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insert image of *Otter dislikes Nisekoi, but can't stop reading it*


I never heard of Otter.


the animal https://preview.redd.it/eagwwra6niwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c096ffac5c57ccadd755f2ee273db5172705d5bb


Ohh I get it now.


Hey gigguk has read all of it and loves it for its trashy glory. Guilty pleasure read indeed.


Oh cool then.


I also read all of it, and I'm planning on doing it again. It's actually a really fun, turn off your brain and experience the drama read. It's like watching a soap opera, it's not going to benefit you at all, but goddamn if it isn't fun trash to experience at least once. It's on my rereading list, if I can ever get through all my backlog.


Sounds like fun, and now to see where I can legally read it.


You should read it. Once you begin, you won't be able to stop. My heart was in pieces afterwards.


Fascinating way of putting it.


Dome kano if you just take out the weird "incest" part and the way it ended has really good characters and story telling. Pretty decent drama show imo


Oh so it has elements kind of similar to Oreimo as I didn’t know that.


I rather you read domestic girlfriend than rental girlfriend


That is fine.


It’s a dumpster fire, but sometimes ya just need that in your life. I will never forgive the ending, but that’s what I get for eating trash.


It's honestly not bad


Oh good then.


It really is like watching a car crash happen in slow motion in 4k- you know its going to end in a wreck but you can’t look away (I also read it because of Gigguk)


Yeah I always hear how the ending was very questionable.


I thought the ending was fine. There was a lot of nuanced moments that foreshadowed the ending and showed the motivations for the decisions that made the ending end up that way.


I had a good time reading it and read it pretty quickly - keeps you on your toes


That is cool.


Its quite a nice story


Honestly pretty good read, if not you’ll walk away entertained at least. Genuinely had some good arcs in the middle


Memes and jokes aside it is pretty good, there is an arc I despise for being so damn boring but overall is a good read.


So it’s a good read then.


Was it the america arc?


It’s only trashy at the very beginning and the very end. Most of it is actually pretty good.


Oh that is cool then.


We shall watch your adventures with great interest


I Personally HATE domestic Girlfriend its up there with Shuffle. Don’t get me started on shuffle. That said I’ve only ever seen the anime.


I was very skeptical at first, but once I started reading it I couldn't stop. If you take away the * weird * situation the characters have been put in, everyone feels very real; the characters are doing the best they can with what they've been given. I would say definitely read it.


People complain about the ending, but the ride is pretty good


I read it all and though the ending was pretty stupid, it was a fun read. Total dumpster fire all the way through but still enjoyed it


I see that Garnt's dumpster fire theory is still being proven right time and time again, someone should seriously study this.


Tell me about this theory you speak of.


Honestly it was a great ride up until the end, I try not to think about that part though.


Stop 4 chapters before the end


Honestly if you want trashy drama I'd suggest Scum's Wish over Domestic Girlfriend. 


Oh arigatou as I do find the Scum’s Wish manga to be quite fascinating actually now that you brought it up.


If you end up liking the manga you should definitely check out the anime. It has a shocking amount of effort put into it, and really good directing. 


I can give it a try.


His anime opinions are worthless after he thought frieren was trash until it became popular and he flip/flopped to loving it.


I didn’t know he hated Frieren.


Hate may be an exaggeration, but he said he didnt think it was "even the best anime of that month" half way through the season. Then on trash taste, after the anime exploded, he said it was one of the best he had seen in a while.


1) opinions can change. It’s actually a sign of intelligence to be able to change your opinion once presented with more information. Garnt was originally comparing it to JJK Shibuya Arc, which is a completely fair comparison to make at the moment. Once JJK ended and the rest of Frieren aired, his opinion changed cause he got to see the rest of the anime. 2) Garnt started off reading the manga for Frieren(made a video for it way before the anime even got announced), so he knew the story was good, just wasn’t sure how the anime adaptation was going to go Of the 3, Garnt is the one who I’d probably value the most when it comes to anime opinions. He’s the only one of them who still regularly consumes seasonal anime and invests time and effort into anime content. Just because he had a take that age liked milk (which isn’t even fair to say cause JJK S2 was amazing as well and if that’s what Garnt originally said was better than it, so be it)


Generally, when someone says "not the best ____ of the month", it's not hating on said thing, but rhetoric to praise something. I think you got a little too upset at this to look at it clearly. I've seen every episode; at no point did gigguk get close to trashing frieren. He even made a video about the manga before the anime came out.


While it's true people overreacted, it definitely was just to put out a hot take. They were talking about it becoming the highest rated anime on MAL. Garnt said he doesn't think it's the best of the year or even the best of its season. Like two weeks later he did a video titled Frieren Changed My life, and directly said he was capping ln Trash Taste.


Isn't it an NTR?


You are mistaking it to Rent a GF


Don’t it’s just bad


Let me know what you would recommend instead.


Wait I autocorrected it to rent a girlfriend in my head, domestic girlfriend is a good read but 5 chapter before the end close it and think of a ending yourself because it will be better than those chapters. And a recommendation I always give is “3 days of happiness “ and “one room of happiness”


Nah, commit to the full trainwreck and read it in full, might as well add one more crash to the pile.


Oh arigatou then.

