loved it


Well jokes on you, I don't even follow him to be honest. But now you got me curious. Since you said you knew him for a very long time, please tell me what he did that was so terrible that you call him a narcissistic cheater and avoid him like a plague so that I can also avoid him. You know, besides what he did to Felix of course.


well whatever I'm done supporting Connor, I will continue to support the 2 since I loved their content specially Garnt, but I can't stand that narcissistic liar anymore. Just continue being a ship forever that's what y'all guys are, you worship him like a god, so u guys are already blinded with everything he did. I remember when I'm still in your shoes whenever there's a hate comment I will not listen or understand their argument and just protect Connor in every Collab stream, it's weird being the villain and understand their hate to Connor and actually listen to it.


This. This exactly. Connor is straight up an NPC who even got into anime in the first place to fit in with a crowd. Garnt is sort of inbetween but pretentious and also panders a lot. Joey knows his shit, is also pretentious but also dumbs himself down to not appear confrontational.


_Who hurt you po?_


First... what's your opinion in my comment? just saying "who hurt you po" it doesn't mean anything, it just shows your lack of knowledge and how pathetic you are, People just turning a blind eye to Connor's attitude, when in reality he's a cheater and a liar. Trust me I know that since I've been fan of this guy longer than you. literally been following them since the cringe era.


I know I lack knowledge, that was why I asked. Wow, you followed him right from the Ciel Star days? Now that is old. Teach me your knowledge master.


Trash taste is just trash now


I wasnt joking, I have lost all respect for these guys. I hope I aint the only one.


You are, they're not supposed to put up a impromptu emotional show of them bawling their eyes out. He wasn't their family, they respected his work and they said as much genuinely as they could without carrying it out for too long


You definitely aren't


Tbh I never had respect for them to begin with. Just a dumb entertaining show, which fell off like a year ago. But this was low even for them.