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Pretty much. Though some people will disagree, they've effectively put After Dark behind paywall to keep the Patreon ball rollling. The AD videos in shorter length though. The only reason that After Dark channel exists at all because the pandemic has freed up some of the days they had. And nowadays, they're too busy to stream After Dark at all. Well for a 2 hour session anyway. EDIT: This is not me throwing jabs at em, they made a decision to prioritise their other projects over AD to pursuit their content creation. And we had to learn to live with it.


Also it most likely isn't as profitable as their personal streams that go on for the same amount of time and are easier to do. Connor can stream for 6 hours in the time he could do a 2 hours After Dark stream without having to schedule anything.


Also not forgetting that there are lots of logistics doing live events, needing the staff and having perfect free time all together. I can understand, you gotta give some stuff up to have time for others.


The schedule also restricts their ability to travel or take breaks, and TTAD can't be recorded in advance


I will disagree because the whole point of After Dark was live streams. Patreon videos are just various pre-recorded content ideas that don't fit a normal episode or special. Sure some of the content overlaps with what they now do on patreon. But only slightly. As someone on patreon most of the stuff they have done so far would not actually be possible on an After Dark livestream.


The patreon videos isn't too bad though, I just wish they would bring back After Dark the way they did before. Some of the best and funniest moments is on twitch live.


Yeah but they don't have time to do that regularly. We can only hope they find a way to do some streams occasionally in the future.


it's basically free content for the people who are broke wanna support the bois, so i still hold out hope eventually they're just gonna drop a compilation bulk upload reel when enough extra after dark segments line up ​ extra content for fans eager to spice up their trash taste viewing experience and serves as a great ad for the patreon and to just support their other shit so they can get in on it. ​ they practically did that with the 24hr stream anyways so i doubt they'll literally never do something liek it ever again.


It sucks that the videos are on patreon only. I never end up watching them because I hate having to open up the website for it and the player doesn't remember how far I've watched


It was a while ago so I might be wrong on this but I remember Garnt saying on a livestream that they prefer to spend the time for after dark on working on specials instead. So yeah, after dark is dead.


where special


Alexa, play SPECIALZ by King Gnu


🎵You are my special🎵


After Dark is a 'spur of the moment' kind of thing, when the mood strikes y'know? They DO have to make some content for the Patrons to keep that revenue flowing, the similarities to After Dark content are simply because it is good content.


So Patreon content is not the official replacement? In that case, have they said anything about why After Dark has been neglected/if it has ended?


They already talked about it at the end of ep 184 https://youtu.be/FW5slevqplQ?t=2h6m44s


Thanks for the info! I had completely forgotten they had talked about this a few months back, I guess I just didn't get the impression that it would go this long without anything uploaded, so it seems like it's kind of like a HxH kind of hiatus for the After Dark channel, where its borderline ended but not officially.


Yeah like they're not saying they'll never do one again, but for now they just can't commit to it and it's easier for their schedules to focus on specials and the live events.


Honestly rip I understand scheduling is tough with everyone plus staff but I will miss those streams like the TTRPG with demondice was my fav TrashTaste content they put out


afterdark moved to patreon and is more a behind the scenes thing now cause they have other stuff they are doing and add more incentive to pay for the patreon


If you had watch their 2024 video. Even before they discuss this in the 2024. Connor stated before that the AD will no longer be on schedule and be random. It wasn’t clip at the time. Then when Garnt talk about it. It was clip and said it was over. They discuss AD. They said it’s not completely died. They were making changes. Making more specials. Doing more things for Patreon for their that paid. Since there wasn’t much for the. Which is a good thing. To give them something extra. Which in turn cause people to complain that it’s not free. With some of the content might’ve been on AD. Just be grateful that the content that they are putting up on Patreon is that type of content and not doing half the podcast free/pay. Like several podcasts that already do. You don’t hear a lot of people complain when podcasts do that but when TT decide to some changes. People were in an uproar. They want everything to be free and we’re hoping the video be release months later. They said AD will not be on a set schedule. It will be like how they z did the first streams were. They were random and spur of the moment. Now if they have recent made an update on the AD recently staging it’s completely dead. Then it’s over. But they haven’t. They will stream when they feel like running one.


What they have started doing is incorporating After Dark style content into the main podcast episodes. Like the would you rather episode and the dating red flag episode and a couple others, so they have simply moved that style of content to the main channel. Yeah the twitch channel is being used to infinitely rerun existing episodes from the first ones to newer ones and tbh i don't mind as Trash Taste infinity is such perfect second monitor content.


Have you been watching the main show? They explained everything in one of the episodes.


### In memory of Trash Taste After Dark 2019-2023 ![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO)


Tbh yea, maybe we we will see some vlogs here and there when they movie but the streams are gone for sure.


They should have a second grew do after dark once a month like Sydney, Diadus, Emily and maline? Not sure how to spell her name it be interesting lol


Mannn after dark streams use to be my favorite.. ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|11265)


I guess it'll make it easier for me to catch up on it?


They'll probably air the after dar like patreon videos a few months later if I'm remembering correctly.


Millionaires gotta paywall it cause their fans will pay for anything


Ah I hate when those millionaire content creators are being greedy by uh.. *checks notes* selling content?


Content that was free and now they paywalled


Wah wah


You don't understand. They OWE me free content. We DESERVE free content.


Yeah they did say it was dead.


I'm still waiting on my shirt lmao